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The Order of Installation For The Mods


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Okay, there are some mods for K1 I would like to use, but I would just like to know the best order in which to install them, so that they would all be compatible. Can someone please help me?


Here are the mods I want to install:

1. Belaya Korriban Saber Fix by Master Zionosis

2. [K1] End Battle Music - Duel of the Fates by Master Zionosis

3. RevantheWhite/Starforge/Booster Pack by Redhawke

4. Blasters/Armor/Droid/Misc. Item Pack by Redhawke

5. Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack by Redhawke

6. Manaan Door Relief by Darth333

7. Ultimate Sound Mod by Shem

8. Increased Attributes and Skills by Shem

9. Helena Wears Common Clothing by Shem

10. New Bastila Underwear by RedRob41

11. Recruitable Kay by InyriForge

12. Brotherhood of Shadow (w/ 1.5 Patch) by Silveredge9


I ask because most of these have TSLPatcher Installers and I would like to know the order in which I should run the installers.

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If the mod comes with TSL Patcher installation, it doesn't matter when it's installed. The patcher itself makes necessary adjustments to ensure compatibility during installation.


For the rest I think good order would be RedRob's first, Shem's afterwards and MZ's for the last. Then TSL Patchers in whatever order you like.

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I would really recommend installing my mod (Recruitable Kay) last. A couple of the dialogues are set to overwrite in the installer, but if any other mods overwrite them the mod won't work. All the other dialogue files that might have conflicts are optional, though, so if you install it last it will ensure that you have the greatest compatibility between my mod and the others.


Also Recruitable Kay's journal entries are purely "for fun." They're not really important or, to be honest, interesting, so if you can't be bothered merging then just use BoS's. :p

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I would recommend one more thing... an addendum to DK's instructions.


Install the non-patcher mods first, noting which ones have compatible .2da's. You want to install mods in this order.


1. Non-Patcher mods that contain no .2da's

2. Non-Patcher mods that have built-in .2da compatibility (by the author) with other mods - the readme will tell you which .2da has the most compatibility friendliness

3. Patcher mods that are not explicitly recommended to go later/last in a mod install process (most patcher mods)

4. Patcher mods with specific instructions - ie. Inyri's Kay, Prologue and Peragus Corrections Mod by Ulic and Cay.


This omits mods that are not made to play well with others. Those are at your own risk only, as you will have to manually edit .2da files, use stoffe's JRLMerger for the global jrl, and edit any scripting calls that are pointing at a wrong location in your .2da's. For these reasons, in K1 mods, I recommend installing RedHawke's mods of choice first (because their olde, non-patcher (mostly) and excellent), then follow the above steps.


Sorry if that was long winded or totally unnecessary. Caffeine....

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Hi, i've got a question, where are weaponnames stored, cause i've installed some mods and some names are missing :/ Is it the baseitems.2da?

When yes, it's a compatibility issue between

-Super Enhanced Mod (Shem)

-Brotherhod of Shadow Mod (Silveredge9)


I have the Ultimate Sound Mod by shem too, but it is compatible to Super Enhanced Mod.

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Okay I was trying to use the K1 mod Bastila's Robe Replacement by Woogiee and this is how it turned out:


Umm, what happened?


That is what is supposed to happen to her robes, dependent on which Jedi Robe you place on her.


Let me tell you exactly which mods I have installed so you can help me:

1. Bastila Improvement Project by Eddie the Lightbringer

2. Bendak Bounty Rework by Ulic

3. BoS by Silveredge9

4. BoS 1.05 Patch by Silveredge9

5. BoS Launcher by Silveredge9

6. Dual Double Wielding by Gavroche

7. Force Ressurect Power by HouseofAmon

8. Korriban Crystal Cave 1.1 by AgentXim

9. NPC Portraits and New Cantina Music by JCoolZombie

10. Planet Ord Mandell Mod by Redhawke

11. Recruitable Kay by InyriForge

12. [K1] End Battle Music - Duel of the Fates by Master Zionosis

13. [K1] Movie Style Replacement Hilts by oldflash

14. All Black Robes for Dark Jedi by Prime

15. Dialogue Pack by Allronix

16. Backup CD (Yeah, I know what your thinking, but I only use it because I am lazy. I did buy the game. I have had it since 2003 or 2004.)

17. Bastila and Female Revan - The Untold Story by Master Kavar

18. Bastila Romance Glitch Fix by Darth Shan

19. Bastila's Black Undies by Shem

20. Bastila's Robe Replacement by Woogiee

21. Hardcore Mod by Talchia

22. Imperial Officers Mod by Prime

23. Improved Belaya Mod by JediRevan

24. Improved Darth Malak Mod by Shem

25. Lots of Little Things by SykoRevan

26. Manaan Door Relief by Darth333

27. A modified .utc for each NPC (that I made) to change their starting level and stats.

28. A modified classes.2da

29. A modified featgain.2da

30. A modified skills.2da

31. A modified classpowergain.2da

32. Operation Kill Bastila by AgentXim

33. Revan Cutscene Forcepower Fix by KristyKristic

34. Sith Party Glitch Fix by Altmaster


Edit: I have merged your new thread with your previous one, please do not create multiple threads about the same or similar topics. As this one was basically about mod troubleshooting no need to create a new one. Thanks. -RH

edit: Sorry about that, Redhawke, I didn't realize they were pretty much the same thing.

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That tells me that the wrong texture is being applied to the model, which means you probably overwrote a part of one mod with a part of another. I would recommend reinstalling the mod that's being affected and that should ideally clear up the problem.

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Also note that I have been told that the Korriban Crystal Cave 1.1 by AgentXim is incompatible with my ORD Mandell mod. Something to do with the scripts in that mod conflicting with mine.


It is nothing that I can confirm as I do not have that mod (or care to either).

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