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"Zabuza. Zabuza... hmm. Oh yeah! I think I've heard about him! My Uncle told me about some guy by that name. Yeah..."


"Zabuza was not just some guy. At one point in time he was the most feared Shinobi in the Hidden Mist Village. He killed over one hundred people during one of the Mist's ninja academy graduation ceremonies. They say he was betrayed by his employer on a mission to wave country and he ended up killing his employer before he died himself."


Dai dug around in his pockets for a minute before he pulled out a small book. "This has the current history of all the missing-nin that we've encountered and some that we've heard of only through second hand rumors. It even has information about the Tailed-beasts and their hosts."


Dai pulled out another book as he slipped the Bingo Book back in his pocket. I should catch up on my reading...Oh what I would have done to meet the Great Jiraiya...author of my favorite series of books.


He tucked the second book back in his pocket and waited for the Samuri to begin his tale.

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"Uh-uh! Tell us, tell us!"


"I too would like to hear this story Akagi."


"Alright samurai, you've got me interested in this as well."



Akagi was happy that the Shadow Khan really wanted to be known about. He wouldn't let them down.


He moved closer to the fire and hunched over.


"Back in the village I grew up in, we'd have certain days in the year were the sun would turn Black, and everything would be dark...eclipses. On these days of 'Shadow' as our elders would call them, we'd have strange...occurences, what they believed to be bridges with the Spirit World..."


He leaned back again.


"When the shadows were at their darkest, a strange figure would come to the village, or rather, he was a shadow of a figure. That would be all that you would see, because when the shadow crossed over you, you're soul would be taken away......you wouldn't know until too late....."


He grinned really big.


"The people unlucky enough to be crossed by this Khan of the Shadows....would wander aimlessly forever...or until they finally died..they were never themselves again...one time, with my friends, on a day of shadow, we saw the Shadow Khan...the image was that of an armored man, with a blade, that we guessed was a spirit sword...."


"Well...my friend and I were playing around with him, getting really close, then doubling back and making him walk twice as far...he wasn't all that scary, and it was fun...so we did this over and over, until finally, the sun returned."


Akagi chuckled, "We thought he was gone, as there were no shadows..."


"But he reappeared, on my friend....and immediately all life was gone...he was like the dead, just walking....and even a little possessed at times...and he remained that way....and the Khan still wants vengeance...so he will hunt me, and anyone with me, until that vengeance is complete."

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"But he reappeared, on my friend....and immediately all life was gone...he was like the dead, just walking....and even a little possessed at times...and he remained that way....and the Khan still wants vengeance...so he will hunt me, and anyone with me, until that vengeance is complete."


Kaneda stomach dropped. "... I do hope thats just a story you made up on the spot..." he wished.


Tategami beamed. "We'll have to wait and see; It just so happens the next eclypse is tomorow, according to reports made by the local observitory." He looked back up at the moon. "I look forward to seeing this..."


He glanced back down at everyone. "Be aware of tomorow; The Hidden Rain village is a heavily industrialised area. Its heavily corrupted with crime, so always be on your guard. I do hope Konan has done something to ease this..."


He stood up and climbed into his sleeping bag. "Dont stay up too late. You all need to save your strength for tomorow..."

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"... I do hope thats just a story you made up on the spot..."


Specter gave an odd little laugh.


"Relax kid being dead isn't that bad, its the dying part you have to worry about."


Takeda too was a little shocked by the story. If this thing did exist it would have a hard time getting through them all...he hoped at least. He turned his head to look at the new girl. She was the quiet type, no doubt about it. He was waiting to do something but his gut told him to go befriend the new girl. After all no one should be left out. Takeda stood up and walked over to where she was sitting before taking a seat.


"You're quiet, quieter than me. Its good to know someone else likes to keep to themselves as well. My name is Takeda Kuei and I hear you're called Kokoro. That's a cool wolf you have." he said trying to make some small talk.

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"... I do hope thats just a story you made up on the spot..."


Akagi grinned, "Who said I made up?"


He loved it when the story scared the others, then he could control the way the rest of things involving the tale went....but it was the truth. But they otherwise had nothing to worry about.


He looked back at the fire, still smiling.

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"You're quiet, quieter than me. Its good to know someone else likes to keep to themselves as well. My name is Takeda Kuei and I hear you're called Kokoro. That's a cool wolf you have."


As she heard those words she wiped her tears away and looked over at him with a cheerful smile.


"Thanks, although he's not actually mine, we met one time and since then he's followed me around. Our relationship isn't one of master and pet, it's more of a friendship", Kokoro said. "One day, after I was bullied once again by the other kids in the village, he came over to me and placed a small apple on my lap. I looked up at him and there he was, wagging that tail of his. Since then he's been my friend. He can't talk but he can understand me just fine".

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Asuka stood up. "Well, that was a... scary and impressive story. I'm uh... I'm gonna go into the forest right quick. I need some alone time. Do you guys mind?"


She waited on the others reply. She had her reasons for being alone. In the morning, she too would talk to Kokoro. She knew how the girl felt. She didn't blame her...


((I'm planning on giving Asuka a split personality. What'cha guys think?))

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"Thanks, although he's not actually mine, we met one time and since then he's followed me around. Our relationship isn't one of master and pet, it's more of a friendship", Kokoro said. "One day, after I was bullied once again by the other kids in the village, he came over to me and placed a small apple on my lap. I looked up at him and there he was, wagging that tail of his. Since then he's been my friend. He can't talk but he can understand me just fine".


Takeda moved his hand over to the wolf with his palm facing up to show submission to the wolf. He touched the wolf's fur and began to pet him.


"I know what you mean. When I was growing up my dad had a wolf. She was snow white so my dad named her Frost. She took a very quick liking to me, my guess was because of my white hair." He moved his hand to the wolf's ear and began to scratch behind it. "She taught me some basic survival things I still use today. You won't have to worry about any bullies here. In fact I think you'll like it here so don't be afraid to speak up we won't bite."


"Well, that was a... scary and impressive story. I'm uh... I'm gonna go into the forest right quick. I need some alone time. Do you guys mind?"


"Are you sure, its pretty late. I mean not that you can't take care of yourself and I'm not your uncle or anything its just you'll be tired in the morning...Well I'll be up until you get back. just in case something happens not that it won't...I just wanna make sure." he said hitting himself in the head with his hand.


((oooooh, sounds awesome. You should do it))

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Dai was pretending that he didn't notice the strangers coming toward them if only to throw them off gaurd.


Wonder what they could be up to. Are these the Arashi that I was told about?


Dai took out one of his books and began to read.


He looked down at the author and sighed. I wish he wasn't dead. It would be great if I could get his atuograph, I'd even shake his hand if I could.


He casually looked up when he felt the two move on past them and continue on their way.


Must be a Konoha team returning.




The two Arashi members did not dare to breathe as they went past the team that was by the campfire and only began to breathe again as they continued on toward the village.


"Remember...We don't attack the village yet. This is a simple recon mission to prepare our members for an attack on them."


His partner nodded. "I don't plan on attacking unless we have that bijuu girl with us. Having a tailed beast on our side will be a great advantage."


The two nodded and continued one their way into the village.

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(WHOA! Is it just me, Or did I get lost somewhere?)

Sam had completely avoided the pursuer. Whoever he or she was, they couldn't find him now. He had told Naruto about the break in. Naruto took it better than he thought he should have. I mean, come on! One of the members of a specially organized team had his house broken into, and on the few days he was gone... It had to be more than coincidence.

All the same, Naruto told Sam to join his team on their mission, but Sam couldn't find them, they had already left. Using his wits, some determination and a smidge of luck, he figured out where they had been. He followed their tracks, making sure to not stray, no need to get in deeper ice by making them wait longer. He found the group and was about to announce his presence, when a hand clamped over his mouth.

"Silence! Make a noise and we kill you!" The owner of the hand said. Sam couldn't resist, he pulled out a senbon and rammed it into the mans skull, killing him on spot. Obviously, a fight would erupt out soon.

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Kaneda saw the bushes rustling; the sound of two people rushing through the forest at night. It could be Asuka...


"Dai... Asuka is still out there..." he added. "Tell me you did notice two guys rushing past through the forest."


His glance fixed on the shadows of the trees. "Should we go in and check on Asuka? Make sure she's ok?"

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"Dai... Asuka is still out there...Tell me you did notice two guys rushing past through the forest."


Dai continued reading his book. "I'm sure that it was just a Konoha team returning home. No need to be alarmed. If they were the enemy then they should have gone after us first to make sure that they have a clear escape route."


"Should we go in and check on Asuka? Make sure she's ok?"


"Fine...but for all you know she could be taking a bath and she might try to beat the living hell out of us for spying on her."

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"Fine...but for all you know she could be taking a bath and she might try to beat the living hell out of us for spying on her."


Kaneda tried to avoid the sudden perverted imagery inside of his head. He shook his head to snap out of it. "You make an excellent point..." he added.


He slipped inside of the sleeping bag. He suddenly heard Tategami's voice.


"Fear not! I do not intend for another battle under the moon light. Thats why I summoned one of my Lions to keep some surveilance for us while sleeping... He'll alert us if anything goes wrong."

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((I'm going to be updating Karela's Character sheet later today to show the new techniques she learned from her time with the Arashi.))


"You make an excellent point..."


Dai nodded his head to him as he slipped into his sleeping bag. "Thank you."


"Fear not! I do not intend for another battle under the moon light. Thats why I summoned one of my Lions to keep some surveilance for us while sleeping... He'll alert us if anything goes wrong."


So it is true...Tategami knowns a summoning Jutsu. A powerful one as well if I'm not mistaken.


Dai simply continued reading his book.




The two Arashi were hidden as they spied on the village. The first one turned to the second one.


"When the time comes I suggest we take out the Hyuga compound first. That Byakugan of theirs presents the most danger. A couple exploding tags and we should be able to thin out their numbers a bit."


The second one shook her head.


"I think we should take out the Nara clan. I heard that one of them is some sort of super genius. Given enough time he can turn our own battle strategy against us."


"And you want to fight him?"


"Good point. We should attack the Hyuga compound at sunset."


The two nodded and continued picking out targets.

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The Next morning...


Kaneda groaned as the sunlight moved over the tree and beamed onto his face. He hid it underneath his sleeping bag. Suddenly he heard footsteps.


"Hmm... He's still asleep. We'll soon change that!"


His heart missed a beat, after hearing that voice. He remembered the last time they went on a mission, Tategami held Kaneda up while still in his sleeping bag in order to wake him up.


He suddenly jumped out of bed. "Alright, I'm up!" he snapped.


Tategami beamed. "Your breakfast is being served."


Kaneda quickly devoured his scrambled eggs and orange juice: which was obviously summoned by one of Tategami's scrolls. It had that very distinctive taste that was unique to the Tategami clan.


"Is everybody else up?" he looked over at everyone that either eating or preparing to depart.

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Asuka was still in the forest, sleeping near a tree. Somehow, she wasn't feeling well. Was it physically? Or mentally?


"Gonna... kill them... kill them all... No!! I can't! Never!" She woke up in a startle and breathed with fear. What was going on with her? Asuka sighed and stood up, looking around. She had to get back with the others soon.


She just only hoped it was all a dream...

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"Is everybody else up?"


"Yeah, yeah I'm up" Specter replied. "I've been up for some time now, it's hard to go back to sleep when certain people snore."


Specter stood up and stretched himself out. It felt good to be in a group again. It was a shame he tried to kill them all earlier.


Takeda woke up when he heard Kaneda. He looked around at the group to get a head count.


"Tategami-sensai, Asuka is still out in the woods somewhere. Shouldn't we send someone or some type of Jutsu after her?


If only Karela were here, she'd be able to do this with no problem...I hope she's okay


"I can send a clone after her," Specter said replying to the ice ninja.

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"Tategami-sensai, Asuka is still out in the woods somewhere. Shouldn't we send someone or some type of Jutsu after her?"


Tategami looked through the forest. Kanedda took note as he closed his eyes, as if concentrating. His nostils were also moving; as in sniffing.


"So he's trying to grab her scent... Thats my first clue!" he noted, trying unlock Tategami's supposed "dark secret".


"She's not too far. She'll find her way back hopefully... Though its very unwise of her to be so far from camp." Tategami said in a very stern nature. "Anyhow, theres probably nothing to worry about. But we'll make sure she's alrite... Kaneda and Takeda, go check on her and bring her back."


Kaneda nodded, and glanced at Takeda. He beamed. "Heh... You and I looking for Asuka... again."


He motioned for Takeda to accompany him, as he walked into the forest.

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Takeda nodded and bowed to Tategami.


"Heh... You and I looking for Asuka... again."


He stood up and walked after Kaneda. It took him a few seconds to catch up.


"Yes it would appear we're making this a regular thing. Maybe next time I remember to bring some food with me. I do hope she's alright, she could still be upset about the father thing."

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"Tategami-sensai, Asuka is still out in the woods somewhere. Shouldn't we send someone or some type of Jutsu after her?"


Dai was absently reading his book when his chakra enhanced ears picked up some sort of rustling noise to the north of the camp.


Two people heading in our direction. Taking steps to make sure they don't accidently stumble on us. That means that they are either Arashi or possible Rogues. Either way caution is advised.



"If you'll excuse me for a moment Tategami-Sensai. I need to take care of something."


Dai slowly walked in towards a gathering of trees and waited as the two figures got closer and closer.

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Asuka walked through forest, feeling uneasy. She stood near a tree, and placed her hand over her eyes. In her mind, she felt as if something evil was corrupting it.


"What's the matter, Asuka? Feeling... dizzy?" the voice in her mind sounded child-like, but with a dark feeling to it.


Asuka glanced up angrily. "Get... out... of... MY MIND!!!" She began to scream in anger, placing her fists on her head. What was happening to her? And what was this voice in her head? If she ever saw Tategami or the others, she might need help from them.


The young girl began to run through the forest, crying loudly.

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((Going to introduce my last character. Zarila. She's going to have a bit of fun with Asuka that will hopefully change her.))


Zarila carefully watched the young girl run through the forest, crying as she always did. The amount of weakess this girl showed was disgusting.


She performed a series of handsigns and melted her body back into one of the trees so that she could have a bit of fun with her before she killed the girl.


"Your really pathetic you know. Always crying over the smallest thing...always speaking of your uncle as if he taught you worthwhile techniques. Always saying you'll try your best when your best isn't nearly enough...You disgust me. Even the Hyuga girl from all those years ago was better then you are."


She made a quick series of handsigns.


"Perhaps I should put you out of your misery. I'm sure your so called "friends" will thank me for doing so."

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Akagi had remained completely silent during the short discovery that Asuka had been missing. He was afraid something like this would happen, not because of the scary story he had told everyone, but rather the fact that Asuka didn't seem the type who'd bounce back to normal so soon after killing a Family member, even if her Father was evil to the core. There were...much worse things that happened when someone killed someone of their family. Akagi wasn't the superstitious type, but he'd seen enough that such a killing 'changed' a person in ways that were not always good.


He had sat staring into the fire for a long time, waiting for the others to come back, and protecting the camp at the same time.


Suddenly, something in the forest caught his attention, the distinct sound of someone running about, possibly aimlessly.




He jumped to his feet, grabbed his Daisho, and ran in the direction of the sound.

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Takeda continued to walk through the forest looking for something that might lead him and Kaneda to Asuka. He couldn't find any trail of hers to help him out, so he was forced to keep looking. His legs were about to give in when he heard an all to familiar sound. He turned his head in the direction of the sound and began running.


"Kaneda, Asuka is this way... She doesn't sound too far away from us."


He ran through the trees, pushing any branch that might got in his way. He continued running until he heard another sound; someone else was there. Takeda began to look around, he didn't see Asuka or this other person. He slowed his run down into a quick paced walk and began to search.


"Perhaps I should put you out of your misery. I'm sure your so called "friends" will thank me for doing so."


"You do that and I'll make sure your death is the most painful thing you go through!" He called out to the voice. "Why don't you come out and fight you cowardly rat; maybe I'll consider going easy on you!" He tried to act as cocky as the Hokage hoping that would work.

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"You do that and I'll make sure your death is the most painful thing you go through!" He called out to the voice. "Why don't you come out and fight you cowardly rat; maybe I'll consider going easy on you!" He tried to act as cocky as the Hokage hoping that would work.


Akagi knew Takeda's voice, and finally found them, Asuka as well. She seemed to be wandering about, with no purpose, and it was as Akagi had feared.


He immediately grabbed her, pulling her away from the woman who was threatening to kill.


"Takeda...keep your distance, observe your opponent before attacking...we must be careful against this one. He drew out his wakizashi blade and began to observe his opponent.

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