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Sam made his way to Narutos mansion. Along the way, he took some 'scenic' routes, trying to inhale the sounds and smells of Konoha.

Ahhhh, who doesn't love Ramen?

I wouldn't be able to answer that, I've never had it.

Hmmm, I'll get it for you sometime.

Takai gave no answer.

Sam continued along, until he found that he was being followed.

It's either a fluke, or that the guy were looking for.

Sam suddenly turned, running through the alleyways and make random lefts and rights.

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"I am sorry for your loss. I will help you however I can to track down your family's murderer..."


Specter lifted an eyebrow in confusion.


"But I was going to...you would do that? If you could assist me in anyway, I would be forever in your debt."


Takeda watched as Tategami messed with Kaneda again. He found it quite funny to see how angry Kaneda would get. He was also glad to see there wouldn't be any bloodshed in the village.


"Tategami sensai, speaking of team-mates where are the others. Apparently Karela is in the hospital now. I haven't seen Asuka, Akagi, and Sam in a while either. Dai's going to check on Karela but that still leaves the other three. Would you have me go search for them?"

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"But I was going to...you would do that? If you could assist me in anyway, I would be forever in your debt."


"I'm the Hokage. Its my job to make people happy." Naruto smirked. "We're abit busy with this "Arashi" situation, incase you havent noticed. But that doesnt mean we wont help you." He crawled through the window into his office. "Our archives contains information on almost every organised crime syndicate and criminal records within the land. They may hold the information you need."




By the look of things, everything seems to have been sorted out. People continued on with their normal daily lives.


"Tategami sensai, speaking of team-mates where are the others. Apparently Karela is in the hospital now. I haven't seen Asuka, Akagi, and Sam in a while either. Dai's going to check on Karela but that still leaves the other three. Would you have me go search for them?"


Tategami thought for a moment. "I'll run to see the current state of Karela. Meantime, Kaneda may accompany you to find Asuka and Akagi. Last I checked, they were in the forest outside of the village."


"Alrite, we better make sure they're alright! C'mon..." Kaneda motioned.

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Dai whistled a cheerful tune to himself as he walked away from the hospital. It was a beautiful day, the Hospital didn't need him, and Lee-sensai was nowhere to be found. Today is a very good day.


But one thought kept running through his mind no matter how much he tried to get rid of it. the missing patient, the ruffled bed...and that message on the computer. Something about the bed in particular just kept bothering him.


If I didn't know better I'd swear someone was forced to leave the bed against their will...But thats impossible...Someone would have noticed if a person had been dragged out kicking and screaming against their will...but if they had been drugged or something along those lines...


Dai was around a mile away from the hospital when he collided with someone else who was walking, knocking Dai to the ground. He looked up at the man towering above him.


"My apologies Tategami-sensai, I should have been paying closer attention to the road." Dai quickly rose to his feet and nodded at Tategami.

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The waterfall was the perfect place to relax the mind and train the body. Kokoro had spent the last few days on the road. She had taken a liking to the village she had arrived to. It was somewhat a quiet village but also very busy. But due to this almost everyone minded their own business.


Kokoro thought this was perfect. She was practicing her sword skills. Doing a jutsu everyonce in a while combining her movements. She had a pet wolf that was following her ever since she left the village. It threw some coconuts into the air and Kokoro would slice or burn them.


"Thanks Jupo", Kokoro said as she sat down and rested beside Jupo the wolf. She cut open two of the remaining coconuts and gave Jupo one so he could drink. "We've been on the road a long time. Maybe we should rest a bit, get to know the local area".


Jupo simply looked at her and nodded to which she gave him a big smile. She had no trouble being herself around Jupo, mainly because he didn't pass any judgement on her.


Kokoro and Jupo began walking around the town. There were lots of people passing by but she was hungry now and she figured she'd stop on a shop and get something. She bought some bowls of noodles for her and Jupo. She noticed some ninjas walking down the street. Maybe there was an academy nearby she could check out. And so after eating she followed the ninjas closeby but not to close as to bother them.

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Specter shook his head.


"You and you village have showed me kindness and respect. For that I owe your village. It shouldn't suffer the same fate as mine. I will assist your team and help you deal with the Arashi. Once they are defeated I'll come back and take a look at your archives. I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer."


"Alrite, we better make sure they're alright! C'mon..."


Takeda nodded and followed after Kaneda. After Tategami left for Karela, Takeda spoke to Kaneda.


"After this mission I'll be able to take the Jonin exams, what about you? I've seen your skills and you could take the exams too. We'd make excellent jonin and you'd be the same rank as Tategami."

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(Alright...found out that Phantom is on vataction for the time being so I'm going to assume that this will be the last post for a while. I said in an earlier post that the post where Karela was captured would be the last we would see of her till the end of the arc but I thought that it would be a good idea to bring her back so when she shows up later in the arc it'll be easier for the rest to understand what happend to her. ;)))



Unknown Location


Karela's eyes snapped open as the tip of the Kunai was slowly dragged across her arm and she felt her anger begin to rise as she tried to move her arms only to find that she was restrained by...something strong.


"So...your finally awake?"


Her eyes searched around the room franticlly searching for the vaugly female voice that seemed to be coming from everywhere at once.


"Where am I? Who are you?"


The voice chuckled eerily and Karela felt a shudder go down her back. She didn't frighten easily but this voice was freaking her out.


"...You are a prisoner of the Arashi...and my latest 'project'.


"What do you mean by project?"


The voiced chuckled coldly and Karela shivered again. The voice was devoid of warmth.


"I'm going to speak only the truth to you. You will be tortured, and you will be broken...and in the end you will join the Arashi.


Despite the fear that Karela was feeling she couldn't but laugh at that last statement.


"You are so wrong...it's almost funny. My bijuu won't allow me to be tortured...All I need to do is channel her power into my hands and I'll break free and then I'm going to give you the beating of your life!"


The voice chuckled again.


"Go ahead...try it."


Karela grinned in anticipation of the chakra that would be shortly breaking her out of her bonds only to find...nothing.


"W-What did you do to me?!"


"We sealed your Bijuu...The Akatsuki have been around for many years...and they learned many different jutsu before they were destroyed by your Hokage...but not all of us died that night your Hokage lost control. Some of us decided that our unique talents would be suited elsewhere."


One of the Shadows in the furthest corner of the room shifted slightly and a woman in Akatsuki robes slowly walked toward her.


"...I decided that my talents would suit the Arashi quite well. The Arashi welcomed me with open arms."


The woman grinned and a series of lights in the corner of the room flickered once and then turned on.


"The Arashi have been around much longer then Akatsuki...I learned so much from them...for example the test subjects you see before you."


Karela stared at them in horror. One of the test subjects had black hair and the white eyes of the Hyuga clan...another had some sort of strange red and black eye with a strange swirling pattern.


"That's right...Years ago we managed to capture one of the Hyugas...I hope he wasn't a friend of yours. We've been studying the Byakugan for many years now and are close to uncovering nearly all of it's secrets. And to the left...is my favorite pet project...we took that from one of Orochimaru's bases. It's an imperfect copy of the Sharingan. It is far less effective that the regular one and it's not ready to be used yet...but I feel I'm close."


"What are you planning to do to me?!"


The woman leaned in closer until she was directly in her face.


"My name is Zarila...and I'm the best torture expert that the Arashi have...and child, I will break you!"


The woman's eyes flashed and Karela was instantly out cold.


Zarila smiled and engaged her own Kekkai Genkai so she could begin rewriting the child's memories to see the Arashi in a...better light.


She is strong...she will make a fine addition to the Arashi and it will be most amusing to send her on her own village when the time is right.


((Alright...thats the end of Karela till the end of the arc.))

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"My apologies Tategami-sensai, I should have been paying closer attention to the road."


Tategami beamed "It is of no inconvenience!" he patted Dai's head. "I was just on my way to the hospital to check on Karela. I hear you just there a minute ago..."




"After this mission I'll be able to take the Jonin exams, what about you? I've seen your skills and you could take the exams too. We'd make excellent jonin and you'd be the same rank as Tategami."


"Yeah, well... I haven't given it much thought really... I always thought of myself as "artsy-fartst" than a real ninja. But the rank sure would be nice..."


"There are people like that Jiraiya sage-guy. He was one of the Sannin, yet was mainly known for writing literature... especially for those perveted "Make-Out" series..."

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"I was just on my way to the hospital to check on Karela. I hear you just there a minute ago..."


Dai thought about that for a moment. Karela...Karela...Brown haired Chunin...Passed the Chunin exam...Why does Tategami think she's at the hospital?


"...Forgive me Tategami-sensai...but Karela isn't there. I was just there a few minutes ago and only one chunin checked in today but the chunin wasn't in the room when I checked."

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"There are people like that Jiraiya sage-guy. He was one of the Sannin, yet was mainly known for writing literature... especially for those perveted "Make-Out" series..."


"I see you've done your research in that Kaneda." Takeda replied slyly.


Specter looked over at Tategami who had just bumped into that other ninja. He walked over to the duo.


"...Forgive me Tategami-sensai...but Karela isn't there. I was just there a few minutes ago and only one chunin checked in today but the chunin wasn't in the room when I checked."


Specter stood there for a few seconds and sniffed the air. he turned to Tategami and Dai staring at them with his souless eyes.


"She is not in your village, her scent has moved further away. I'm not sure where though. Wherever she is either a foreign place to me or someone is very good at covering their tracks."

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"She is not in your village, her scent has moved further away. I'm not sure where though. Wherever she is either a foreign place to me or someone is very good at covering their tracks."


Tategami crossed his arms. "What ever the reason, I'm sure she'll be fine. The authorities would notify me by now if she left the village without proper authorisation."


"Its a good thing you're hear. I assume Naruto has informed you of our latest mission. Would you like to accompany us?"




"I see you've done your research in that Kaneda." Takeda replied slyly.


"Not really... I read it out of sheer curiosity. I wanted to understand what the big fuss was about behind them."


They reached the gate exiting the village. After they walked through the archway, they walked to the edge of the forest. "What the hell is Asuka and Akagi doing out here anyway?" Kaneda muttered grudgingly.

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"What ever the reason, I'm sure she'll be fine. The authorities would notify me by now if she left the village without proper authorisation."


Dai nodded. It made perfect sense to him


"Its a good thing you're hear. I assume Naruto has informed you of our latest mission. Would you like to accompany us?"


"No he hasn't as a matter of fact. I was training with Lee sensai most of the morning and then I ran into specter. Those have been the highlights of my day so far."


Patient's cells are inflated, possibly due to overuse of Bijuu chakra...Condition is life threatning if not treated properly.


"Tategami sensai...does your mission inclue Bijuu chakra by any chance? Or anything along those lines?"

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"Tategami sensai...does your mission inclue Bijuu chakra by any chance? Or anything along those lines?"


Tategami took a moment to think. "You are aware that Karela is a Bijuu, correct? She accompanied us on the last mission. But by the look of things, it looks like she wont be accompanying us this time."


He could sense that Dai knew something about it. "Theres nothing to worry about, Dai-kun!" Tategammi beamed. "This Bijuu we're speaking of is harmless enough, based on my experience with her. Theres nothing to worry about."

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"You are aware that Karela is a Bijuu, correct? She accompanied us on the last mission. But by the look of things, it looks like she wont be accompanying us this time."


"No...actually I wasn't aware of that. In fact...she's one of the last people I would have suspected of carrying a Bijuu. But I guess that explains a few things."


"Theres nothing to worry about, Dai-kun! This Bijuu we're speaking of is harmless enough, based on my experience with her. Theres nothing to worry about."


Bijuu? Harmless? I didn't know those two words could be used in the same sentance.


Dai turned to Tategami. "If you want to check with Shizune-sensai or one of the head nurses, they're right down the hall on the first left. They should be able to tell you something about her condition if she was here and when she might be released. Now...tell me more about this mission. Is it far away from the village?"


It would make a good change to get out of the village for a while And who knows? This might actually be fun.

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Kokoro had been asking around town while she followed the group of ninjas. She was told the one standing in the middle of them was Tategami-sensei. She immediately knew that she had to talk to him and introduce herself.


Followed by Jupo, Kokoro called out to the three men.


"Tategami-sensei!", Kokoro said as she arrived before him and knelt over. "My name is Aizawa Kokoro, it's an honor to meet you. I come from a small village to the north-east. I have been looking to expand my knowledge on the ninja ways, please allow me to offer you my service".

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"Now...tell me more about this mission. Is it far away from the village?"


Tategami crossed his arms. "We are going to Amegakure, the Village Hidden in the Rain."


Tategami explaned the events that took hold two days ago; the mission to Land of the Waterfalls, the Arashi's intentions with the Tenth Tailed Beast, and their goals.


"Were looking for a man named Mikita Ryuu. He's an espaced prisoner from their hidden base. If we can locate him in Amegakure, we may have a lead to locating the wherabouts of the Arashi."


Tategami was suddenly disturbed when a girl approached him, requesting to be trained under him. He beamed and ruffled her hair.


"I am in no position to do that unfortunatly: I do not have the time to train you. Besides, you are a foreigner from another village - that doesnt give me proper authorisation to train you. The only way you can get permission is to speak with the Hokage."

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"I am in no position to do that unfortunatly: I do not have the time to train you. Besides, you are a foreigner from another village - that doesnt give me proper authorisation to train you. The only way you can get permission is to speak with the Hokage."


Kokoro frowned a bit. She wasn't expecting that she needed to speak to the Hokage but this was also an oportunity to meet another strong ninja.


"Where can I speak to him?", Kokoro asked.

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"Where can I speak to him?"


Dai slowly turned around at the sound of another voice. Hmph. Who would want to train under Tategami?


"I'll take you to him. He shouldn't be that busy right now. Well, he's always busy but he shouldn't be that busy right now."


Dai then turned to Tategami. "Why don't you find out what happend to Karela? I'd check with Shizune-sensai, she knows everything that happens in the hosipital and to be honest...something about this just 'feels' wrong. I can't put my finger on what though."


He nodded at Kokoro. "If you'll follow me, I'll take you to see the Hokage."

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Kokoro looked over at Dai and smiled.


"Thanks!", she said to him and started to follow him. Jupo was just behind them. The wolf looked quite menacing but since it was with her no one dared say anything as it followed her pretty closely and never growled or looked at anyone in a way so as to cause panic. "By the way, I'm Kokoro, what's your name?"

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"By the way, I'm Kokoro, what's your name?"


"The name is Dai Segira. What's your business in the Hidden Leaf Village today Kokoro? Not going to cause trouble I hope."


Dai's head suddenly shot up as one of the trees above him rustled as something ran through it at incredible speed.


"Oh no...I forgot about him..." He looked at Kokoro. "You might want to keep your head down. Trust me."


Dai cautiously looked up to see a green blur shoot through the trees again. "Lee-sensai! I'm escorting her to the Hokage's office! I don't have time to train right now!"


The rustling stopped as the green blur shot off toward the village. Dai turned to Kokoro and shuddered. "Lee is a great sensai to train with...but his problem is that he doesn't know when it's time to stop training."


He pointed at a large tower that was appearing in the distance. "That's the hokage's office. You can talk to him soon enough."

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Akagi stumbled out of the forest, just in time to find the village.


He had tried his best to find Asuka, but he could not find her...there was something strange in that forest, and whatever it was, it wasn't letting Akagi find it. He wasn't one to give up easily, but he had little choice.


The Samurai sheathed his katana and took a breath, walking back into the village. He hadn't gotten much food since the Arashi incident, so he stopped by the rebuilt Ramen shop. He then purchased a small bowl of ramen and stepped out of the shop, just in time to see a green blur flash past.


He dropped the bowl and with lightning fast reflexes took out his sword. He relaxed, seeing that two nearby ninja's weren't in a fight stance, which obviously meant that the green blur was friendly.


Being in this strange land was taking a toll on the Samurai. He picked up the bowl and continued walking.

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"What the hell is Asuka and Akagi doing out here anyway?"


"To be honest I don't..."


Takeda stopped and looked down at some footprints. He turned his head and noticed some broken trees.


"Somethings not right. I think they were attacked, or at least one of them was."




Specter shook his head at Tategami.


"I would be honored to join you but I wasn't informed of anything."


"Why don't you find out what happend to Karela? I'd check with Shizune-sensai, she knows everything that happens in the hosipital and to be honest...something about this just 'feels' wrong. I can't put my finger on what though."


"I have to agree with the boy on this one, something doesn't feel right about this. I'll join you in finding her if you wish."

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The attacker laughed. Then he threw off the dark cloak, revealing himself. He had black hair, that was tied with a ponytail going down to his back, fiery hazel eyes, and fair skin. He also wore a black tank top and pants, wore brown ninja sandals, and had a long sword holstered on his back. "I am Masahiro Kyo. Your father."


Asuka stared at the man that claimed to be her father. "No. No! NOOOOOO!!!!!" She sunk back down on the ground, crying. "You're lying!!"


"It's the truth, child. I've finally found you. You look just like your mother..." Masahiro grinned coldly.


Asuka slowly looked up at him, but with angered eyes. "My friends will come for me, and deal with you. Just you wait..."


Masahiro laughed loudly. "How would you know that? They've abandoned you, Asuka."

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Dai pointed at the tower and nodded. "There is the Hokage's office. I'm sure he'd be glad to talk to you about training under some of our Jonin if your nice. If you'll excuse me...I need to take care of something."


Even though Dai considered himself a pervert and an occasional peeker, he still had a sense of justice...and right now he could feel that something was wrong, not just here, but in the forest.


Do what Lee sensai told you to do...Focus your chakra into all of your senses and listen...hear...see...think.


The technique that he was using right now had served him well as a Medical nin. He was good at sensing the flow and streams of the body and he could sense that something was wrong.


"No! Truth...look just like...deal...you wait...abandoned...Asuka"


Dai's mind began to churn out possible situations that fit the words he was hearing. Battle in progress? No...I would hear something besides voices. I would hear Kunai and Shuriken. It's possible the battle is already over.


Training with Lee had made Dai incredibly fast, though not nearly as fast as Ninja like Lee and Naruto. But he was still pretty fast.


He turned toward the forest and took off as quickly as he could.


C'mon...say something else...I can't pinpoint your exact location if you don't keep on talking...Keep talking...hopefully your a girl and not some sort of trap set by Anko-sensai to get back at me.

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"Umm...", Kokoro mumbled before Dai took off in full speed. "Thank you".


Jupo looked at her and barked. She looked back at the tower and then nodded to him.


"Let's go Jupo, let's meet the hokage", Kokoro said as she made her way towards the tower. There were some guards there and at the mention of Tategami-sensei and Dai's name the guards allowed her to pass. She then went inside the Hokage's office.


"It's an honor to meet the Hokage, my name is Aizawa Kokoro. I come from a small village to the north-east. The village has no ninja, no samurai, it is a completely neutral town. My father, Aizawa Kenichiro taught me the ways of the ninja and how to control my Fire jutsu. He told me to come here to begin my path towards my destiny", Kokoro said as she knelt infront of the Hokage.

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