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[tsl] KOTOR: Revenge of Revan


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  Logan23 said:
I’m still playing with the replacement color for the orange in the uniform and the diamond shape on the hat. The uniforms are similar to Onderon’s. There is a remark made in the game about this.[/Quote]


Nice to see the point being addressed.


Hmmm.... the Rattak Arena... Does this mean that we could concievably become the "Ruler of Rattak" if we win all the battles? That or pick up a slave or two?


Anyway, glad to see another update.


Oh, and yep, not Star Wars without a Yoda-like-creature.

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@ForeverNight- hmmm to own a slave or two...might be helpful on your journey to the dark side or release them later for light side points..

What would be more evil then.....

Take one of your slaves and offer them to fight a warrior in the arena in order to gain points with the Cauldron’s (battle arena) promoter. You see your slave get killed so you can get closer to being able to meet the Warlord. Does the ends justify the means….is this the belief of the Sith.

Or…..maybe you will give the slave a poison blade and kill the strong warrior.

So many choices…….Many moral decisions you will have to make on this world.


When this issue is discussed in the group-

“To sacrifice one slave to save the galaxy….a slave who would have died for nothing …..will now die for a cause and become something more”…..

Cain Thrall

party member(Disciple of Kreia)




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Logan I'm working as we speak.

But do you want me to reskin some clothes, or should we use K1's Canderous' clothes?

Sorry I couldn't contact you earlier, I almost finished my work a week ago, but I donno why, a fatal error appeared to me and I had to reinstall windows. Anyway, this things happen to bigger houses and I recon I will finisih record time :D

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Cain will not be another Kreia but he does believe in Kreia’s teachings.

If Liana your Jedi friend was the angel on the shoulder, Cain would be the devil telling you ideas which might be seem immoral in other’s eyes. He will tell you ways to influence others. He is a manipulator plain and simple but he is not your teacher. He might end up as your pupil……apprentice if you gain enough influence. I will predict that Cain will become one of the favorites in the game.


As for the idea of killing him any moment in the game, there will be moments in the game where you can kill him. I don’t want to get to involve in the details since it would lead to spoilers. :D





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2k8hellbound, thanks for the link for the voice changing software!


Just wanted to drop off two pics.


We have one with Uldir alone and another with PC, Drayen ,and Uldir in the palace. The Palace will be reskinned later in production.








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  logan23 said:
redrob41, I love the cybernetic eye implant for Nindo! I would say the one on the far right is my favorite so far. Keep up the amazing work!


  Ghost Down said:
Yeah, far right one for sure! ;)


  Doc Valentine said:
The one to the far right is the best, as far as I see it. The eye just looks awesome in that one, kind of a Duros Terminator, which is freaking awesome :).


  Watcher07 said:
Personally I think the far right one in the photos looks best. The far left one looks a little more organic, but the right one just seems to have more depth like an eye should IMHO. They all look great though, nice job.


Awhile back I was working on a Nindo Bahr with a cybernetic eye. Most people had a favourite (it was my fav as well). I finished up at least a month ago, but silly me, I forgot to post the screen shots. Well, here he is, the finished Nindo:


I've given him a sparkly eye (using CM_Crystal), that looks great as he moves.


In the meantime, I've been nose to the grindstone, working on some new characters. I've pretty much volunteered every time :D 'cause I've got faith that this mod will be fantastic when completed. Logan has some awesome story ideas!

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redrob41, great work!

I can't wait to see the other characters you are working on:D


I have started to do some re-skinning of modules for the game.

I just doing some here and there, the final modules will be done in post production.

Here are a few for you to look at......






nothing huge, but the start of the re-skinning process........




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Logan23, I've got a question: As I can see, one of your main characters is a Chiss. But as I recall, the Chiss made contact with galactic civilization right before the Clone Wars and they were still quite unknown during Grand Admiral Thrawn campain. So, my question is: how did your character find himself in the middle of conflict milenia ago?

Anyway, I can't wait to play this mod.

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I've started working on some new characters. Here is a shot of a Zeltron female.


Her name and story line haven't been finalized; I'll leave that up to the ever capable Logan ;). This is an early attempt, using some K1 clothes that I made for a different K1 mod. I'll be making completely new clothes for her later, and I'll be refering to Deliah Blue's wardrobe a lot (I even bought a couple Legacy trade paperbacks). For the hair, I liked this picture of Natalie Portman, but colored it more like Deliah.

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excerpt from Wookieepedia, Chiss:

There is, in fact, evidence that intermittent, clandestine and low-level encounters between the Chiss and groups within the Old Republic had been ongoing for perhaps four millennia prior to the era of the Galactic Civil War; but these encounters left no visible, lasting impression on the galaxy as a whole, and the isolation of the Chiss can be gauged by the fact that they remained largely unaware of standard languages such as Huttese and Basic ...

It looks like they made a big splash on the galaxy at the time of the Clone Wars, but small encounters may have happened before then.


Now that we're on the topic, the planet Rattatak wasn't known to the galaxy either until the Clone Wars, but it will be a major planet in this mod. Perhaps similar circumstances happened there; that only small contact happened, and was later forgotten to the greater galaxy?

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first : sory for my grammar and spelling (I am, french, and perhaps I will make some Faults so please scuse me :¬:)


2nd : very good job!! I like this mod so much!!


logan23 : http://img229.imageshack.us/my.php?image=palacead7.jpg


in this image we can see that master Drayen (if I am in the truth ^^) don't have a skin in the Thumb. I hope that it will be modified!


http://img229.imageshack.us/my.php?image=distanceyc9.jpg --> this is dxun^^, isn't it?


if I can help to give a french version of this mod I will be very glad to do it^^

it could be fun to the french comunity to^^

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Yeah, well you know english, those who wanna play the mod also must know english, demanding certain languages for a total conversion mod is something rather considered rude, cause now if they make a french version, why won't they do a german version too?

It's simply to complicated... new dialogs...new VOs...


At least that is my opinion...



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  ben_skywalker said:
if I can help to give a french version of this mod I will be very glad to do it^^

it could be fun to the french comunity to^^


  TheExile said:
Yeah, well you know english, those who wanna play the mod also must know english, demanding certain languages for a total conversion mod is something rather considered rude, cause now if they make a french version, why won't they do a german version too?

It's simply to complicated... new dialogs...new VOs...


At least that is my opinion...




Well, it sounds to me like ben_skywalker is actually offering to help make a French version, not demanding one. I think that it is very considerate of Ben, as long as he is up to the challenge of translating every line of dialog that Logan writes. It would be a huge task. Maybe Logan could chat it up with Ben and see just how easy it would be.


and welcome to the LucasForums ben_skywalker :)

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Here is a couple of screenshots of how far I've gotten with the Rattataki. So far I've finished 7 playable males and 9 NPC male heads.


I've been having a harder time with the females. There aren't very many head models that are easily converted to look bald (in fact, so far I've only found 1, and it still has environmental lighting problems).


At any rate Logan, this should give you an idea of what various heads are available, so that you can start to plan character dialog. All the PC heads can also be used for NPC characters, and I've made 4 old and 1 ancient NPCs. All that remains now, is to mix & match up different heads with different clothes (rags, armour, basic clothes, etc.) to create different characters.

Logan, let me know if you need more male heads. I'll let you know when I've managed to make some females.

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