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[W.I.P.] [K1] URM (Ultimate Ranged Mod)


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That would be awesome!

*Imagines playing it, sniping down Sith Assassins, getting a seizure from killing Darth Sion*

(In TSL)

HAHA! That would be funny. Sithspecter, If you use the bright muzzle flash you should have paralyzed 50% or something! :lol:
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Well, the good news is that I've got it working again! I've got a fully animated minigun. The bad news is that is clips the ground when your PC is standing still, and when I scale it, it looks teeny. But, I'm going to release a beta very soon, so be watching!

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What he means is that its too long... or the character ain't holding it in the resting position properly... right?
The resting position wouldn't matter much unless you do something really really wacky.
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When the player is standing still, the barrel hits and goes through the ground. This happens because the gun is so big. Also, I've released a sort of beta of the minigun in TUCE, but this mod ain't done yet...


Also, I've got T7's permission to make this with WotOR's .2da's, so good news for all you WotOR fans!

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  • 1 month later...

Don't worry guys, I still have plans to make this. I will re-do all of my guns, and create more. But I will stick more to the ammotypes rather than the gun models, but that doesn't mean I won't make new models. I just have a lot going right now, and I will continue URM in the fall. After I make it for KotOR, I will make it for TSL.

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All of his work meaning URM right? He still has his other mods though considering he just posted his progress on Revan's robes.


Will you remake the Gizka Gun SS? That one sure looked funny.


All his work prior to the crash. So all the mods and stuff were wiped. The progress has been started a month after the crash, so yeah, he started them already.

(AFAIK, he lost all the guns for the URM, all data he had on the Sleyheron project, and any other WIPs he had)

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