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(um, ignore the identical thread in the Mississippi)


(left -> Mathew Bellamy, Christopher Wolstenholme, Dominic Howard -> right)



So, I'm a massive fan of the band Muse. And basically I just really wanted to make a thread preaching about just how much I love them. Like, I'm addicted. It's almost all I listen to.


For those of you who don't know Muse, they're a UK band of fairly prominent status. They're not too popular in the U.S. (I mean, I don't really know, but I don't think they are), however judging from the venues they have in the UK I'd say they're fairly big. They sold out Wembley Stadium (June 16th/17th gigs, which are on the HAARP DVD, which is amazing).


One of their claims to fame... this isn't too big, but it's easy to relate to... is that their song Knights of Cydonia is in Guitar Hero III. The music video for that song is really cool too, it can be found here:



Does anyone else here listen to them? And also, are there any bands that you fellas feel the same way about, in terms of being a devoted fan?

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I listen to them a lot yeah, I like how their songs are melodramatic and overblown but never annoying because of it. And Matt can't half play guitar.


I'm thinking of getting the HAARP dvd, sounds impressive, especially for a live DVD, which i'm generally suspicious of.


As for your last question, pretty much the only band I'm listening to at the moment are Elbow, a band from my local area actually (Bury, near Manchester). They. Are. Amazing.

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Ah, yes, Muse. Great band! Am going to a rock concert where Muse has been a few times already, but of course, this year, they won't come. :s Anyway, love their music!


And I'm not really a 'devoted' fan, I kinda hop from one band to another.

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Hmm, never heard of them. I'll have to check that out sometime; I need to diversify my music taste anyway.


It's funny, my favorite band for the longest time was Boards of Canada, which is like the opposite of Muse. They're this indie Scottish ambient electronica band and I still love them to death, but Muse just gets me more giddy.

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I have witnessed there rise to stardom, being in the UK. I'm not a major fan of this style of rock but they are a stand out act compared the Garbage labeled "Rock" recently, as Salz said, melodramatic and overblown but never annoying, they are cool :)

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