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More model problems...

Darth Xander

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Hmmm... when I've made models w/o texture, they always appear white. It sounds to me like maybe you didn't link all the pieces of your model to the aurora base, but I could be wrong. BTW, if your gun fires from the feet, this is probably the problem.


It depends on your computer and your graphics settings for the game. I have seen some peoples models provide a transparent effect becasue of a missing skin and others provide the white texture effect. This same effect happens if you are using an irregular sized tga skin rather than a square image example 754X432 as compared to 512x512. One of the head skins in the TSL Holowan Plugin did this for some people on Dxun and in the korriban caves for my machine and setup the game would run fine but on certain machines it would crash.

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I'm not sure why but every time I improt my gun back into 3dsmax it is huge, however I exported it the right size. Maybe that is what is wrong, the gun is so big that u don't see it because it ahsthe pc inside it and maybe even the whoel area as if it were a skybox. Its a crazy idea I know but I don't have much else.


Also could somebody have a shot at uvmapping it plz?

I have asked DDD but he isn't feeling too good at the moment.

Here is the link.

For uvmapping or finding out what the problem is.

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