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The XWA One Year Thread III: Revenge of the Sh*t


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  Rogue15 said:
got a little far in halo 3...i won't spoil it for you ed.

I've already finished Halo 3 once (on Co-Op...) but I'd like to go back and re-do the whole thing myself on a higher difficulty level,.. mainly to get the points and awards, which went mostly to my friend who was hosting the co-op missions.


I'll probably do the same thing for Gears of War one of these days too.


The main reason I switch to H3 these days is to play something that is similar to H2... but that wouldn't interfere with my progress in the H2 campaign. Give me a chance to work on some skills and make progress, then hopefully go back to Halo 2 and kick ass.


Well,.. that's the plan, anyways.

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plasma pistol follow up with battle rifle=WIN. that's all i gotta say about halo 2. lol


i got a call for a job interview at a life & casualty place, they left message on voicemail. this is like 4 days after i posted my resume on monster.com...


ed, make your next 360 purchase be BAD COMPANY. the multiplayer is ****ing insane. Plus, if you go around knifing people, you collect their 'dog tags' (a list of names you've knifed, it's pretty cool) lol. plus controlling tanks, choppers, artillery, mortar fire, etc. it's freakin brilliant.

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Hmm... I'll think about it. I REALLY have to get through some of the crap I have before I buy anything new at this point, however.


Today, in summary:


Slept late (well, 8-ish,.. LATE for me...) since I didn't get in until almost 1 am.


Quiet day at work. Lunch was the highlight of the day.


Got home, watched the news, a little bit of Mythbusters and South Park, and am now thinking about reading a little before I try to catch up on some of the sleep I lost last night.


Taking tomorrow off from work to run much needed errands, and be ready for Trick-or-Treaters. Well,.. plus there is the fact that I am spending both Saturday and Sunday all day at work (2 nights of Joan Baez) and tomorrow is really my whole weekend off.


I could go to a party tomorrow night: But you HAVE to go in costume (and I don't really have one...) there's a pretty steep cover charge, and it doesn't kick off until after 10. Plus: it's in a part of the city where there's no parking... and I've decided there's no way I'm gonna get on the subway tomorrow (out in public on a Halloween night that falls on a Friday in a college town?!?? Surely, you jest...) even under threat of pain or death.


I think I'll give this one a pass this time.

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lol i might go out tomorrow. my friends wanted to, but i dunno my parents will give me **** for it and i really don't want that.


my plans for tomorrow are doing a massive amount of laundry, going to the gym, and playing video games, possibly going out to a club, but like i said...and i have no costume, though i could make one it would kinda suck. i do have the mask from the movie scream. :) what i wanted was an NBC combat suit...but that would be too scary, and i would wuss out on wearing it lol.

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holy ****ing ****. facebook is like......wow...i just found my gradeschool classmates that i haven't had contact with since 6th grade....as well as a bunch of other people from the bible school my parents went to (i lived on campus there, went to the christian school there from 2nd grade through 6th grade before moving to florida)....

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Slept as late as I could this a.m. (actually made it till 9-ish, this time...) got up, did some errands around the house.


Headed off to the wholesale club in the afternoon to pick up much needed supplies (especially candy, which I realized I had none...)


Ended up filling my cart to the brim, and dropping a bundle of cash. Oh well... I should be stocked up for a while.


Got home, and prepared for an onslaught of kids that never really came. A couple of dozen at most... but far less than I expected.


Now I'm finding I'm home, and bored, and faced with a disgusting excess of undistributed candy surrounding me that I must fight to resist...


So to keep myself occupied, I thought I'd put together a special Halloween 'Witch' song themed classic-rock Youtube video playlist for my Facebook page.


Here it is:



Jethro Tull - Witches' Promise


The Eagles - Witchy Woman



Donovan - Season Of The Witch



Rush - Witch Hunt



Fleetwood Mac - Rhiannon

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well, i went out to rochester, invited crackles to a little b-day party, which was actually a bit of a drag.


crackles didnt like the atmosphere, we'll just leave it to that, i'll keep some things at that moment in time,


but i dressed up, and cracken thought 'what the hell' i might as well do something, so he threw on something



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I kept getting calls to go out to that party. I hear tell it was pretty epic: fog machines... laser lights... lotsa HAWT costumes...


Couldn't do it though. I really had no costume to put together last minute. Perhaps if I had more than a couple of hours, or even a maybe a full-day of head's up, perhaps I might have been able to... but I doubt it.


I don't think I was in much of a party mood. It just really didn't sound fun to me at all yesterday.


5 a.m. and I'm awake. Blah. Only working until midnight tonight... gotta try to get a couple of more hours shut-eye...

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Sad day at work.


Found out Thursday that one of my co-workers who I have been working with for almost two years passed away. He was 22 years old. Not sure yet how or what happened, but I am at least going to the visitation tomorrow after work.


Damn shame for someone that young.


Life is short, don't let the small stuff ruin it for you

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wow that is young. :(


i went squirrel hunting with my dad this morning. i shot at a squirrel that was in a tree 60 feet up...somehow it didn't die when it fell out of the tree, landing on all fours paralyzed i guess. i went for the headshot, somehow missed the brain and blew off most of its throat and it was still living. i won't go into any further details but damn, and after thinking about it for a while, i realized how damn desensitized i am. i didn't even feel THAT sorry for the thing. :( maybe i need help.


work was boring as expected, the only thing i dreaded about going back. that and the one person that nobody gets along with is gonna be there tomorrow. yay. i hope she puts in her 2 week notice...but then, she'll just get replaced by another useless piece of ****, just like the last person she replaced, and the one before that...


gonna go dload the new bad company maps. there are 4 of them, all free!!!

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Work was easy.


Good thing too... since I probably only got about 2 hours of sleep, all told. DAMN YOU, OCCASIONAL BOUTS OF INSOMNIA!!! :mad:


The show was good.... though I really didn't watch much of it. Maybe I'll watch a bit more tonight.

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It's impossible to disagree with that.




Work was even easier than yesterday. The change in the clocks has got me all screwed up, however. (Somebody explain to me WHY we go through this nonsense twice a year, every year? I still don't really understand it...)


Wiped out, even though it's not quite midnight yet. (Funny, but my body feels like it's far closer to 1 am...)


Post more tomorrow... maybe...

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bad company is addicting. it's so hard though to get used to after playing call of duty 4 and halo 3. I hate when i shoot someone and it takes a full clip to take them out.


i hate not getting sleep/not feeling like sleeping. it's 4am already...instead of getting that 'extra hour' of sleep i stayed up an hour later than usual. -_-


My wish came true lol I worked today and the person I didn't want to work with wasn't scheduled to work. The day was boring, but it went by with little aggravation.


My plans for tomorrow are to call my car insurance company and take care of a little problem. Then I gotta make a list of all the bills and stuff i gotta pay, and draw up a budget so that I can save money to move out.


I'm still chatting with that one girl i found on true.com, I don't think I'm getting anywhere with her as far as a relationship goes, mainly because I would probably feel uncomfortable dating an 18 year old.

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  Rogue15 said:
I'm still chatting with that one girl i found on true.com, I don't think I'm getting anywhere with her as far as a relationship goes, mainly because I would probably feel uncomfortable dating an 18 year old.

No... me dating an 18 year-old would be uncomfortable (not to mention really, really creepy)... but you have all of, what?.. maybe 5 or 6 years on her,.. at most?


That's not really that bad. If she were 30 and you were 35 or 36, nobody would ever bat an eye...


If she seems to dig you, you should at least give it a try. After a date of 2 you'll know if there's any chance.


I found myself in a very similar position once (just about the exact same age difference between us, actually...) and I kept myself from doing anything about it... and it has turned into one of the biggest regrets I have to live with in my life now.


I still occasionally see her around town (as well as on Myspace and Facebook,..) and she is awesome. A super-talented ultra-nice hottie (who is, at least at the moment, in a long-term, committed relationship :( ...) that if we met for the first time today, the age difference between us would be completely meaningless.


I'll tell you: I'm at the point now that if there seems like there might be the slightest spark of a chance, you should probably go for it... because you never know when those opportunities may just dry up.


But I'm not telling you what to do...

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