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Alright I was on Wookieepedia earlier and decided to look at creatures. One in particular that took my fancy was called a Binjiphant http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Binjiphant


Though like any wiki Wookieepedia suffers from articles that have absolutely no information. Then I found out this creature was in Galaxies (It's at the bottom of the page)


So does anyone who has played Galaxies ever found this Binjiphant? What planet(s) is it on?

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Never heard of, nor seen such a creature. Then again, I haven't been a full time player in almost 3 years, so it wouldn't surprise me if this was recently added. Pre-cu it was definitely not in the game, it could be now though. /shrug

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My thoughts, if the creature was actually in Galaxies then there would be an in game screen shot up there, not someones hand drawn creation. The only thing that i could think about it possibly being is one of those VERY small creatures that wander around every world, and you don't really notice them as you zoom over in your vehicle.

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