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Zombies Walk!


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Sam walked into a corner, and sat down. Finally a time to just sit down and rest. Sam thought. He reloaded his AKM, and his Desert Eagle. Then, he realized something. He was STARVING!! He hadn't eaten anything since the Russian base camp 1!

" Um, hey, doc? You got any food?" Sam inquired. The doc nodded and ran off to get something edible.

Wait doc getting food? What about Alexis? Sam thought as he ran over to Alexis.

There sat Smith, operating like a surgeon.

" I hope the KA-bar is sterile Smith, If she gets infected with the Bubonic plague, I'm taking it out on you" Sam said making clear that it was part joke. part joking, about the Bubonic part, but mostly serious, the plague and infected and take it out on him part. If he had used the knife to smash a zombie in the head recently, she could become one of them.

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Smith nodded as the doctor ran off. "Yeah, this just doesn't feel right... I can't put my finger on it but everything here is just too perfect. I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but, still, something's just not right." Smith frowned as he considered the original serum.


"I wish I knew what that would do to her... I have to agree though, it appears to have done Vlad little harm and a little harm to Doctor Ian is going to do less than have her leg die on her..." The last part was accented with a sharp slice with his knife, removing a rather large -and growing- chunk of dead flesh.


"Vlad!" He called. "I need you to explain what the serum does. If it does what I'm guessing we're going to need it pretty damn quick in order to save Doctor Ian's leg!"

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Vlad looked at the American officer, slightly suspicous of the question, but he dismissed it and answered.


"The corrected serum I created is a combination of human cells, both regular and stem, with enhanced drugs similar to that of steroids, except more powerful. The serum was designed to double a human's natural strength and make regenerative abilities more effective. First tests were so succesful that we discovered that the test subjects were nearly unable to be killed by bullets. If you were to give the good Doctor Ian here that serum, this is only a possiblity, but her body would emulate her leg's tissue...and regrow, as strange as that is. It's the way I created it, or at least the corrected version, the old one had some....different effects."


Vlad checked his AK's magazine and looked at one of the survivors, who continued to stare.


He spoke to one,"Hey, you never seen a Russian soldier before?"


He then saw something he hoped he would never have to see on a survivor.


A bite mark.


He lifted the machine gun and fired a few rounds into the person's head, killing them instantly. He began looking around and whispered to himself,"We've been exposed..."

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Atrianna watched as Vlad seemed to gun down one of the survivors.


What the hell?!


"Vlad! What're you doing?! What the hell was that for?!"


Atrianna ran over to the remains of the survivor to see if there was any hope of saving him and noticed something which seemed to explain why Vlad had shot him.


Teeth marks...he was one of the infected?!


Atrianna slowly walked over to Vlad, slowly as not to draw attention to herself.


"What do we do now? Do we search em or shoot em?"

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"Goddammit!" Smith snarled as he 'fought' with the necrotic tissue, trying to cut it off before it would get anywhere... and, for the most part he was succeeding... but not where it mattered. That and he didn't like getting blood all over his hands.


"Vlad, how likely is is that her leg would regrow?" He asked as he watched Vlad shoot a 'survivor'. He saw the bitemarks too on the man's neck. He repeated the question a little after he answered Atrianna's question before turning to Aiden.


"Just keep them away from me while operating, please." He implored the man. "While I likely could attempt to keep them at bay and operate, it's not that high on the list of things I wanted to do this week." Or year.

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Vlad began looking over the other survivors as the American asked his question.


"Well, Smith, depends on the dosage...I think mabye half of the cylinder that you had would work, isn't that how much you had left? The serum is extremely effective, though the regenerative process can be....painful to say the least, it takes time, but less than a day, which explains the pain.."


He saw a bite mark, he quickly shot the next survivor, he'd have to check out each one of them, hoping they didn't panic and struggle. He'd probably have to kill them all if that happened, so he needed to move fast.

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Atrianna looked over the survivors and quickly did a head count.


Seven women...two kids, this shouldn't take too long.


"Vlad...I'm going to take the woman and kids and give them the once over, you can never tell where they may have been bitten. Unless you hear me shouting, don't come around the corner."


Atrianna hunched down on her legs and gave the two kids her best "reassuring face."


"Alright, I'm going to need you two to come with me around the bend for a few minutes. Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I just need to check you over to make sure you're not...sick."


The two little kids nodded and followed Atrianna around the corner.

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"Well, shoot." Smith muttered, looking at the syringe that had somehow appeared in his off hand while he was playing butcher with Doctor Ian's legs.


First do no harm can go to Hell. he thought to himself before stabbing the needle into the affected area and depressing the plunger all the way to give her a half-dose.


He then heard Atrianna herd a family away to check them for bite marks... and, terminate them if there were any...


How can we be human after this?

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Vlad nodded to Attriana as she walked with the children to the other side of the wall. He hoped they weren't infected, killing innocent children wasn't on his to-do list, and he had no intention of ever getting it there.


He looked at Smith, as he began applying his 'treatment.'


He chuckled,"You know, seeing the way you're holding her leg, someone might get the wrong idea...might want to give a sedative.."


Yuri and Boris chuckled at Vlad's ultimately dark-humoured joke.


Vlad shook the smile off his face and got out a sedative.


"No, seriously, if she wakes up while you're doin' that, she'll scream like a stuck-pig, and draw everything dead for the next ten miles..."


He handed the sedative to Smith.

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Atrianna couldn't help but sigh with relief when both of the children checked out clear.


Thank god for that, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had to kill a kid.


Atrianna knelt down next to the children and smiled. "I want you two to stick close to that man with the gun over there. He'll watch over you while I check the others okay?"


Atrianna grinned as the two kids ran over to Vlad and made a few attempts to grab his AK. "Leave his gun alone though!"


Atrianna ushered in the ladies and began to check them over.


Alright...the first five check out...now for the last two.


Atrianna breathed another sigh of relief as the last two checked out clear.


"Alright, you all are clear to go. Stay away from the other survivors though, Vlad thinks we may have a few spies among us."


Atrianna waved to Vlad and mouthed the words "All Clear."

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Vlad nodded to Attriana, he was quite glad to receive the all-clear sign.


One of the kids suddenly yanked on the AK.


"NO! Nooooo...you don't want that..." He gently broke the child's grip and slung it a bit higher on his back so they couldn't get too it.


Then something came to his mind. He had always kept a small teddy bear in his pocket, he had found it on the ground in a Russian village several years earlier, and had kept it for good luck ever since.


He smiled and put a hand in his pocket, taking out the small teddy bear.


He kneeled and handed the child the bear.


The child smiled as well and took it, Vlad chuckled, "Take good care of it, little one."


He patted the child and the head and stood again presuming to check the rest of the survivors. He still had a bad feeling, though, but he didn't know if it came from the survivors, but they were currently his best bet.

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Smith took the sedative with a small blush, "after preforming surgery with a K-Bar on the field without sedative you tend to forget those things." He said, deciding to let Vlad's other comment slide.


After quickly injecting the sedative he breathed a sigh of relief... until he looked down at his BDU's... all of which were bloodsoaked. Damn.


Out of the corner of his eye he saw Atrianna mouth something, the gist of it being that everybody she'd checked was clean.


He looked at Vlad and then at himself. "Vlad, you're only about half a foot taller than me... do you have a spare uniform or something I can wear, I hate wearing bloodstained uniforms when it's from surgery."

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Vlad chuckled,"Why? Bloodstained pants intimidate zombies.."


He then fished out one of his older uniforms from his pack, tossing it to Smith.


"Don't get it soiled..."


He chuckled and then said,"Have you applied the serum yet? That may ease the operation..or at least would've."

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"Ha. Ha. Ha." Smith said, catching the old uniform. "Do you want them pressed or would just a simple dry-cleaning suffice?"


He then tossed Vlad the empty serum syringe, careful to keep the needle pointing up throughout the throw, in answer to his second question.


"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to change and then clean off my knife and see if I can get a little bit of blood out of my BDU's." Giving a sarcastic bow and salute to Vlad, Smith walked deeper in the complex before he found himself a bathroom. "Hello?" He asked as he opened the door.


The lights were off. That made sense to him as he walked deeper and and then groped in the dark for the lights.


He turned them on and surveyed his surroundings.


Sinks, toliets, stalls, zombies, urinals, zombie dogs, dryers. He thought. Nothing out of place.




Zombies! Backing out of the room, and being chased by the zombies, Smith broke into a run out of the bathroom and headed straight for the congregating place that Vlad had chosen.


"Help!" He yelled as loudly as his lungs would allow as he approached the point.

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Atrianna instantly brought up her mini-gun the second she heard the word "help!"


She watched as Smith ran in toward the commons area with a group of zombies following in hot pursuit.


Even here we're not safe!




Atrianna unleashed a torrent of lead into the zombies as smith jumped and hit the ground.


Alright...that's all...what the hell?!


Atrianna squinted her eyes as infected dogs ran in.


"Shoot em!"


Atrianna unleashed another blast from her mini-gun and nailed two of the dogs and then threw Smith a pistol.


"What did you do?!"

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As the dogs ran out, Vlad immediatley grabbed the nearby two children and shielded them. As Attriana took them out, he stood, brandishing his weapon.


He armed the grenade launcher and fired a round into the doorway that Smith had come out of. The building collapsed and the entrance was sealed.


"No more coming out of there...anyway, anyone could've drawn them out, Smith couldn't help it, but we should all stick together now, I think things will only get worse from here. It's always when you think you're safe that you are in the most danger..."


He pushed over a dead zombie with his foot, examining the creature carefully.

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Amidst the ensuing chaos following Smith's discovery of zombies, and the subsequent collapse of the structure, Aiden had managed to grab Alexis and drag her clear of the rubble. Except they were now trapped. On the wrong side.


He looked down at her beautiful form, and then pulled out the vial of serum. The only stuff left of its kind. It could barely be seen, as the light was dim, but the sun gleamed through cracks in the structure. The red liquid of life glistened when he turned it. Finally, he reached down, and gave her half of the liquid remaining in the vial.


She did not awaken.


Strange...the sedative's effects would be no match for the serum, normally.


But one thing he did notice. Her leg had already shown slight hints of healing. But it was nowhere close to being done. It would take hours before it was fully healed, and even then she might not be fit for action. He considered giving her the rest of the vial, but then dismissed the thought quickly.


There's no telling when we might need this stuff again.


Blocked by an impassable wall of rubble, Aiden and Alexis Ian would have to find a way out of the subway. And then his thoughts turned to the zombies. None were present at the moment.


So he sat. And waited.

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Smith caught the pistol that Atrianna threw him and worked the action. He then turned to 'face' any remaining Zombies... only to watch as they got introduced to religion by Vlad's grenade.


"Yeah, things are likely going to only get worse after this." He agreed with the Russian. "But, excuse me, I have to change." He then walked to a corner and quickly changed out of his now blood-soaked BDU's and pulled on the Russian's old Uniform, it was a little big for him, but it kept him covered and that was all he really could ask.


Smith then did a quick head-count. "Damn, Aiden and Doctor Ian are behind that wall!"

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Somehow, either by his hearing or some sixth sense, Aiden was able to make out Smith's exclamation. But he knew he didn't need this sense to figure out what Vlad would say.


No, he and Alexis were fairly safe, and Vlad hadn't really wanted anyone else with him on his final mission. It was very likely that Vlad would let them be and find them later when the chaos was over.


But that was exactly the problem. Vlad might be very well not be there when this was all over.


They had to get to Vlad as quickly as possible before he reached the hive leader. Because Aiden had an idea about who the leader was.


And he was a whole lot smarter than any of them.


At that moment, almost as if on cue, Alexis awoke, wide-eyed, and trying to figure out what to say.


"The wall collapsed. As far as I can tell there is no way through it. We just have to find a way out of the subway and get to Vlad."


She silently cursed. Obviously she wasn't very pleased with events. And they were about to get worse.

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Vlad looked at the collapsed rubble on the doorway.


"They do not stand a chance on their own."


He waved his fist at the door,"Vassili, get a C4 on the large piece of rubble, we'll make it smaller."


He walked with the squad to the rubble, and yelled as loud a he could into the rubble.




Vassili began setting the timer.

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This time, Aiden heard Vlad much more clearly than he had heard Smith.


Vlad, I guess I had the wrong idea about you.


At that very moment, Aiden heard a noise. A very bad noise. The noise of a brute.


He grabbed Alexis and ran, towards the brute, but away from the wall....


Which was now pure rubble. Then, the entire subway structure started to shake, and the zombie noises got louder.


"Run!" He pulled Alexis, who was no doubt in a bit of shock, though plenty capable of running, and they bolted. The ceiling started to collapse, and then brutes began to pour through the walls. The combined stress of the C4 and the brute horde was too much for the subway.


They made it to Vlad, and everyone began running deeper into the subway, fully aware of the danger they were in.


If they stayed, they would die from the structure collapsing. Or the brutes. And deep into the subway was, presumably, the leader of the hive.


Regardless, no one stopped running. The entire structure gradually collapsed behind them, and kept going. If it didn't stop, they would all be crushed.


Sam appeared next to Aiden and Alexis, and slapped him on the back.


At least they were all running together.

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( sorry, my internet went crazy again)

Sam had been sitting down, the fact that Alexis might die being to mush for him. He had already lost his brother, and his father was over God knows where, fighting for the ever trimphant governmant. He had reamined oblivious to the firefight going on, it was all too much for him. Then the explosion broke out, and Sam came back to it.

Run like hell! Were the only words going through his head as made his way towards the exit with everyone else.

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Vlad sprinted, moving faster than everyone else, and not because of his height, the super-soldier serum was becoming quite fun.


He lifted Attriana and Yuri and tossed them farther ahead so they ran faster, he wanted to be the one bringing up the rear, that way no one would fall behind.


He stopped for a moment, lifting his AK to his shoulder, firing at the incoming brutes.

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