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rut ro... ChAiNz has that itch


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I'd dual boot Vista alongside your current XP OS if I were you. ;)

definitely plan on it. I'll probably make a thread when "doomsday" nears as to what preparations I should be looking at. :D


Building a new system, so I'm sure there's going to be all kinds of stuff for me to piss and moan about :lol:

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definitely plan on it. I'll probably make a thread when "doomsday" nears as to what preparations I should be looking at. :D


Building a new system, so I'm sure there's going to be all kinds of stuff for me to piss and moan about :lol:


Heh, your 16 GB RAM Mac sounds about right for running Vista on. :lol:


Which version of Vista are you going for?

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Heh, your 16 GB RAM Mac sounds about right for running Vista on. :lol:


Which version of Vista are you going for?


Vista Ultimate, 64bit. and nah, this will be a standalone pc to replace my clunker :lol:



As for the new thread (split from MF's... that's right Tech-gurus, I've got the urge to build a new system :eek:


Have a few parts coming in soon, so I'm sure to be buggin you guys soon.. especially on the Vista part of it ;)

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Ooh, ooh. :emodanc:


What parts are you getting? Show us, please.




Here's a few of the things that are definite (meaning, they're in the mail :xp: ). So unless I get the itch to do without my new toy, I can't, or rather, would not 'like to' return them :lol:


*- spec links are not necessarily where I bought them from, I just needed the pics/specs ;)

  • Processor: spec link
    Intel Core 2 Extreme Processor QX9650 QUAD CORE 1333MHz 16MB LGA775 CPU
  • Motherboard: spec link
  • RAM: spec link
    (8GB) Mushkin PC8500 DDR2-1066
  • Case: spec link
    NZXT Apollo Black ATX Mid-Tower Case


Those are the new "base" parts. Other parts I'll either 'frankenstein' from my current pc.. or buy them locally. However what I'm thinking is:


- 1,000+w power supply (to replace a current 680 watt spare). Maybe Thermaltake, Master Power or Xion? suggestions?

- Asst. cooling fans, preferrably Cooler Master, Thermaltake or Arctic (had good experiences with all of them)

- New soundcard. Not fond of internal setups. Perhaps Soundblaster X-Fi Audigy?

- My current SLI 8800GTX vid cards setup (for now)

- My current internal 4(2)TB raid array. (4 x 1TB Sata II - 7,200 rpm). Along with my externals, should be more than enough ;)


and, of course, Vista Ultimate, 64bit.


Keep in mind this is a system meant for multi-tasking secondary motion graphics, 3D modeling, video editing, illustrating, graphic design & of course, gaming. ... these specs are a necessity I swear :xp:


Hardware and configuration aren't going to be a problem (as much).. I have built every system I've owned (other than my mac) since a Pentium 75mhz & Win95 was the bomb.. but Vista is altogether a different chicken and I can guess this is going to be my main obstacle.


I definitely want to dual boot XP > Vista.. but not sure how tricky this is going to get with a raid array on top of it. NOT going Raid is an option however... I can set up backups externally. That might make things easier.

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I bet that'll cost a fair bit. ;)

Surprisingly, not bad at all.. since I have most of the expensive stuff already (vid cards, hard drives, etc.). Without some of the bells & whistles, you could get a semi-comparable system around $1,500 - $1,700 (seriously)


Compared to my mac.. I'll take this price tag any day :lol:


Maybe once you get this new uber-machine up and running, you could start wowing us with your 3D skills on Holowan again? :p

If I can get Vista to run KotOR / TSL ;)

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Heh, K1 works fine, it's just TSL that takes a bit of persuading. Easy once you know how though. :lol:


When will you have this new PC running?


I'm hoping within a week or 2, give or take a few days.. assuming part availability, shipping/delivery competence (USPS :rolleyes: ) and my sanity :D


What I'm mainly interested in during the wait period is some good pre-prep articles, advice and possibly programs I need to keep an eye out for or download to have on hand. Any comments or suggestions are most welcome.


I've already combed through Astro's multi-boot guides.. wow what a godsend those are :thumbsup: Thank you Astro :lol:

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Yikes, you don't hang around, do ya! :p


That makes 5 computers in the ChAiNz household now, I think? :lol:


Not counting my laptops ;) Though 2 of them (pc) will probably go the way of the dodo after this next PC. I need to salvage parts for a bigger better beast muwahahaha [/mad scientist]


Besides, if I don't cut my power usage, I'm gonna get raided by the cops thinking I'm growing *something* Nothing worse than cops thinking their raiding a drug smuggler only to find a big nerd instead :bernard:

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Ah, I DREAD to think what your electricity bill must be like, running all these machines for hours at a time.. =S


Besides, if I don't cut my power usage, I'm gonna get raided by the cops thinking I'm growing *something* Nothing worse than cops thinking their raiding a drug smuggler only to find a big nerd instead :bernard:



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Keep in mind this is a system meant for multi-tasking secondary motion graphics, 3D modeling, video editing, illustrating, graphic design & of course, gaming. [/size]


(Here's some odd and ends that cross my mind :p )


apart from the gaming bit, doesnt your uber mac do all that ?


what type of games were you planning on playing?


considered some liquid cooling solutions.. I definitely wouldnt venture into 8800GTS-SLI on air alone if I wanted to be efficient about it, and could afford it.


knowing your capacity for ultra high end, Im surprised you arent going with a skulltrail board, and get all octa-core crazy. Thats the only way you'll come close to need that RAM youve speccd. Ive never used more than 40% of my 4GB and I do my fair dhare of video editing and encoding(though maybe not as high end as yourself)


and while you were at it, you could go with a workstation GPU like the tesla. The 8800 is last year man !!


will be a super rig for our fold team!


good luck mang!! :)



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(Here's some odd and ends that cross my mind :p )


apart from the gaming bit, doesnt your uber mac do all that ?

Indeed, and then some ;) The pc is just going to be a secondary in case (godz forbid) my mac is either down... or I need to work on something while the mac is busy. I need it to be somewhat capable of the hell I put the mac through.. hehehe. Other than work, I do alot of freelance... so I'm always working on something, even while I'm on the forums :lol:


what type of games were you planning on playing?

Not a huge gamer to be honest, though when I do game.. they're very taxing. Usually RPG, shooter or strategy. Games like Oblivion & BioShock.. plus when they're released I'll be looking at Spore, Diablo 3, Dragon Age. Big eyecandy games :xp:


considered some liquid cooling solutions.. I definitely wouldnt venture into 8800GTS-SLI on air alone if I wanted to be efficient about it, and could afford it.

I had thought about it. I'm running my current 8800 SLI setup without water-cooling though and it runs great. Though I do use RAM heat spreaders, Hardrive coolers and a multi-fan, multi-directional airflow setup... guess that's helping to distribute the heat.


Since I've never dealt with water-cooling (other than an old mac) it's something I'd have to research.


knowing your capacity for ultra high end, Im surprised you arent going with a skulltrail board, and get all octa-core crazy. Thats the only way you'll come close to need that RAM youve speccd. Ive never used more than 40% of my 4GB and I do my fair dhare of video editing and encoding(though maybe not as high end as yourself)

Well, I didn't want to go too overboard.. ;) hehehe

I'm not looking to replace my mac, just build a secondary that's capable of running multiple intensive programs to offset my idle time while the mac is busy rendering and such. I wanted to go PC since mine is getting outdated, and there's still alot of pc progz I use regularly. Since I can't bootcamp the mac into Windows while it's rendering.. a standalone is ideal for my workflow. Plus, since it's Vista.. I'd like it to be a dedicated machine. I'll keep XP Pro on the mac just-in-case but I'll also setup the PC in a dual-boot config. That should keep me covered for most situations. :)


and while you were at it, you could go with a workstation GPU like the tesla. The 8800 is last year man !!

This I have actually considered heavily. The reason I'm going with the SLI is because I already have it (hence the 'for now').. but my mac uses a Quadro FX 5600 and man I drool when I watch it cycle. I would love to setup my PC with one. Though the 9800's and the gtx280's are looking pretty sweet too.. choices choices...


will be a super rig for our fold team!

You know it! :D This system will definitely be dedicating a core or four for F@H :lol: Of course, looking at your WU turnaround, the GPU processing seems like an ideal route to go... I'll have to think long and hard about my video card setup for this system :D

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[*]Processor: spec link

Intel Core 2 Extreme Processor QX9650 QUAD CORE 1333MHz 16MB LGA775 CPU

Wow, what I would've done was buy a Q9450, overclock it to as high as your mobo/cooling allows it (judging by the rest of your rig, I'd say at least 3.5Ghz, since it's 45nm as well), it's got the same FSB, same cache, but costs £300 ($600) less, so you can spend that extra moolah on an up-to-date Sli/Crossfire setup or even a 9800 GX2 or a HD4870X2 when it's out...


But that's just me :)


Or you could always donate the extra cash to a poor guy like me trying to update his old Athlon XP @ 1.9Ghz with 768Mb of RAM and a 128Mb GeForce 6800 rig... :xp:

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...I've already combed through Astro's multi-boot guides.. wow what a godsend those are :thumbsup: Thank you Astro :lol:


cheers :)


I'd like to engrave that post on a baseball bat, to smack those in the face whose only contribution to LFN is to bitch and moan.



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Wow, what I would've done was buy a Q9450, overclock it to as high as your mobo/cooling allows it (judging by the rest of your rig, I'd say at least 3.5Ghz, since it's 45nm as well), it's got the same FSB, same cache, but costs £300 ($600) less, so you can spend that extra moolah on an up-to-date Sli/Crossfire setup or even a 9800 GX2 or a HD4870X2 when it's out...
I was kind of wondering that myself. I know that ChAiNz does some serious crunching on his machines, so he would definitely benefit from a quad, but I would just get a $180.00 Q6600 (and O/C the crap out of it, of course ;)) and an X48 or 780/790i motherboard for now and wait until the Yorkfields get cheaper.


Also, the Q9650 with a locked 9x multi is coming out very soon for about half the price of the EE (Extremely Expensive) QX9650. That chip has a very good chance of reaching 4GHZ with the right motherboard and heatsink.

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@ Q/negsun...since Chainz does his crunching as part of his work, I daresay spending more on kit is a positive when it comes to tax time ;) It definitely goes in my favour for the htpc stuff I do :p




bingo ;) hehehe...


While I do appreciate all the OC info, it's perhaps something for a 'play' box I'll keep in mind. However for this particular machine.. factory settings with minimal chance of system failure is ideal. :)

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There are heatsink fans out there that are so efficient that they keep temps at stock or below even at very high overclocks. It's the voltage that you have to worry about. As long as the temps are kept under control, the voltage is far more important, as too high a voltage is what really burns out a CPU at any temp.


Oh, and here is the best power supply review site that I know of. Very comprehensive. ;)

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Oh, and here is the best power supply review site that I know of. Very comprehensive. ;)

Very nice site, thanks so much! :D


I'm definitely looking for a higher wattage model, preferably with smart cable setup so I'm only using as many cables as needed. It also needs to be SLI capable, even better, nVidia SLI certified. 1,000w or higher.. though if it's efficient enough, I'm willing to go lower. I just need to make absolutely sure it can provide the juice needed for the parts it's going to have to support.


- Intel Core2 Extreme CPU

- SLI (2) 8800GTX vid cards

- (4) 1TB 7,2000 Hard Drives

- (1) 3.5' Floppy (yeah, I still like to have one :xp: )

- (1) DVD-RW 20x Dual Layer burner w/lightscribe (potentially upgrade to Blu-Ray later)

- (1) Soundblaster X-Fi Audigy sound card


Lately I've been looking at the Ultra X3 1,000w power supplies. Looks to be able to handle the rig (and then some). But I'm always open to suggestions ;)

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Heres my fave PSU font of knowledge, with its world renowned PSU calculator ;)




They also have overclock and H20 flow calculators, info. Love em ;)



ooohh.. me likey. Just a round-a-bout apx set me looking for at least a 711watt PSU (at 90% load).. so it let me know I need to definitely be looking for a PSU to replace my spare 680w asap ;)


Since it was a quick go-through I'm sure I'm missing some details.. but the calculator put me in a nice ball park range :D

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