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Potential WIP: "Super Content Mod"


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hehe, that's a little beyond me unfortunately. ;)


Well, I've got the robes all set. I've placed three new robes in the Dantooine enclave sublevel, and two in the Korriban Academy. My new merchant on Onderon will sell one, and the rest are available via the random loot system. I'm pretty sure. I mean, you may not encounter some, but they ARE there.


With this mod installed, the robe content in the game will include:


- Jedi Robes

- Jedi Master Robes

- Sith Assassin tunics

- K1 Cut Jedi Tunics (like the ones in my K1 robe mod).

- Jal Shey Armors


All are integrated throughout the game. I've also modified a lot of the armors in the game, ironing out the creases left by Obsidian in the wake of KotOR I (meaning, I've restored continuity with the first game). I've added several new heavy armors... but that's old news.


I've changes the appearances of the Jedi Masters so they each wear a unique robe. As in, like, Vrook is wearing a variant of the cut K1 tunic, Vash is wearing a unused style female robe, Zez is wearing the tunics you see some Jedi wearing in K1 (not the cut or the default kind... the beige kind), and Kavar is still wearing Jedi Master robes.


Oh, and since the cut K1 style tunics fill the L armor slot, I've had to do something about the dancer's outfit. It's just another robe... don't worry, it makes sense in-game.


I need to test all of this in-game. I might get to use alpha channels with the K1 cut tunics! But we'll see. I think I'll make screenshots today or tomorrow; that's gonna be a lengthy proposition, since there's lots of new armors to show. Release isn't near yet: I still have to PLAY the game with the final mod installed. The last incarnation of this mod had some real big glitches with it, so I'm not taking any chances this time. Also, I'll make sure it's TSLRP compatible (so far it's looking like it will be).

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I've changes the appearances of the Jedi Masters so they each wear a unique robe. As in, like, Vrook is wearing a variant of the cut K1 tunic, Vash is wearing a unused style female robe, Zez is wearing the tunics you see some Jedi wearing in K1 (not the cut or the default kind... the beige kind), and Kavar is still wearing Jedi Master robes.


Oh, and since the cut K1 style tunics fill the L armor slot, I've had to do something about the dancer's outfit. It's just another robe... don't worry, it makes sense in-game.


Sounds great :) I had considered doing the unique robes thing with the Jedi Masters; but yours will be better so may as well scrap that now! :p You reckon its possible to have the K1 style tunic with a cloak or not? Its just I'm not sure Dantooine will be the same without Vrooks cloak flopping everywhere!

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ah yes. Well, the way I have it now, he'll look the same way he did in KotOR I if you had my robe mod installed. I dunno... unfortunately I can't make the K1 style tunics have robes, that'd require modeling which I can't do. But no, I think it's good so far.


I've created the primary screenshots (which I'll share with you below), and set up the installer. The installer works great, btw, the TSLpatcher is fantastic. Everything is in order, now I just need to actually play TSL and make sure there aren't any bugs. I'll test for TSLRP compatibility too.


Here are the screenshots. If they're too dark, tell me and I'll lighten them a little.











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The previous version of my metastasis mod reskinned the Mandalorians. I made 15 variations of Mandalorians and spread them throughout the game... though the implementing of the skins screwed up the game big-time, so I've hemmed back that part for this mod to just the normal 3. But I HAVE reskinned those three, and added alpha channels.


So, with that in mind, I think I'll pass on your offer Darth Hanhar, though I do appreciate the thought. :) It's probably better that you release it separately anyway, so you can get sole recognition for your work. If you tacked it on to this mod, it'd get drowned out by all the other stuff I've done, which is no good.




Another quick update: I've now got screenshots of all the features, more or less, save the two new scripted encounters. I need to download a savegame or something near where they take place... I deleted all my old ones when I reinstalled the game. :doh:


As much as I'd like to test the whole thing with a playthrough, I... I just don't feel like it. I know, I know, that sounds awful. It's true though. I really don't feel like wasting away in my room for hours on end playing this game when I could be doing something more productive. I dunno. I'm pretty damn sure it works just fine, but I'd like to be 100% certain before I release it. We'll see what happens, I guess.


Anyway, I'll keep you guys posted if anything else comes up. Thanks for the suppot so far! :)

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So, I just tested my favorite part of the mod. Let me share...


You encounter these two armored guys in the Onderon cantina. One of them is drunk, and the other guy (a devaronian) apologizes for his friend's drunkness:






So then, after you meet with Kavar, you're running back to your ship. You get there and...




Oh no! They're bounty hunters, and they're after you!




No problem, right?




Anyway, to make a long story short, you fight them, and they die. And they drop some cool loot, too. I'm excited about it because I voiced the other guy, the human (not in the screenshots), and it all came out very nice. It's a neat little sequence, though I do admit it's been in the mod since the first version. Dunno why nobody's been more into that mod, really. The first version was a killer. Second version, not so much... but this one will make up for it.


Anyway, after I get screenshots of the Telos encounter, I'll be all set to release the mod, I guess. I hesitate to release without a full game test, but I think I've ironed out all the kinks so far, and I can always release a version 2 or something. :/



Oh, by the way: don't get the impression that I'm good with scripting cutscenes. I'm sure any experienced scripter would laugh at how I managed to cobble together this particular one. Don't ask... (let me put it this way: there's a gizka involved. don't look behind you...)



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Thanks everyone! Everything is in order: I'm just debating right now whether or not it's worth it to play through the game, or if I should just warp to each point where I've changed something and see if it works. I've tested both encounters, the merchants... I've made the HK's and G0-T0 and the Mandalorians all shiny, they seem to work fine. The Korriban new boxes seem to work. Haven't tested the Dantooine ones yet, but if the Korriban ones worked the Dantooine ones will too. Need to check to see if Geravick is wearing his armor like he's supposed to. And then I'll be done!


Here's some more screenshots from the release (meaning I'll be using these for the release of the mod).









...and some other stuff. Shiny G0-T0, new Mandalore skin (not much different, just more contrasty and sharp, with new alpha channel), and new Bao-Dur skin (his skin is tanner now, and his eyes are light green). Oh, and the banners! The stupid out of place Star Forge banners in the Mandalorian Camp are now Mandalorian banners.


Plus all the new armors and stuff. It's shaped up nicely.

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I've decided to release this thing. To hell with playing a full game: I've tested each element of the mod on its own, and it all worked fine. All the creases have been ironed out, so if there are any earth-shattering bugs that someone finds later, I can always just release a patch.


I'll post a thread in the release forum once it's been uploaded. Thank you all for your patience!

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