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My avatar is now orange

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carefreereddi3.gif -> 90skavatarlargers9.gif


I just bought ripe on FPSBanana... that means I'm an advanced member. I got the life subscription (it's worth it: I'll be doing a lot of modding in the upcoming years).


Check out my dope profile.




I had to do it over myself, and I'm not great with HTML, but it came out pretty good looking. The background and header bar thing are both my work. And of course the red pants on mah avvy's legs kinda clashed so I slogged through like 65 frames of GIF, changing them all to orange. I'm actually not sure which one I like better... the red looked real nice. But as you'll see with the profile, the orange looks great against all the other oranges, so whatevs.

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Wow this thread is becoming epic fail. Quick, EW, help me resuscitate it! :lol:


BTW Skye, you just did that because now she looks topless, didn't you!?


Even my awesome posting magic might not be able to save this one :D


However, if you and I work together, we might be able to do something - Everyone look at 90SK's pr0nz avatar! :lol:



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Wow this thread is becoming epic fail. Quick, EW, help me resuscitate it! :lol:


BTW Skye, you just did that because now she looks topless, didn't you!?


I'm afraid her pseudo toplessness is a sacrifice I'm willing to make in order to preserve my color coordinated FPSB profile. It's not like I get my jollies looking at pixelated topless dancers anyway! ... >_>

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I'm afraid her pseudo toplessness is a sacrifice I'm willing to make in order to preserve my color coordinated FPSB profile. It's not like I get my jollies looking at pixelated topless dancers anyway! ...


Sacrifice? Suuuuuure :xp:


We need someone to pin all the blame on.



Lets stick with Marius for now.




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I'd be almost willing to give cash to someone who could tell me the origins of this avatar, really. I'm dying to know where it came from, I didn't get it from its source, I snagged it when Purple Squid of THIS FORUM posted it in response to some smarmy comment I made.


That was way back before Ave or Jmac or any of the others were in RD, and things were quiet and only moderately outrageous.

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I'm afraid her pseudo toplessness is a sacrifice I'm willing to make in order to preserve my color coordinated FPSB profile. It's not like I get my jollies looking at pixelated topless dancers anyway! ... >_>
Suuuure you don't! I can see right through you, mister! :¬:
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