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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Revan 411

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It just so happens to be my second favorite TV show. :D


Its a good TV series. One of the best shows on television right now. I highly enjoyed the suspense it had, the action, the drama, the adventure, everything. The acting was brilliantly done by the casts.


I find this to be a replacement for Terminator 3. Because Terminator 3 had too much flaws and it was really a disappointment too. But the TV series makes up for it. And is a better sequel to Terminator 2.


So, who else watch's this show besides me?

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I do!


I'm a huge fan (as you can see by my avvy) I have seen every episode since the begining. I too loved the drama and the action - and Cameron's unintentional comic relief.


I have to admit though...I liked the first season better. Riley...is making a mess of things between John and everybody else. Catherine Weaver is a favorite though. I would think there would be many fans on these boards as it is a sci-fi show.


Glad to see I'm not the only fan around here. :)



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I have seen all of season 1 and the few 2 episodes of season 2, but have not bothered the continue watching.


From what I've read, its been going pretty slow story wise. There is a lot of potential with Cameron that they are just not delving into, making the most interesting character in the show pretty boring in the long run.

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I have seen all of season 1 and the few 2 episodes of season 2, but have not bothered the continue watching.


From what I've read, its been going pretty slow story wise. There is a lot of potential with Cameron that they are just not delving into, making the most interesting character in the show pretty boring in the long run.



Yeah, well where I am they have shown up to episode 12 or 13 but the show will not be appearing again for about two months. The rumor is that it is down for w re-write of all future episodes.


I hate what they did to Cameron. She has had a couple of good moments like telling Sarah that nobody likes a nag but they totally ruined her. They also got rid of Sarah's monologues which IMO definded the show. They need to pick up better ratings. I have heard that if they do not start doing better, Fox will not pick them up for a 3rd season. :(


The only positive new thing in season 2 is Catherine Weaver. :D Thank you Shirley Manson.


@True_Avery: If you have not seen Catherine Weaver's urinal scene I suggest you watch it. :) (I have it as a link in my 24/TSCC album.)



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I've got a huge thing for Summer Glau so I watch it. I think she has quite a challenge, having to be a very good actress playing a bad actress, that is, a human pretending to be a machine pretending to be a human. In season 1 you get to catch glimpses of her true acting talent for example, when she emulates a conversation she had with a schoolgirl who committed suicide. The rest of the time she's got to do a sort of 'Arnie' with her acting.


The rest of the cast I appreciate, the feller playing Kyle's brother is pretty good but the other two main cast members...well to be honest I find them annoying. The kid was poorly cast I think, I would've chosen someone entirely different. The woman playing Sarah is clearly adhering to the role made by the original actress, but that just comes off as acting as badly as Summer is pretending to act...only it isn't an act. I think she should've started from scratch and made the role entirely her own.


It seems to me the producers/directors have given the cast members a very limited degree of artistic licensing to work with. I was hoping as the crew got further into the series and started to have some fun with it, the show would become something more original and alternate than essentially an 80's remake with CGI and special effects.


I love sci-fi, I do like the Terminator theme, but I first saw this on DVD and found myself skipping to the parts Summer was in. Every other scene just annoyed me throughout the series.

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