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Seeking info on Progress of Team Giska TSL work


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I wanted to know of anyone knows how the bug testing is going on the Team Giska team restoration of KoTOR II...i know there is a closed thread here and they have their own forum but they do not reply kindly to questions over there, and i am waiting to play KoTOR II until they release a public issue of that mod package. If anyone knows how the progress is going and can give any idea of when a release may happen I would appreciate it. thanks.

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There's no point asking here. You need to post on their official forum so you can have all the sycophants spamming you with "when it's done" and then be banned. Given the rate of progress in recent years, if it arrives before Xmas 2009 it would be a miracle. In other words, don't bother holding off on playing TSL. Just play it now and enjoy it for what it is, rather than waiting for something that may never come (or at least not come any time soon). Besides, TSLRP has been built up by so much hype over the years that I think most people are going to be fairly disappointed at what it actually does when and if it ever materialises.

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