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Who was the most powerful sith lord ever?

Darth Pvl

Who was the most powerful sith lord ever?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Who was the most powerful sith lord ever?

    • Darth Revan
    • Darth Bane
    • Exar Kun
    • Darth Sidious
    • Darth Vader

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:confused: What? No Revan-crazed-fans have invaded this thread yet?! Well... I'm not gonna complain... nor do I rule out that, now that I've drawn attention to this fact, they will begin to swarm...


I think that Caedus, though incredibly powerful, is an idiot. Plain and simple. Yer evil now boy, accept it and move on, or turn back to the light. Well... too late now... :xp:


Vader... you would have been so much more awesome if you didn't get cocky in your Obi-Wan fight and lost... well, most of your body to a lightsaber and a river of boiling lava... ouch...


Exar Kun was awesome but just not good enough... :( Sorry Kun! Your plan was a good one compared to many other villians, though!


I do like Revan, but he's more of a genius than uber-powerful, so Sideous, with his annoying lightning, force storms, etc. and takes the... crown? Don't know. It wouldn't be cake, now would it? :lol:

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We all most accept that the only 2 Sith's that have ruled the galaxy by complete are Darth Sidious and Darth Krayth ... and I hate Darth Krayth ... so the most powerfull would be Sidious by his work conquering the galaxy

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I've always said Sidious (Because of George's statements really) but if any of you guys are collecting the recent "Vector" comics arc, there has been mention of some pretty bad ass ancient Sith Lords, so later comics may reveal some powerful s.o.b's :D

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I would have voted for Bane


Being a 'powerful' sith lord isnt all about shooting lightning and having a super costume. Bane is a revolutionary, The sith would not have survived were it not for the Rule of Two.


Plagueis seems to have been quite powerful, but it has never been verified that Palpy was telling the truth...Im also not sure what has happened to the Plageuis novel that was being discussed...



got killed way too early

. I think they could have developed it much more!! There's a sizeable vacuum in LOTF era EU now...



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I think the question should be "How is the best Sith " must be divided in skills,knowledge, power,etc... because there is no real most power full sith ... well except for the myth of the Sith'ari.


Need to add that the wisdom of Darth Tyranus is tremendous ... his knowledge and control over the economic and how he managed to make a movement against the Republic was pretty fascinating .

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  • 2 weeks later...

How can you compare these characters? They all have their own "power." Revan for example was a charismatic leader. He managed to convince many jedi to turn on the Jedi Order and led a invasion that crippled the Republic. On the otherhand, Darth Vader relied more on his physical strength and saber skills then his charisma. I would have to vote Sidious, though. He created an elaborate plan that toppled the Republic and created an empire. The big thing is that Sidious's plan actually worked. Also he was a good duelist and powerfull force user.

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It doesn't matter who (out of those listed) was the most powerful ever. Even if it did, then anyone here who voted someone other than Exar Kun is just demonstrating bias favoritism (especially those who religiously worship Revan).

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Why is the poll closed so early?


I would have probably voted for Sidious. He had the most power. However I prefer Revan, or someone from the older times. I like the EU. So many different twists...

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I mean, I liked his character, but I don't like his character. I think that he took a REALLY long time before he was figured out. I just didn't like the way that he fought, and played. I think that he was a coward almost, and became drunk w/ power, but I guess that is the definition of "Sith" though. :giveup:

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i think that darth sidious was the smartest sith because he fooled everyone and almost wiped out the jedi but i think revan was the least evil because all he was doing was making his galaxy strong enough to fight the real threat in the unknown regions (by taking over his galaxy of course) and i think that darth bane was the first one to be really powerful because he did not share his power with more than one so he had a lot but as u can tell i really dont think anyone was stronger than the other because they al have different strengths

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I would allow myself to say: Darth Caedus, for being I think the only one who didn't rise to power through the law, but rather by changing the law. (Lawyer droids...YUCK)


However, Darth Bane would be the Sith Lord I'd want as a master, for he would not kill you until you were ready to kill him, and he had no sense of betrayal as Sidious did. Darth Revan was cool and all, but Bane maximized his teachings through the holocron to become one of the more powerful Sithies.


Plus: Bane marked Sith disappearance. Sith, Sith, Sith, Sith, no more Sith. Jedi say wha?

Sith come back after a millennia, and FAIL utterly FAIL, I blame Sidious for being the Sith who broke the chain and killed his master too early.

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