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The False Peace

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Hehe, an appropriate quote. As I said, I myself hated Gina while writing the part...but I don't hate her anymore because I know all of the "good guy" stuff she will do later. But I can't spoil anything. :)


Next chapter, (Chapter Eleven: The Chase) should be up soon - chock full of that lovely dancer outfit from TSL and the battle of Mandy and crew vs. Virago and Aruil. (Do I hear galactic smackdown? :xp:)


Thank you for sticking with it, though I am sure that by the time the fic is over, Gina will be back on your good side. ;) Just you wait...:D


Again, thanks for your feedback!



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Just got to this; saw all the feedback and missed the chapter that preceded them.


I have to admit that is devious to show the very human/delicate nature of Gina in contrast to the cold/mechanical efficiency of the machine she was. I did not really catch the importance of how he treated her at the end of the chapter. I guess I didn't think he treated her like a mindless machine... not a person maybe.


This was a great chapter with an original moral/ethical issue that was skillfully written. I really appreciated what you were going for here and hope he treats her differently this time around. Looking forward to the next update.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Name: Jacen Zarek

Age: 21

Species: Human

Homeworld: Correlia

Occupation: Jedi Guardian

Education: Jedi Trails – passed with honors. Jedi Guardian training (emphasis on double-bladed lightsaber combat, unarmed combat, and sociology) – Jedi Temple, Coruscant.





Name: Marit Thel- Tanis

Age: 22

Species: Human

Homeworld: Hali

Occupation: Coruscant Central Intelligence - Chief Analyst, Program Manager, and Head of Tech Department.

Education: Bachelor of Science: Computer Science, Forensic Criminology (double major)- Coruscant University (graduated magna cum laude in three years) Jedi Sentinel training (emphasis on computers, security, and nuetral force powers) - Jedi Temple, Coruscant.





Name: Virago Nual

Age: 16

Species: Human

Homeworld: Taris

Occupation: Jedi Sentinel (in training)

Education: Jedi Sentinel training ( emphasis on piloting, repair, and dueling) - Jedi Temple, Coruscant.




Name: Matrik Jace

Age: 42

Species: Human

Homeworld: Ipaga II

Occupation: Senator from Ipaga II

Education: PhD in Government - Coruscant University. Master of Science: Political Economics - University of the Core Worlds. Bachelor of Science: Political Science - University of Ahto (East Campus) - Manaan.




Name: Aruil Nenenitosael

Age: 15

Species: Teevan

Homeworld: Teevan

Occupation: Jedi Consular (in training)

Education: Waterbending adept - Twi and Laa Acadamy of Waterbending, Teevan. Jedi Consular training (special emphasis on healing and offensive force powers) – Jedi Temple, Coruscant.





Name: Gina

Age: Unknown – appears to be a 16 year old girl

Species: Cybernetic Organism (Cyborg)

Homeworld: Coruscant (place of creation)

Occupation: Personal bodyguard to Senator Matrik Jace

Education: Advanced programming in ranged, melee, and unarmed combat as well as multiple languages, engineering, life sciences, and galactic history. (Social skills not programmed.)





Name: Taran Vhek

Age: 30

Species: Human

Homeworld: Telos

Occupation: Deputy Director of Coruscant Central Intelligence East Branch; Head of Tactical Department of CCI.

Education: Master of Science: Computer Science – Telos Institute of Technology, Telos. Bachelor of Science: Computer Applications – Cahlghil College, Mon Calamari. Republic Military – First Lieutenant.




Name: Reana'ka Norian

Age: 34

Species: Twi'lek

Homeworld: Ryloth

Occupation: Director of CCI

Education: Master of Science: Criminology and Law - University of Coruscant. Bachelor of Arts, History - University of Byblos.





Name: Marlena Jace

Age: 39

Species: Human

Homeworld: Ipaga II

Occupation: Chairperson of the Women's Alliance for Galactic Cultural Unity (WAGCU)

Education: Bachelor of the Arts: Sociology - University of Alderaan


Sorry about the random sizes but they just kept showing up that way no matter how I resized them. :/...Oh well...



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  • 3 weeks later...

RECAP: Virago and Aruil escape from Mandy's ship into the wilds of Nierport VII. Jacen, Vorzar, an Gina land on Nar Shaddaa and team uyp with Mission Vao to break into Mandy's quarters at Vogga the Hutt's palace. Norian has Marit and Taran put in custody because she suspects (correctly) that they are helping Jacen behind her back.



Chapter Eleven: The Chase


Virago Nual and Aruil Nenenitosael plodded through the rocky crags that were Nierport VII. Nierport VII had only one port. Other than that it was nothing but a desolate wasteland. The only reason that it was inhabited at all was because it was the perfect location for spacers coming to and from Coruscant to refule their ships.


The planet’s surface was covered by a vast range of mountains all the color of dun. None of the mountains were very tall, but their shear number turned the planet’s surface into a rocky labyrinth. Green vegitation was almost nonexistant but the hearty crimson claing bush grew in abundance. The claing bush had dark brown leaves but was most characterized by its giant, curved, red, thorns. These thorns were used to make a drink so spicy and strong that it was said that it could bring even the veteran drinkers to their knees.


Virago stood atop one of these small mountains, his hand sheilding his eyes from the blazing sun. He was hoping to find a port or house at the least. Nothing. Nothing but rocks as far as the eye could see, except for a small glittering spot of blue far in the distance which he supposed was a body of water. He and Aruil had been trying to make their way to it for over four hours but with little luck. Aruil stood next to him, her body limp like a dried up plant.


“We should keep moving,” said Virago wearily. “If we don’t make it to water soon we’ll be in deep bantha fodder. I think we can get there soon.”


“You said that three hours ago, you know,” replied Aruil calmly. “I remember passing that rock before,” she added, pointing to it.


“How can you know that? All of the rocks look the same.” Virago sighed. “Come on, we had better keep going.” The two young jedi continued down the jagged pass, taking care not to get their clothes snagged of the sharp claing bush thorns. When they had escaped Mandy’s ship, the pair had run a breakneck speed to get as far away as possible. But as the day had worn on their speed decreased to a steady walk. They were both exhausted. They had gone a little over a day without food, water, or rest.


Though Virago was downtrodden, it seemed that nothing could dampen Aruil’s spirits. She constantly pointed out random things such as interesting insects or rocks shaped like Bastila Shan’s head. She told stories of how she had once spent months in a desert just like this on her homeworld, Teevan. “I was at a science research facility,” she explained. “In addition to learning waterbending (you know using the force to master the element water) I was sent to the facility because I was interested in science. I had to test rats and mice. I was trying to prove that rats do not exist – only mice.”


“Mmm,” said Virago, who had long ago decided not to comment on Aruils eccentricities. But he could not keep his mouth shut for long. “How could you do tests on a rat if it did not exist? What was the point of it anyway?”


“Well if they do not exist, than the rat I was holding was never a rat but a mouse.” She raised a finger as though speaking a scientific fact. “If rats do not exist, they can’t spread all of those deadly diseases can they?” said Aruil as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. “They would not be able to spread them because they are really mice!”


Virago nodded, though he really thought Aruil was a bit loopy. The only comfort to Virago was that at least he had his lightsaber though at this point it was rather useless. He heard a faint hum in his ears as he rounded a gargantuan boulder, the sound tingling on his eardrums. “Hey do you hear that?”


Virago turned about and scanned the area behind them. The sky was cloudless and perfectly clear…except for a dot in the distance. He pulled out a pair of electro-binoculars that he had nicked from Mandy’s ship. Using the tiny dial in the middle he focused them and zoomed in on the object. A swoop! He was about to shout to Aruil that they were saved, until he caught sight of its pilot. Mandy straddled the seat, her dark hair whipping about her face like snakes, her eyes narrowed and her mouth curled in a feral snarl. More dots appeared over the horizon, at least ten of them. Mandy had brought her crew with her.


“It’s her! And judging by the look on her face she has spotted us!” yelled Virago. “They are all on speeders, we can’t possibly take them all out on foot. We need…” Suddenly a brilliant idea struck him. “Aruil can you take out those speeders if you had some water?”


“Yes,” the Teevan girl replied, her lightsaber drawn but not activated. “It would have to be an ample source.”


“That water, we saw in the distance- we have to get there!” said Virago taking out his own lightsaber. “Run!” The two jedi drew on their reserves of energy. Virago called upon his strength training and his exercises in endurance. He bolted towards the tiny glint of water as fast as he could with Aruil keeping pace next to him, her hair rippling out behind her. Virago could hear the blood beating in his ears, his heart pounding so loudly and with such intensity that he was sure it would burst from his chest.


Mandy saw the jedi dash away. They had seen her coming. “Let the games begin,” she said coldly as she powered up her swoops laser cannons. The chase was on.


The roar of swoop engines grew louder as Mandy and her crew gained on the jedi. Up until this point Virago and Aruil had been running straight for the water; but now that Mandy was approaching firing range they would have to take more evasive manuevers. The maze-like systems of rocks could work to their advantage.


Mandy’s crew split into two groups. One was aiming for Aruil and the other for Virago. Virago felt the bolts through the force before they reached him. He dived to the right. Blaster bolts struck where he had been moments before. The brittle rock shattered under their force. Virago had lunged so quickly that he had fallen face first on the ground. He spat the pebbles and dirt out of his mouth just in time to move before the next round of blaster shots.


One of Mandy’s thugs rounded the boulder behind which Virago was hiding. Virago ignited his orange saber. The next few shots from the speeder went low, hitting the ground beneath Virago’s feet, sending him flying backward. The thug aimed right for the jedi, his speed increasing at an alarming rate. Virago swung his blade up to meet the deadly bolts catching them at the last possible moment. He dropped to the ground, the speeder flying right over him. It crashed into the face of the rock, exploding in a firey inferno.


That was one speeder down; but more were coming. Sweat poured down from Virago’s forehead as he pushed his body to the limit. He could not keep up this pace for long. He ducked and weaved his way through, avoiding the blaster shots. But their sheer quantity was too great. One struck Virago’s left arm. He shouted in pain but pressed forward. The water…he had to get to the water.


Two more speeders had caught up to him. They flanked Virago, attempting to corner him. Before he knew what he was doing, Virago jumped at the closest speeder, the force surging through his body. He knocked the pilot off his seat. The speeder spun out of control as Virago faught the pilot for control of the craft. Virago lashed out with his lightsaber, leaving a smoking hole in the thug’s cest. The alien, fell off the speeder, his body rolling away in a cloud of dust.


In his attack Virago almost fell out of the craft himself. He clung to the handlebars for dear life, the grooves on them cutting into his skin. Virago wrestled for control of the craft. He managed to sit up just in time to yank the handlebars to the left and avoid collision with a wall of rock. The miss was narrow and the side of the speeder scraped against the rock. The sound pierced the air even making itself heard over the engine. Virago felt a rush on adrenaline and he pushed the speeder to its maximum speed. He heard the roar of engines behind him. Mandy was gaining on him.


Virago sensed the deadly bolts a split second before they struck. He jerked his speeder to the right narrowly avoiding the bolts. The water – he was almost there. Virago focused on his destination. He was the best pilot at the Jedi Temple after all. These thugs nor even Mandy stood a chance of catching him. He knew that he was being overconfident but he could not afforf to think about the negative. His golden hair rippled out behind him as he executed a corkscrew avoiding the bolts again. With a pang he relized that in grabbing the speeder he had completely lost sight of Aruil. There was no chance of finding her now. He would have to hope she could find her own way to the water.


Using her natural Teevan agility and grace Aruil weaved through the myriad of jagged rocks, never giving the thugs a clear shot at her. She crouched down behind a rock breathing heavily. Though she could not see it, she knew the water was close. Having learned to manipulate water through the force Aruil had a close affinity with the element. Out in this scorching, bone-dry desert, the water felt like a great pool of life, its liquid waves waiting to cleanse and revitalize her wearly limbs. She had managed to avoid her assailants…for now. But Virago was counting on her to get to the water. The jedi girl forced her legs to move faster. Oh, what she would give to have a ruduare root with her. Her saphire robes felt wet around the neck. She took a moment to glance at them. They were drenched with blood. The wound on her chin had ripped open and was bleeding anew, a scarlet stream tricking from her wound and soaking into the soft fabric of her robes. Some had also leaked into her hair where it dried and made the strands stick together. No time for that now. Aruil pressed forward her eyes alight with determination.


Virago’s heart raced, sweat poured down his face as he finally neared the water. It was a mere hundred yards away. In his relief he lost his focus on politing and two shots fired from Mandy’s speeder pierced his fuel tanks. The speeder had been running low in the first place but now with the remaining fuel cascading out. Virago felt the craft sputter and die. It plummeted towards the ground taking the jedi with it. Virago knew there was but one thing to do. He leaped off the speeder simlutaniously activating his lightsaber. The speeder exploded, fire shooting up in a small mushroom cloud.


Virago scrambled to his feet. Mandy had landed her own speeder and dismounted. Virago had his back to the water and Mandy was blocking his only escape route.


Mandy clapped her hands mockingly. “A valliant attempt little jedi. But not good enough,” she added with a smirk. “Now where is your friend?”


“Right,” Virago shot back, “If I tell you where she is you’ll let me skip on home, will you?” Virago felt anger coarse through him. All of the anxiety during the chase and all of the fear he felt when he was captured, which had been bottled up in some corner of his body was released. He hated this wretched woman and all that she stood for. He was a jedi for galaxy’s sake. He was supposed to stop people like her, not run from them. He had been a pawn in her sick game for too long. “I’m done running from you schutta!” he spat. “This ends right here and now if you have the guts to face me when I’m armed.”


“My employer wants you alive,” said Mandy in an irritated voice. “But he is not here. I’ve been looking forward to this.” At this point the remainder of Mandy’s crew pulled up in their speeders. “The jedi is mine,” said Mandy threateningly. “If any of you intervene I will not hesitate to kill you where you stand.” Mandy’s eyes were wide with bloodlust. She drew two vibroblades from sheaths strapped to her leather tanktop. Her arms were bare and glistening with sweat.


Virago and Mandy circled eachother slowly, each looking for a weakness in the other, Without warning Mandy lashed out with her dual swords aiming for Virago’s neck. The jedi brought his burning orange blade up to meet the twin swords, parrying the strike. Virago gathered the force around him and jumped high in the air cleaving downward. Mandy sidestepped the attack and swung her blades in an upward attack. Virago almost didn’t react in time but managed to bat the swords away. He whirled his lightsaber in an arc but Mandy’s right sword met it. Sparks flew from the contact.


Virago cleared his mind releasing the anger that had burst from him. He unleashed a flurry of deadly attacks swinging his blade so fast that it was just a blurr of light. Uppercut, jab, thrust. Mandy stumbled backwards and for the first time looked truly worried. Sweat dripped from Virago’s hair and into his eyes, the salty liquid made them sting and water terribly but the sight of Mandy’s fear bolstered Virago’s resolve. He sprang into the air once more but this time instead of jumping vertically, he aimed right for the bounty hunter. He was rewarded when his foot made contact with Mandy’s knee. A loud crunching sound filled his ears and he felt something snap under his foot. Mandy’s knee gushed blood. The bone was broken and was poking through the skin.


Mandy hissed in agony, a red hot fury engulfing her. Throwing all strategy away Mandy swung her swords in a blind rage. The blows were fast as lightning and the tip of one of her blades sliced Virago’s cheek. There was a flurry of movement as Mandy lunged, coming in hard with the vibroblade. Virago caught it on his blade, felt it scrape down the length of his blade as Mandy kept coming, intent and lethal. Going on training and instinct, Virago thrust out his lightsaber — and Mandy’s sword was there, just where it should be, coming up under his guard in a drive toward his heart. With a twist of his lightsaber wrist, Virago deflected it the few crucial centimeters that saved his life. Virago felt no pain only a jarring impact but he knew he had been hit. He danced backward, disengaging before executing another attack.


Virago slammed his lightsaber into her vibroblade twirling it and wrenching the sword for Mandy’s grasp. Taking advantage of her momentary shock her jabbed at her neck. Mandy ducked under the blow, the lightsaber singeing her hair.


The smell of burnt hair filled his nostrils and Virago had thought that he had won, but in disarming Mandy of a vibroblade he had gotten too close. Her fist made contact with his nose and before he knew it he was on the ground. Blood trickled from his nose. A desperation engulfed his body. This was it. This was his one chance to stop this insane woman.


Virago sensed the knife a moment before it came. The tiny glint of silver halted a mere inch away from his face. With a mental shove Virago sent the throwing knife back at Mandy, putting all his anger and spite into the strike. The knife went wide but its razor sharp tip nicked Mandy’s arm, forming a tiny gash.



Suddenly he heard a voice in his head. Virago, get ready to jump as high as you can.


Aruil? he thought incredulously.


Yes, came her voice again.


Virago felt a sour taste in his mouth. He spat out the blood. Mandy smiled viciously as she gripped her remaining sword ready to attack. Virago stretched out his palm and pushed with his mind and with an invisible shove of the force sent Mandy sailing backward, off her feet, where she slammed into a rock. Mandy’s thugs appeared not to notice and stared at something behind Virago. Virago could here a noise in his ear, like the sound of rushing water. He turned around awed by what he saw.


An gargantuan tidal wave had risen out of the water. At its peak was nonother than Aruil. He arms were stretched out behind her as she rode the wave - her wave. Aruil had used the force to create this monsterous wave of azure water and pearly white foam. It was headed straight for him. Virago jumped as high as he could, using the force to add to his altitude.


The wave crashed onto the shore. Mandy picked herself up just in time to by knocked flat by the oncoming rush of water. Her crew and all of their speeders were burried by the billowing, rippling onslought of water. The foaming white force knocking them all down as though they were nothing more than a house of pazzak cards.


The wave finally leveled out, forming a pool on the shore. Aruil landed gracefully on her feet and even with that vague smile on her face. She was the only one left standing. Virago landed next to her with a splash. “Sometimes I forget what a powerful jedi you are,” said Virago staring at the prone forms of Mandy and her crew whom Aruil had taken down in a matter of seconds. Aruil’s quirky personality, Virago reflected, was highly misleading. One second she could be babbling about how rats did not exist and the next she was taking out twenty soldiers with one almighty strike. Virago felt his heart swell with pride for his friend.


He embraced Aruil, not minding the state of her sodden robes. “I’m glad you are okay...I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He looked the jedi girl in the eyes. Aruil didn’t speak but her eyes made her message clear – thank you. Aruil being an outcast at the temple had never experienced friendship until she met Virago. Her face was covered in salty droplets and Virago knew that not all of them were sea water.


Mandy, groaning, managed to get to her feet. No sooner had she stood up when the water froze around her feet trapping her. Aruil had frozen the water. “When this ice melts you brats are dead!” she shrieked.


Virago was about to reply when he saw a tall man walk up behind Mandy. He seemed to have no trouble navigating on the ice. He was thin and shoulder-length black hair. His eyes were the color of cobalt. “Mandy, you failed me again,” he said clicking his tongue as though chiding a toddler. Ignoring Mandy’s pitiful protests, the man turned to the jedi. “My name is Silas. You’ll have to forgive me. I gave Mandy explicit orders to keep you two alive...I had an inkling she would lose her temper. No matter,” said the man untiously. “Thankfully I am here to clean up this mess.”


“You hired Mandy to capture us!” said Virago indignantly, his muscles tensing for a fight. There was no telling what this man was capable of. For all he knew this man could be a sith trained to use the force. “Let us go or Aruil here will freeze your ass just like she did with Mandy.”


The man continued to smile at the jedi. “And here I was hoping we could be friends.” He sighed as if this whole conversation was nothing more than a bother to him. “No? Thats too bad. Now we’ll have to do this the hard way.”


No sooner had the words slipped from the man’s mouth when Virago felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. Before he knew what was happening he collapsed to the ground his vision blurred. There was anothter thudding sound and Virago saw Aruil sink to the ground next to him. Her eyes were closed as though in sleep. Virago’s vision darkened. He tried to fight this mysterious force that had taken hold of him but it was to great. He slipped out of consciousness.




Jacen Zarek restlessly paced back and forth through the main hold of the Centauri. Mission and Vorzar had been gone for almost two standard hours now. Since their mission to get into Vogga’s palace required finding a twi’lek domo in the Jekk Jekk Tarr, they had all agreed it would be best to send the alien crew members in. The air inside the infamous Jekk Jekk Tarr Bar was toxic to humans but most aliens were immune to it. This twi’lek domo was supposed to be getting Mission a job as a dancer for Vogga so they could infiltrate his palace and break into Mandy’s quarters. Jacen and Gina would come inside as well, playing the part of Mission’s servants. Vorzar would remain behind to guard the ship.


Normally dancers would not have servants, but Vogga only hired the best. These dancers were not slaves or servants but independent beings who were good enough at their job to bring in substancial earnings.


“You have been pacing for thirty seven minutes,” said Gina unexpectedly.


“Have I?” said Jacen, unable to keep the edge out of his voice. Silently he berated himself. He had promised himself that he would try to be nicer to Gina. “Sorry, forgive me for my attitude. I just want to get this operation under way. I’m used to doing things on my own, not waiting around for others.”


“Apologies are not neccessary,” said Gina flatly. “I am not like organics that are upset by words or mannerisms.” Gina got up and walked to the middle of the main hold. “This is the exact center of the ship,” she informed him.


“Really?” said Jacen dully. “Great work there.”


“The ship is moving- it is sinking. The rear port-side landing gear is compressing at a rate of .00297 milimeters per day.”


“So what? Does that effect the security system or the life support systems?” inquired Jacen without much interest. “How does this effect our mission?” he asked while expecting some highly technical answer of the vitality of this information.


“It does not effect our mission…but in six to seven months we will need a new landing stud.”


It took all of Jacen’s reserve to keep him from rolling his eyes and was most gratefull when he heard the boarding ramp lowering and the sound of Mission and Vorzar clambering inside. The two entered the main hold, sweaty-faced but pleased.


“How did it go?” asked Jacen eagerly. “Did you get the job?”


“Yup,” said Mission, who for some reason appeared to be holding back laughter. She let out a tiny giggle before clapping her hand firmly over her mouth. Jacen cocked and eyebrow at her which only amused the twi’lek even more. He threw Vorzar a questioning look.


“There was a slight complication,” said the green vurk blinking his solemn eyes. “Vogga the Hutt’s sister, Azura is coming to his palace for a visit.”


“So whats the big deal?” said Jacen who was feeling stupider by the second.


“Well,” said Mission who had composed herself. “Azura is a girl hutt Jacen. She does not want- well she needs- erm- male dancers.” Not sooner had the words eascaped her lips when she snorted with laughter again, this time making no attempt to stifle it, her head tails bouncing wildly.


Jacen’s eyes widened and he suddenly felt very warm despite the low temperature on the ship. “You mean…you booked me as a dancer as well? Mission, you didn’t!”


Mission nodded and held up a tiny, very fine emerald loin cloth shaking it like a dogs chew toy. “Here’s your outfit, master jedi,” she said putting a delicate emphasis on these last two words.


Jacen’s expression was bland as he retrieved it. “I’m not wearing this.”


“Aww don’t be such a stick in the swamp!” said Mission cheerfully. Don’t ya wanna catch Mandy?”


“So happy to amuse.” Jacen replied dryly. “Where is your outfit then?” asked Jacen trying to shift the focus on Mission.


Vorzar pulled a box out of his robe and handed to to Jacen. Jacen reached in. They heard the sound of rustling septsilk. Jacen tossed a garment at Mission. It was made of a scarlet clingy material and there was not much of it.


“Where is the rest of it?” she said examining the skimpy outfit.


“I’m afraid that’s all,” said Jacen. Now it was his turn to grin. “But don’t be such a stick in the swamp! Don’t you want to catch Mandy?” he said in imitation of the twi’lek.


Grimly, Mission pulled the outfit on over her leather leggings and battered smuggler’s vest. Jacen and even Vorzar burst out laughing at the sight of the feminine garment flung haphazardly over Mission’s rough clothing. She scowled at Jacen, daring him to challenge the fashion.


Gina, of course having no comprehension of Mission’s look nor even slightly intimidated by it spoke up. “I do not think that is how you are supposed to wear it.”


Mission gritted her teeth. “We aren’t in Vogga’s palace yet.”


It took about an hour for everyone to get their gear together. It was more complicated than just clipping it to a belt and being done with it. Blasters would not rouse suspicion at Vogga’s, but Jacen’s lightsaber and some of Gina’s more exotic weapons might. In the end it was decided that Gina would leave her weapons on the ship. After all, she had to pretend to be Jacen’s and Mission’s servant and it would look fishy if she had a weapon. Besides, as Jacen told himself, Gina was tougher than nuclear nails and hardly needed a blaster anyway. The trio bid goodbye to Vorzar and headed for the Nar Shaddaa Docks, where an entrance to Vogga’s palace was located.


Jacen had expected the docks to be bustling. On the contrary, there was hardly anyone there.


“I guess there isn’t much business or trading going on here,” Jacen observed. “Vogga’s operation runs on bribes and fees.”


“Nar Shaddaa’s economy runs mainly on organized crime syndicates and the blackmarket,” said Mission.


“Which means people like Vogga are the only ones prospering.”


The group continued down the walkway, Gina’s eyes scanning the area for possible threats. Only one person was in sight, and it was an aqualish with a weather-worn face. He held his hand up for the group to stop, as though he owned the docs.


“Stop,” he said in basic though with a thick accent. “This is my walkway, see? You need to pay the toll to walk here, see?”


Mission opened her mouth to retort but Jacen cut in. “Okay, how much is the toll?”


“Fifty credits,” said the aqualish smugly holding out his palm and smiling broadly. Mission’s temper flared at this exorbitant price and started to complain hotly. Jacen silenced her with a quick look. She complied, though rather grudgingly.


Jacen sighed. “Here you go,” he said in a resigned voice handing over the appropriate amount.


“Thank you sir,” said the aqualish mockingly and stepping aside, gesturing to the grimy walkway ahead as though is was the finest bridge in the galaxy. He put the credits in a sack at his belt. As Jacen walked past the alien, he stumbled, bumping into him. “Watch it!” snarled the alien before shuffling away.


No sooner was the aqualish out of earshot when Mission burst out. “What did ya do that for? We could have just muscled past him…and I’d be willing to bet he don’t even own that walkway!”


“We should have killed him,” said Gina.


“And I’m surprised that it has taken you this long to suggest that,” said Jacen. He turned to Mission. “You can’t argue with all of the foolish and greedy people in the world. It is easier to let them have their way and trick them when they aren’t looking.” He opened his hand, revealing even more credits than they had payed the aqualish to cross the walkway.


“You stole his money!” said Mission half incredulously and half proudly. “That was pretty crafty of you.”


“It’s been known to happen,” said Jacen with a smile, pocketing the money. He knew it was not a very jedi-like thing to do, but he was on a mission to find Virago and that was more important...they needed all the credits they could get.


“We still could have killed him and taken the money,” Gina pointed out.


Jacen, Gina, and Mission walked through the doors of Vogga’s palace. Jacen was just starting to think that this was too easy when he saw the metal detector.


“Take off any weapons or metal objects,” said the guard stationed at the metal detector. “Only vibro-blades and small blasters are allowed inside unless you are part of Vogga’s security team. Jacen felt his heart sink. How was he going to get Gina through a metal detector? After all, she was just one big walking hunk of metal. Jacen and Mission disarmed. The metal detector was a narrow archway that people had to walk through to get inside. There was a small space between the detector and the wall. Jacen used the force to levitate his lightsaber through. It worked and the weapon got through undetected.


Jacen and Mission walked through the arch without incident but no sooner had Gina stepped under it when it buzzed loudly. Jacen reacted quicky. “Excuse me,” he said to the guard. “This is my servant. She has a metal plate in her head.”


The guard looked skeptically at Gina. “How’d you get that?”


“I get into fights…a lot,” said Gina.


In the end the guards let Gina pass. Jacen pulled Gina aside. “Please try not to kill anybody, okay? We can’t afford to draw unecessary attention to ourselves.”


If cyborgs had emotion, Jacen would have thought Gina looked rather disappointed. She cocked her head at him as if to say “I make no promises” before she allowed herself to be shown to the servants’ quarters where she would be staying. Jacen and Mission were lead off to the more comfortable guest quarters.


The two would be sharing a room. They were shown inside by a rodian and promised not to leave.


“Eesh, this is just like Davik’s back on Taris,” said Mission wrinkling her nose. “I’ll bet that simple son of a Coruscant granite slug locked us in.” It turned out that Mission was right, though she laughed at the rodian’s mediocre security skills. “He encoded the computer to open the door with the Grangridge Algorythm. Thats so simple it’s like saying ‘please decode me.’ Amateur,” she added as she unlocked the door. She kept it closed however. No need to open it until they were fully ready to search for Mandy’s room.


“We’ll wait until tomorrow,” said Jacen, “That way almost everyonewill be at the party.” Jacen studied the room. He thought it looked like a hotel on Coruscant. It had thick red carpet, a fake potted plant in each corner, and to his surprise only one sleep couch. He looked over at Mission to see if she had noticed this little development.


Mission scrunched her lips and glared at Jacen, though he could tell it was playful. “Yeah don’t get any ideas hotshot, one of us is sleeping on the floor.”


“Play pazzaak for the bed?” challenged Jacen.


“You're on,” replied Mission with a grin as she took out her deck and began to deal the cards.



Gina sat down on her sleep cot in the servants’ quarters. The sheets were of a dull brown color and made of a rough material. She did not have her own room. She would be sharing it with five other female servants. She watched silently as the others in the room arranged their meager possessions or made their beds. The woman whose bed was closests to Gina’s bustled about folding rich, elaborate clothes that were far too fine and expensive to be her own. They must have belonged to the woman’s master. She had a kind face that must have been pretty at some point; but years of hard labor had robbed it of its former beauty. The woman did a double take upon seeing Gina.


“You must be here because of the party,” she said with a tired, but kind smile. “Your master is one of those dancers that Vogga hired, right?”


“Yes,” said Gina.


“I’m Valda,” said the woman, “It must be nice to have a master that takes you with him on his travels. My master has a permanent room here at the palace so this has been my home for over three years now. I have not seen the outside world in all that time.” She smiled sadly as she sat down next to Gina, the front of her shirt pushed out extremely far, the fabric stretched to it’s limits.


“You are pregnant,” said Gina cocking her head at Valda’s bolbous stomach. It was not a question. “Approximately eight months judging by the volume.”


“Yeah,” said Valda giving her first real smile. “My master has been kind enough to let me keep it. Do you want to feel it?” Gina lightly placed her palm on Valda’s stomach. She felt a slight thump against her hand as the child in the womb kicked. “Just think,” said Valda, “You were inside your mother once.”


Before Gina could tell Valda that this was not true, a girl that looked about Gina’s age plopped down on her other side. Gina now turned her attention to the girl. She had rust colored hair that lay unbound and flowing around her delicate features. Though she wore simple servant’s clothing her beauty was still evident. In her lap was a tray with a piece of bread, a hunk of cheese and a tin cup filled with water. She offered the tray to Gina. “I’m Ranaa. Valda is my mom. I brought you some food.”


Gina inwardly wondered why someone who had so little would give up anything to a complete stranger. It seemed so illogical…another human inefficiency. “Don’t you need the food?”


“I’ll be fine without it,” said Ranaa “Besides, we have to help eachother if we want to survive. Things can get tough down here in the servants’ quarters.”


Gina talked with Valda and Ranaa for over an hour. The two women seemed genuinly interested in what Gina had to say and were quite keen to hear any news of the outside world. Gina spilled forth knowledge from her memory chip. She told the women of everything from Senator Jace and his bid for the place of Supreme Chancellor to the animals found on Ansion. In turn, Valda and Ranaa told Gina everything they knew about Vogga’s palace which Gina payed careful attention to. The guards in sector 1B left their posts at midnight to grab a snack from the kitchen. The vents to the servants quarters and the guest quarters were connected, and the servants could often hear what was going on inside. Any of these facts could be useful if she, Jacen, and Mission ever needed to escape. She stored them in her memory chip.


Talking with Valda and Ranaa was something Gina had never experienced before. They treated her like a normal person for they knew no reason to fear her. They were not wary like Jacen and Senator Jace, nor did they try to improve her like Mission. They just talked. This must be what the human conception of frienship is like, thought Gina.Though it was a fully human experience, Gina felt that it could be a valuable lesson in communication.


There was a clang that sounded like the opening of a heavy metal door. Valda’s eyes grew wide with fear. “The guards are coming.” She turned to Gina. “Just stay out of their way and they won’t bother you.” No sooner had the woman spoken when the door to their quarters hissed open and three guards (one human and two gammoreans) trudged in, the human with looking around with an air of superiority and the gammoreans just blinking stupidly. Ranaa resolutly turned her back on them as though she was quite used to these intrusions.


“Hey girl, now don’t be like that,” said the human guard in a condescending tone slicking his greasy blond hair back. “You know I’ve got something for you,” he said eyeing her breats with lust in his eyes. “Are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way, hmmm?”


Ranaa turned to him, her eyes hard. There was a moment in which the room was utterly silent and filled with a nervous tension. It was a loud silence. Ranaa spit at the guard’s feet. Lust turned to anger in the guard’s eyes as he lunged for Ranaa. Valda tried to stop him but was restrained by the gammoreans, her screams filling the air and pleading with the guard to stop.


Ranaa struggled but was shoved to the ground, her face forced against the filth and dirt of the cold floor. The guard stomped his combat boot against Ranaa’s head. She screamed in agony as blood burst from her cheek, her head trapped between the boot and the floor. The other women in the room were paralized by fear as they and Valda watched in horror as the guard ripped off Ranaa’s shirt, exposing her bare torso. “This is going to hurt,” he growled, a sick energy lighting up his face. Ranaa screamed swinging her hands desperately at the man’s face trying to fight him off. “Stop screaming you little b*tch!” He hit her face hard and a loud crack pierced the room. He whipped out a small knife “One more sound and I will permanently disfigure you and you will be so ugly that even your own mother will not be able to stand the sight of you!” Again Ranaa tried to move but the guard had gotten hold of her shining rusty tresses and yanked on them, forcing her down and ripping out a chunk of her hair. He lowered the knife to Ranaa’s face.


Gina stared at this scene. Ranaa had helped her; but more importantly had treated her as an equal – no more and no less. If Jacen had imparted one thing in her in his explaination of friendship it was that friends helped eachother. She walked up to the guard whose knife was mere inches away from Ranaa’s face. The guard saw Gina standing near him, garbed in her skin-tight leather jumpsuit. She was prettier than Ranaa. He stood up. “Hey girl,” he said to Gina as he unzipped his pants, “I’ve got something for you.”


“I’ve got something for you too,” said Gina mechanically, her expression cold. No sooner had the guard come within reach when- Wham! Gina punched him square in the face with her tremendous cyborg strength. The guard flew back several feet before slamming into a wall. Blood spurted from his nose, dark red drops pooling on the floor. “This is going to hurt,” said Gina calmly echoing what the guard had said to Ranaa.


The guard was slumped on the floor. Gina grabbed him by the neck, lifting him off his feet and pinning him to the wall again. She plucked the small knife from the guard’s trembling hand. He wimpered pitifully, utterly flabergasted that a young girl had so much power over him. “Who is the little b*tch now?” she said in icy tones. Her grip tightened around the man’s neck but she hesitated. Killing a guard would severely compromise the mission – she could not attract the attention of those in high positions at Vogga’s palace. Gina dropped the guard on the ground. He lay sprawled on his back. Gina knew she would have to let him live though it was in her nature to kill him. Still, she could get one last blow in. With all her strength she kicked the guard in the fork of the legs her face emotionless as he screamed in pain. “I think your ‘something’ is broken. Leave now if you want to live. Never come back here…I will know if you do.” Gina’s eyes flashed green as she stood over the battered, bloody man. With her back turned to everyone else in the room, only the guard could see the flash of green in her eyes.


No sooner had the cyborg given the word than the guard took off running. Gina then rounded on the gammoreons that were restraining Valda. The two brutish thugs took one look at Gina’s blood covered hands and fled after the human.


Valda, Ranaa, and the other women stared at Gina in awe.


“You are just a girl,” said Valda breathlessly after helping Ranaa to her feet., “How did you do that?” She stared at Gina in complete disbelief.


“I work out,” said Gina, who was swarmed by the other women all hugging and thanking her.


Ranaa silently mouthed the words “Thank you.”

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Reana’ka Norian stood behind the one-way mirror, looking into the dingy room that was Interoggation Room 1. Her granite colored eyes were fixed on Marit Thel-Tanis who was seated inside. She could see the jedi, but the jedi could not see her. Norian liked the feeling of power that came with the one-way mirror. She clicked her long finger nails impatiently. Her assistant, Mylar stood next to her, staring slavishly up at his boss.


“Did you mean what you said earlier, ma’am?” he asked in his high-pitched, squeaky voice.


“Did I mean what, Mylar?” asked the twi’lek impatiently.


“That if Marit talks before Taran does, she will get full immunity.”


Norian sucked the inside of her cheek in an agitatied manner. “Do you really think I would do any such thing? Even if she tells us everything she knows I’m still going to…dispose of her. We finally have an excuse to throw her out and I intend to take it.” She glared at Mylar, causing the man to cower in fear. “Marit Thel-Tanis is nothing more than a bug, a bug that will be squashed. Open the door. I’m going to talk to her now.”


Mylar swiped his card across the access scanner and with a beep the door opened. Marit silently watched as Norian cooly took a seat across from her. Even without the force, Marit could have felt the glee radiating off Norian.


“Do you want to tell me what you know or are you going to be difficult?” asked Norian.


“I’m going to be difficult,” answered Marit coldly. “You are not here because you want to uphold the law. You are here because you have a personal grudge against me and Jacen’s escape just gave you the chance to punish me.”


“You think you’re so clever,” said Norian, a vein pulsing in her temple. “With your lightsaber and your computer skills…all of your powers. But I have news for you. I have all the power now. So I’ll ask you again, tell me where Jacen Zarek went.”


Although Marit did not like it, Norian definitely had a point. In this room she had all the power. Marit had got herself locked up trying to help Jacen. She could not help him in here. “Ms. Norian, you don’t understand about Jacen. He didn’t usurp your authority because he wanted to.” Marit took a deep breath. “Someone kidnapped his padawan Virago and when you had him arrested he felt he had no other choice but to escape. Please, Virago is like a son to him.”


Norian raised an eyebrow. “I did not know that Zarek had lost an apprentice.” For a wild moment Marit thought she had actually brought out a soft side in Norian, but then “This changes nothing. I do not care for the safety of some lone jedi brat. You are going to jail Thel-Tanis. Oh, yes,” she said smiling savagely a greedy hunger in her eyes, “ you will regret crossing me. Get up.”


Marit stood up and to her surprise Norian removed her handcuffs. “What are you doing?” Marit asked in shock.


“Unfortunately, my superiors down at District Headquarters have said that I do not have enough solid evidence to hold you. I have to let you go,” she said, with a sour expression that suggested she had dung under her nose. “You get to go back to work because I do not have enough evidence…but I intend to keep looking.”


“Good luck with that,” said Marit in the sweetest tone she could muster before leaving. She had her job back and could help Jacen behind Norian’s back again. But she would have to be extremely careful. She was playing a dangerous game.



Taran Vhek sat in the cold dark of the CCI interoggation room. Reana’ka Norian had not been in to question him yet. He knew that she was interoggating Marit about Jacen’s escape. He knew Norian would push the jedi woman hard. But if he knew anything about Marit, it was that she was loyal to Jacen. She would not give up anything about Jacen which ultimately made he, Taran the prime target for extraction of information.


There was a buzzing sound as Norian entered the room. She had the air of an infuriated person who had just composed herself. Inwardly Taran smiled. Marit had not given Norian any information and the twi’lek was seething with anger about it. Norian sat down at the table across from Taran.


“Do you remember the deal I offered Marit and yourself when I had you arrested?” asked Norian with a sickening smirk, her cold gray eyes staring at Taran.


“You mean when you said the first one of us who told you what you wanted to know would get full immunity?” answered Taran though he knew the question was rhetorical. “I guess Marit is harder to crack than you thought huh?” he said. Now it was his turn to smirk as Norian’s own smile faded in an instant.


“Don’t put your faith in her,” spat Norian viciously. “We both know her and that Jacen Zarek have been screwing around…and not just in the sense of CCI protocals, if you catch my drift.” Norian blinked several times before her smile returned to her face, though it was rather forced. “I know you are no friend of the jedi order. Neither am I. I want to lock Marit and Zarek both up for the rest of their lives. I believe we have similar goals.”


“Look, Ms. Norian,” said Taran cutting in. “Let me save you some time. I’m not the biggest fan of Jacen Zarek. I don’t like how he comes into CCI in his big important jedi way. I don’t like how he runs operations, or how he delegates authority…but as of today you will not get me to go against one action he has taken. You are wasting your time.”


Norian breathed heavily, her eyes ablaze with intense hatred but her voice was more poisonously sweet than ever. “You know Mr. Vhek in this building I have all the power. Your career depends solely on my whim – don’t make this difficult for yourself. I couldn’t care less about firing you and putting your family on the streets.”


Taran remained silent.


“I’ll just give you time to…mull over what I said.” Norain rose from her seat, her business suit making a rustling sound on the metal chair as she stood up.


“No, I don’t need time to ‘mull it over’ because you are bluffing,” said Taran shortly. Norian glared at him with those hard eyes and Taran glared right back. Norian had not expected this manuver as Taran continued. “I’m Deputy Director. I read all of the rules and regulations and I know you have no solid evidence against me. So you can let me out or I will report you to the District Director. Now there is still an assassination threat aimed at Jace who is the only man who can put this scattered and broken Republic together…with all of that on his plate, I doubt the District Director will be in the mood for your bureaucratic squabbling.”


Norian’s nostrils flared with rage but she could do nothing. She appeared as though she was ready to blow again but managed to calm herself. “Fine Mr. Vhek. But you had best be careful. But just so you know, even though I have no evidence yet it has become my personal mission to gain it and tear you down.”




Silas stood on the bridge of his ship. Waiting. The doors at the other end of the command deck hissed open. A woman stepped through, her powerful strides carrying her across the walkway to Silas. Silas glared at the woman as she approached. She was the most powerful being he had at his disposal though nobody would guess it judging by her physical appearance.


She had a pale pointed face and flaming orange hair that was tied back in a severe ponytail. Her eyes were of cool gray. Her movements were stiff, her face emotionless as she appraoched Silas.


“My source tells me that the jedi Jacen Zarek is on Nar Shaddaa,” said Silas to the woman. “The cyborg is still with him...I trust you can handle the situation better than that pile of scrap Levin.”


The woman stared at Silas. “I will break them,” she said, her gray eyes suddenly glowing with a bright green light.

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You've really got an impressive story here that I have really taken to, despite having really only one character I recognize. The rest are OC's, but I've really taken to them and I can't help but admire the attention to detail you put into even the characters you only see for a short while.


I often leave out the descriptions to allow readers to imagine them as they want instead of going into depth like you have. The profiles and images of each one really added to this and the humorous bits you put in... Jacen and Mission! lol I admit that I couldn't have come up with something as great as that.


The story goes on...

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Thank you DY!


I was really wondering about this chapter because I had to edit some of what I considered to be the best stuff out and put it in the next chapter. Jacen and Mission :xp:I still have not decided who gets the bed or if they share. I don't plan on making them intimate but I'm not closed to the possibility. Somehow I see them more in a "I find you physically appealing so I'll flirt but we are still just friends" kind of thing.


Next chapter will be more action oriented in the Jacen storyline. You know their plan can't go off without a hitch...thats no fun :D. That girl at the very end of the chapter was indeed a cyborg...she and Gina will have a smackdown next chapter. :) And poor Jacen and Mission have to squeeze into those lovely dancer outfits *shudders* I almost feel bad about putting them through that...almost.


After next chapter I plan to shake things up a bit. Get Marit a little feild experience rather than just being the techie.


I'm planning on entering Javyar's for the first time this month but I'll try not to let it slow me down. I know I took forever to post this chap but chapters should be up regularly from now on. (1-2 weeks)



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Well you've done so well with your original characters that I've decided to reduce the number of returning characters in 'Destined to Live.' They're great because you already know them, but they've already been developed in the games. What you've got with Mission being one character readers can relate to, but the rest being raw characters developing throughout the story opens great possibilities.


I'll not pressure you to do anything... (Mission and Jacen!) You've got a great original story that has inspired me to change aspects from both my stories. So if SiD inspired TFP, DtL and the rest of SiD will significantly reflect upon this.

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Y'know what the problem with reading a chapter late is?


Everyone says everything you want to say before you do. :D


Wonderful job, HOP--as usual. :xp: I like how your chapters are humorous, and then they become far more serious.


So...when's the next chapter? :xp:

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@DY: Thank you for the complaiments! SiD got me going on this fic in the first place. Nice to know I can help you out too. :D


@ Endo: Hah, lol I know the feeling. :p



Next chapter is on the way and hopefully will not take nearly as long as this one did. :) I guess it depends on how long it takes me to write the Gina vs. Cyborg girl at the end. That is the only part I can see possibly hindering me.


As I said, next chapter should round up the Nar Shaddaa story arc. I had originally intended to cut Mission out after Nar Shaddaa but I have come to see that she can play a good part in the crew. Everybody else is a little wound up. Vorzar is very quiet and Gina is...y'know, Gina :xp: so I think Mission can help develop Jacen's character and get him to loosen up. You guys know how I post those annoying summaries? Well I won't do that anymore. Instead I will make a list of "campaign promises" for the next chapter:


1) Gina faces off with a cyborg of the same model.

2) Marit gets to do some computer hacker stuff to live up to her role as the techie.

3) Remember Senator Jace? His election results are in (lets face it Jacen needs an ally in the government especially with Norian trying to screw him over at every turn).


4)and the most important question of all will be answered: Who will win that Pazzaak game? :xp:


Out of curiousity, how many of you guys think Jacen and Mission would make a good couple? I think DY expressed his support already :D. The thought of doing it has crossed my mind several times but I'm still on the border of which direction to go with that. I will admit that is mostly because I'm a Mistil shipper (Mission + Dustil Onasi)...but seeing as he is not in this fic I'm willing to make an exception to the rule. What do you guys think? Couple or friends?


Chapter Twelve: Machine vs. Machine should be up soon. :)



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The Jedi Council will frown upon said blue, smart-alek Twi'lek. :p


What Council? Well even if the NEW Council did, what would it matter to Jacen anyway?


My only advice or input would be not to just throw them together because you can, or even because I would be for it. If you don't want to, or they just don't work; I'd rather that you skip the relationship than for you to detract from the story having it.


It's your story and I will respect what you decide.

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I started reading this when you first started posting chapters, and then somehow I lost track. I just picked up again today and I really enjoyed the read to this point. Your characters have a good depth and carry their parts in the story well. I particularly enjoy Gina as it seems others do as well. Keep up the good work!

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