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Well, I'm not releasing this stating that it's my creation. If anything, it's all him. If he wants it removed, I will gladly do it. =]


If one of the moderators wants me to remove it, I will completely understand and take it off.


I'm not looking to break the rules, but I sent a PM to him over a week and a half ago and haven't received a reply yet. If he were to read his PM's, there would surely be information he needed and screen shots of it.


I respect T7 for his skill and knowledge and I just wanted to create somewhat of a "homage", if you want to call it that, to his own model; to keep it up to date with one of Lucas Art's most hyped video games on the market.



EDIT:: Modified the original post with the description of the item in game along with modifiers and stats.

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Well originally I was basing it off of the drawing of his mask.


The ingame TFU model is going to be different because it's taken with a camera at a screen.


I can try, but Kotor models, by default, are pretty dark. It's a little brighter, but it's not perfect.


I can try from scratch to make one similar to yours, it'll take a bit longer though.

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I don't recall giving permission for this. I do recall two PM's in a row a few days ago to which I didn't answer. Yes you did PM me but you never got an answer so the right thing to do would be to have asked again and if you still received no answer then you probably shouldn't have released the mod. I am a little insulted that you didn't have enough respect to wait. I should probably demand that this be removed ASAP.


But you know I'm not going to do that. I was uncertain if I wanted to give permission as I don't like your reskin. I spent two months working on the original. This was my first real model and skin that I made from nothing so it does hold some sentimental value and pride for me.


However I'm in a slightly apathetic mood today so I will let this slip. I would however like you to read the readme from my mod. Modding is about having fun and making the game more enjoyable. I hope that next time when you decide to mod someone elses mod that you actually first gain permission.



Terms of use:


You have the right to use my mod for your own personal use and alter the contents anyway you see fit. HOWEVER if you would like to include any contents of my mod with your own mods you must first request permission from me and when it's given all I desire is credit where its due.

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If you truly want me to remove it, I will have no problem whatsoever.


I don't want to insult you at all, and I realize I didn't get permission, so I'll go ahead and remove the link.


I respect you enough to, even though you said I could, I'm not going to keep it up due to the fact that it was your first real mod, and I understand that.

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