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[WIP] Playable Characters by RedRob41


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  • 6 months later...

Woo, last post in June? Sorry I've neglected this for so long.


Well, I've been really busy with the Revenge of Revan mod, but I've finally gotten around to releasing the K1 Rattataki mod. You can find it here :D. It is only a first release, since there aren't any unique clothes for Asajj Ventress. I'll keep working at new robes for her in 2009, but it has proven difficult so far. Hopefully it won't be another 6 months before I release an update :migraine:.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey RedRob. i love your skins. very good work :thmbup1:

when did you release the republic uniforms skins?

i can't wait. the skins are to awesome.


In the meantime, I've done a couple textures to make Carth and the PCs dress like a Republic soldier (just to keep busy). I'll attach a couple screenshots when ImageShack isn't bogged down.

republicpmbc421uz1.th.jpg republicpmbc422vj5.th.jpg republicpmbc423nw7.th.jpg republicpmbc424mn4.th.jpg

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Hey RedRob. i love your skins. very good work :thmbup1:

when did you release the republic uniforms skins?

i can't wait. the skins are to awesome.


Yeah, I'd love to use those skins!


Thanks. I've also made some combat suits for the Sith, Czerka, the TSF & Corellian military (for Revenge of Revan). I plan on making a few more for minor organizations, like Hidden Beks & Black Vulcars etc. I'll probably release them as a modders resource. Rather than placing them in-game myself, I'll leave it up to other people to use them to expand the variety of NPCs. The other good news about them is that I'm making everything with tgas that are available in both games, so there isn't any problem with porting. I'll post some screen shots later after I get home.


combatsuitrepublic.th.jpg combatsuitsith.th.jpg combatsuitczerka.th.jpg combatsuittelos.th.jpg combatsuitcorellian.th.jpg

Edit: These screenshots are from TSL, but the skins will work just fine in K1. I'll also include uti's and models (uvw map fixed) for both games. I chose the combat suit because it is the only model for both genders that has a significant portion that is not mirrored. I've put a logo on the back panel of each suit.


I plan to do some more like the Exchange (based on Davik's suit PMBE07); Black Vulkars (based on N_swoopgang01 & 02); GenoHaradan (based on N_Rodian03). I'd do one for the Hidden Beks, but they seem to wear whatever armour suit they can find, and don't really have any "gang colours".

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  • 3 weeks later...

a few more combat suits:

combatsuit6exchange.th.jpg combatsuit7blackvulkaro.th.jpg combatsuit8blackvulkarb.th.jpg

Exchange (based on Davik's War Suit); Black Vulkar Orange & Blue (based on Nikto swoopgang members)


That makes a total of eight combat suits. I can't really think of any others to do. The Hidden Beks don't really have any gang colors; the GenoHaradan are too secretive to have uniforms. Any suggestions?

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Hey redrob41' date=' is it possible to get the Jango Fett armor that you display in some of you mod sreenshots on kotor2files.com? Just wondering... I would appreciate it if I could obtain them somehow.[/quote']


I haven't ever made a Jango Fett armour. If you could you post a link to the screenshot, I'll let you know. If you mean all the Mando armours that I'm doing for the Revenge of Revan mod, I'm going to wait untill the main mod is released before making any smaller mod packs. I know how much people like those Mandos, so I'll probably do it someday, but I still think that seeing them in the context of the RoR story will be better :).

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Redrob, this is easily some of the best skinning work I've seen in a long time! These are kandosii! Mirid'la Rob, vor'e. Might I suggust doing a damaged/destroyed/scrounged suit? Ya'know, one that looks really ramshackle, as in pieced together from scraps. Like something someone in the lower-city on Taris would wear.

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i want to start a new kotor1 game and i want to start with this armors.

will you upload them soon? :)

I've already uploaded them to KotorFiles on FileFront, and they are pending approval. When the link is ready, I'll post them in TUCE.


Might I suggust doing a damaged/destroyed/scrounged suit? Ya'know, one that looks really ramshackle, as in pieced together from scraps. Like something someone in the lower-city on Taris would wear.

That's a cool idea. if only it came a couple of days ago before I submitted the pack, I could have made some. :argh:. Oh well, maybe in an update after people share more ideas :).

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yeah, i love the armors. but there is no carth uniform reskin in it. when did you upload them?


I haven't uploaded Carth's yet. I plan on making Republic versions of all the Party's clothes, as well as the standard Scout, Scoundrel & Soldier clothes. Once I've got them all done, I'll make a mod (or add them to a revamped Species Specific Feats mod). Since I jump around a lot with what I'm working on, only time will tell when it is done. I can only do what I can.


Also, I'll be taking the summer off for my wedding, honeymoon, and settling in with my wife. I'll be busy with all that, and my modding time will drop quite a bit. I currently squeeze in about 20 hours a week, but I might drop that down to less than 7 a week until fall. Who knows, since my life will be full of new, exciting stuff soon :D.

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Wow! You are ... amazing! It's almost a shame, since skinning is one of the (modding) things I do best, yet your work makes mine look like ****.


On another note, I was wondering if you could maybe do a Mandalorian combat suit (I'm sure they need lighter armour sometimes). It's just a suggestion though.


Keep up the good work! :)

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Wow! You are ... amazing! It's almost a shame, since skinning is one of the (modding) things I do best, yet your work makes mine look like ****.

Keep your chin up, and keep practicing. I can't count the number of hours I spend modding these games. I heard that a person needs at least 10000 hours of practice at anything to be truly good at it (like elite pianists, artists and athletes).


On another note, I was wondering if you could maybe do a Mandalorian combat suit (I'm sure they need lighter armour sometimes). It's just a suggestion though.


and a very good suggestion it is. I'll add it to the list along with worn-out, piece-meal armour (as per Ulmont), and a mechanic's overalls (like the one I did for Nindo Bahr of RoR). If I get a couple more suggestions, I'll make a little update to my combat suit mod.

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hey Redrob. what do you think about a playable Jawa? :D


That'd be really cool, but soooooo hard to do. When I first made my Species Feats mod, I planned on doing a lot of aliens, including Jawas. The problem is that most of the models for aliens are missing animations (usually combat). They also are single body (humans and Twi'leks use common body models with individual head models) which is harder to deal with. The only ones I've had success with were the Zaalbaresque Wookiees and Tusken (since the models have every animation already). In order for them to use armours and robes, I had to re-model 10 mdls and re-skin, like, 48 textures. It took too long, and only a small handful of people truly appreciate it. So, I've held off on doing more aliens, and stuck to near-humans.


Anyone who can edit a .2da file can make a quick and dirty Jawa tho. I explained it once for a female Tusken. The process would be similar, just substitute the Jawa's .2da line and his .mdl and .tga names instead.


Maybe I should just make up a TSLPatcher for all the difficult aliens, so they're all quick and dirty. They wouldn't have any change of clothes, but they'd still be able to have the stats of an equiped armour or robe.

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For K2 would it be possible to use the combat animations of the Gand on a Jawa? Their about the same size, and the Gand have most combat animations.

But I don't know if its possible, so if its not... I never said anything.


You cant just use animations of another model onto a different model, sadly dosent work that way. Ask SithSpecter, he is the master at that kind of stuff. Cant wait for his cape....

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a question, do u think u could make the tusken jedi robe usable by other characters. like just the robe part not the mask


a few people have asked me that:

My idea

A few people here and at FileFront have asked if the Tusken Jedi robes could be used to replace the standard Jedi robe (tunic) for K1. I gave it a try yesterday, and had mixed results. I was able to model the Tusken head out of the way, and get the PMHC01 head to show up on it. That worked fine, but all his animations were the same as the Tusken (mostly the hunched over resting body position). It would look strange to go from standing tall in a suit of heavy armour, then put on a robe and suddenly look like he's carrying a piano on his back. If I can figure out a way to change the animation set, then I'll go ahead with it. Settoken seems to have recently come up with a way to do it, but he's still working out the method, and hasn't released a tutorial yet. I'll keep an eye out for it tho, so hopefully one day (in the future) I'll be able to make a long Jedi robe for K1.

I haven't played with it in a while, because I wasn't having favourable results. It still might be possible, but I'm just concentrating on other stuff right now.


I'm trying to make a quick and dirty playable version of all the aliens (just one skin each, plus portraits), but some of them are giving me grief. It's all about the pesky animations :mad:. The other stumbling block is the modeltpe column in the appearance.2da. I'm not sure what all the different letters stand for (B = big?, S = simple?, L = ?, F = ?).


I'm also working on new underwear skins & models for both K1 & TSL.


Of course, everything has got to take a back seat to packing and moving.

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