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There would be this thread; http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=143413


Light Jigi, why on earth should someone take the time to do the above, when you can't even be bothered to use the thread which does what you ask? The search function is your friend, and people in the forum don't exist solely to do your will.

Check the sticky's at the top of the forum - it's not a hard lesson; learn it!

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There are a thousand upwards on KotORFiles alone.


Asking for all the links just isn't feasible.


Plus all the ones that are lost or direct downloads from PCGM, and then there's all the ones that are just on modders' sites.


In fact, there would be thousands upon thousands of links.


And not half of them would be compatible with one another.



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Da_Man--leave the moderating to the moderators.


Light_Jigi there's no way we could know what you would want in a mod--you'll have to search that out for yourself so you can find what you want and what will work with your game. Please follow the advice in the other posts. Thanks.


Locking since all this info is available in the stickies, FileFront, and KotorFiles....

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