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Do You Talk To Yourself?

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I often forget to get my pants back on when I leave the car, do that in the middle of a shopping street... ofcourse I was like 5 years old... before people get weird ideas :lol:

I know a guy who lowers his pants in the middle of a street and then just walks on like nothing happened (walks like a penguin). Hilarious to see. :lol:

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Well, the most emberassing moment for me, was when I was playing a recent Magic: The Gathering pre-relase tournament.


On these tournaments, it's common to say every single thing you do, so your opp. may respond.


Zt: "Upkeep. Untap. Land...right...first main fase...I'd like to attack with the *cardname* and *cardname.*"

opp: "I'd like to respond to your mainfase with this instant..*blabla* "

ZT: "Right..second main fase. I'll 'create' this monster."


This, and that there are about 5 fases...and takes +/- 20 turns each to end a set. And it's best of 3 sets. Against 7 different opponents. :xp:


It was frightening to see how I was talking with myself (as were the others), and how I ended up with some 30-40-50 year old übergeeks...

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