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Some Stuff i didwith GIMP


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GIMP is your friend, as its my friend too.

Good work with the pictures, I really like 'em, although I use GIMP to make more futuristic, wallpaper-y stuff, this is really good. :thumbsup:

And as you can see, my sig was made with GIMP, although its no-where near my finest, I still like it.

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^ I've never used Gimp, but I assume its something like Photoshop?


It is the same idea as Photoshop yeah, in that it's a raster based image manipulation program.


Unfortunately it is inferior to Photoshop in just about every single area, except the obvious perk of the GIMP being completely gratis. I used to use GIMP before I moved onto Photoshop when by designing became more serious... It doesn't compare really.

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