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Dai had been watching the battle up above with wide eyes. I can't believe his power...to be able to transform like that.


He turned toward Akagi.


"I think Tategami might need our help to take Gosai down. In that case I should be the one to help. I know Ninjutsu and a fair amount of Taijutsu. No offence to you but I think a poison attack might be the thing to take him down."


He turned back to the prisoner.


"I hope you appreciate what we're doing for you. We're keeping these people away from you."


He again looked up at the battle above and then looked around again in confusion.


"Where's the girl with the wolf? I haven't seen her since we arrived at the village."

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"I think Tategami might need our help to take Gosai down. In that case I should be the one to help. I know Ninjutsu and a fair amount of Taijutsu. No offence to you but I think a poison attack might be the thing to take him down."


Akagi nodded, "The advice is appreciated, and no offense taken. I'll get him."


With that, the Samurai drew his sword at lightning speed, leaping forward onto ledge after ledge, climbing closer to Tategami's battle.


The final leap stopped short of the ledge, and Akagi grabbed it just in time before falling down.


He pulled up hard, and was immediately ready.


He screamed his war-cry and charged.

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Kokoro had stayed behind. The sounds of battle in the village were clearly heard throughout the Woods. But she had entered a cave. A cave of limestone walls. It seemed to be lit from the inside although there were no torches or anything of the sort to light it up. She walked over to the center of the room where there seemed to be a small grave stone. She knelt infront of it. She took the moth and the leaves off of it to reveal the name. The grave stone read Saihashi Shizuma, beloved daughter and proud warrior. At that very moment Kokoro felt like she froze.


“I can’t move Jupo”, she said and Jupo walked over to her. Jupo then turned his head up to see a ghostly figure appearing before him and the kneeling Kokoro. It was a young woman, about the a few years older than Kokoro. She was beautiful, of grayish long hair and beautiful figure.


“Young girl who has awakened me. Please hear my words”, the ghost girl said, Kokoro was unable to move and simply stared in shock at the scene.


“I need your help. I will lend you my power, if you lend me your body. I need a chance to find that which I lacked in my life. Only you can help me. I will not hurt you”, the ghostly girl said.


“Who are you?”, Kokoro asked.


“I am Saihashi Shizuma, proud warrior of the eastern tribes”, the ghostly girl said.


“Why me?”, Kokoro asked.


“Because it was our destiny to meet here, in all these years no one has ever stepped inside. I was told someone would come eventually, a warrior with heart by name. Kokoro, that is your name correct?”, Shizuma asked.


“Yes…”, she replied shivering.


“Don’t be afraid. Our journey together will begin and I promise you this, as long as I am with you, I will protect you”, Shizuma said.


Kokoro’s eyes widened. I will protect you, she said. She looked up to look at Shizuma’s face and froze looking at her. Her beautiful features and deep blue eyes captivated Kokoro completely, to the point all her body stopped responding, she simply gazed at her and stared.


Shizuma knelt infront of her. She leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Kokoro blushed and her face went completely red. A flash of light hit her and she fell to the ground unconscious. Jupo started to cry out as she did not seem to respond.

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"Asuka, can you hear me? can you see me?"


"Yes Asuka...come out and play with us!"


The young girl came into view. She glanced around, and smiled. She felt safe and secured. Then she looked at Takeda and smiled sadly. "Takeda..." He wasn't wearing his gear. Only a T-shirt and shorts. She too glanced down. Asuka was wearing a blue shirt with a white skirt. And she was barefooted.


Suddenly, she remembered that she heard Takai's voice. She looked to him and glared. "Don't you dare hurt him!" Asuka yelled to Takai.

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Gosai felt a swipe run across his back. He howled in pain, as he looked behind him. It was a man in Samurai armor, wielding a very long sword. "Damn..." he mumbled.


He turned back to see a purple-chakra enflamed foot hit Gosai's stomach. Gosai was launched downwards. But then, Tategami appeared right below him at great speed. He launched a punch directly to Gosai's stomach, which made Gosai get launched back up into the air towards Yoroi.


"Yoroi! Your move!" Tategami screeched.


(Dont kill him :p )

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"Don't you dare hurt him!"


"And what are you going to do...stop me?!?!"


Takai broke out into laughter before getting ready to strike. Takeda quickly moved over to Asuka and waited for Takai to charge. Takeda grabbed the sword at the last second and froze it, along with the pyschopath Takai.


"Hit my ice with your sword, that'll finish him."




The ninja listened to Dai's words and teleported away from the group. He began searching for energy traces of a girl and a wolf. His ears picked up on a whine and he moved in the direction. He walked into a cave and continued moving until he found Jupo. Right beside the wolf was Kokoro, who was unconcious on the ground. Specter leaned down to pick up the girl and looked over at Jupo. He touched the wolf with one hand and teleported the three of them back to the fight. He placed Kokoro back where Mikita was but put her far away from him as well. He took off the hat and cloak he had on to reveal a new Specter. He looked over at Gosai and shot a large fireball out of his hands at him to help Tategami and Yoroi.


((Specter's new look))

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((@ Phantom Knight: Aw...okay... ;) ))


"Yoroi! Your move!" Tategami screeched.


"RIGHT!" Yoroi yelled back, then thought of the perfect Jutsu for the situation. "Nightmare Release: Sword of the Blood Rain Jutsu!"


One of the Blood Clones nearby transformed back into blood, flew over to Yoroi's hand, and became a red Sword.


"Take this!" Yoroi yelled, thrusting the sword at Gosai's heart.

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Gosai felt a huge stung in the chest, as the Blood Sword pierced through his muscle. He roared as the pain seared and spread to his heart.


He crashed onto the metal catwalk. His chakra was JUST barely depleated. The strng pain in his chest continued, and he groaned in an agonised tone. He placed his hand to his wound. There was no puncture or hole. Just searing pain.


"Weak...." he muttered. He didnt think he'd have enough strength to summon the man back to replenish his lost chakra. But there was another way


He stared over at the still paralised Kaneda. Gosai smiled. With all the strength he harvested, he quickly crawled over and grabbed him by the neck.


Tategami's eyes widened. "Oh no...." he told himself. "KANEDAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" he tried to speed down to the metal catwalk as fast as he could. But by the time he landed, it was already too late.


Kaneda's teeth grinded. There was a sharp pain on his shoulder, and it took him a moment to realise that Gosai had latched his fangs into him. He could feel his chakra slowly being drained - giving energy to Gosai. Kaneda howled in pain.


Tategami's glowing eyes grew brighter with rage. "I will never EVER FORGIVE YOU!" It was hard for the human eye to see the Werebeast Tategami instantly move to Gosai's direction. At high speed, he threw a furry fist towards Gosai's face - but was suddenly stopped dead. Tategami's fist was held by Gosai's, at a rather remarkable speed. He released Kaneda, who now collapsed to the metal catwalk and was white as chalk.


Gosai gave a sinister smile to Tategami. "The choice has been given to you, Daisuke..."


He sent a powerful blow to Tategami's chest using his elbow, while grasping Tategami's hand. "Allow him to lead a burdened life, or put him down like an animal." He kicked him with both feet, and while in mid air; grabbed Tategami and slammed him down into the catwalk. The metal tiling shattered, as Tategami made impact.

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Before either could move, Takai broke free. He stood there laughing but bowed to the two ninjas.


"Don't worry Takeda, you have control of your body...for now. The minute you slip up, and I'll be back."


Takai faded into the background, his laughter echoing before fully disapearing. Takeda now turned to Asuka, with a smile on his face. He knew the killer's words were true and they had gotten rid of him for now. It was at that moment that he realized it was just he and Asuka. He looked to see she was only wearing a shirt and a skirt. His throat swelled up a little as he started walking over to her. He was about to speak when a voice so loud that it was able to reach Takeda's mind in his meditative state.




He felt his heartrate go up as the name rang in his head. He took a deep breath before snaping out of his meditation. He slowly let go of Asuka's hand and promised himself he'd try to start that conversation if he lived. He looked over to see Gosai fighting Tategami and Kaneda on the ground with blood coming from his neck. Now that he was in control he would not charge in so blindly like Takai would. He began to let all his chakra flow through his enitre body. He began to constrict his muscles building up pressure from inside. He looked over to Dai, and Akagi.


"I'll keep Gosai busy, get Kaneda out of there."


He began to walk over slowly to Gosai. The wound still hurt but he had to get his friend out of there first. He threw two shuriken at Gosai to get his attention.


"Gosai! I'm don't done with you yet."


He continued to get closer, as his energy was building up inside him.


"Come on, I want to look you in the eyes as I watch you die."

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Asuka gasped, as she too was from the meditation stance. She looked to where Takeda. Thankfully, he seemed all right. The young girl stood up, and was ready to defend her friends.


She knew it was time to step up and never back down. It was time. Asuka glared. "No enemy will hurt my family. As long as I'm around," she whispered. She then went over to Kaneda, and placed a comforting hand on him. She then tore a piece of her clothing and wrapped it around Kaneda's wound.


"Don't worry, Kaneda. You're gonna be okay. It's gonna be all right." She knew this was to only tell him that she was there. But she wasn't really sure if everything would be all right...

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"Don't worry, Kaneda. You're gonna be okay. It's gonna be all right."


Kaneda groaned. It was too much for him to speak. Even with his chakra drained away, he could somehow feel something strange growing inside of him. It was a gentle tingling that spread from the bite marks on his neck. "What... is happening to me?" he thought.


Come on, I want to look you in the eyes as I watch you die."


Gosai looked over at Takeda. "Well, this is disapointing. I see you changed back - it wont do you much good... Oh well..." he breathed a sigh. "I guess you'll have to work as a chew-toy for now." He gave him a fanged grin. He launched himself at Takeda like a bright red flash.


Meanwhile, Tategami opened his eyes. He pulled himself from the damage crater in the catwalk and stood up to observe the scene. It looked like Dai, Akagi and Asuka were tending Kaneda's wound. Takeda was now fighting Gosai on his own.


"I'll need to hurry... I never thought to actually try this - but it may work!"


Focusing his Chakra, he began to swirl his hand around to create a Rasengan ball. He needed extra time to make it powerful enough to destroy Gosai, so Takeda will have to distract him in the mean time. The Rasengan ball grew bigger as Tategami added more chakra. Then he split the swilring sphere of chakra into two, creating two Rasengans for each hand. He continued to gather more Chakra.


"C'mon... hurry..."

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When Takai was in control, Takeda could do nothing but watch. Gosai was strong, fast, and above all cunning. He had beaten this team as if it were nothing. Takeda wouldn't let that happen anymore, for he to was a cunning warrior.


"I guess you'll have to work as a chew-toy for now."


Takeda stood his ground as Gosai raced towards him. Rather than let his eyes wander around looking, he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He could feel the situation around him slow down, even though in reality it hadn't. He heard Asuka's footsteps move towards Kaneda's body trying to help him out. He could hear Gosai coming right at him, but above all he could hear and feel Tategami's energy. Takeda sensed whatever Tategami had would work but that Takeda needed to do something. He kept his arms at his sides until he could hear Gosai's breathing. He kept a mental image of the werebeast form he was in and pushed his hands forward. He prepared himself for the worst as he went for the eyes, nose, and ears. He hadn't charged himself enough but hopefully it would mess with Gosai's senses.


"Ice Release: Chiller Death!"


I hope he can still get a brainfreeze at this stage.

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Gosai kept playing around with Takeda - not at his fullest potential. Afterall, he needed the warmup after absorbing Kaneda's chakra and fusing it with his. Kaneda wasnt as strong as he had hoped, but he oughta last long enough for this battle.


He blocked several Taijustu attacks from Takeda. "Heh, I'm starting to get a little bit bored of---"


To his shock, Gosai received a massive brain freeze. The pain was unbearable, and he fell to his knees, grasping his head. "Ehh... UUGHH!!!"


Tategami fused his Werebeast Dark Chakra into the twin Rasengan Balls. The swirling spheres instantly darkened into purple and began emitting sparks. He infused more chakra, until they became strong enough. They began to flash.


Gosai was begining to recover, and glared at Takeda. "You're gonna pay for that, you little frozen popsicle!"


"HEY GOSAI!" Tategami echoed. Gosai turned his head and dropped his jaw. He stood there frozen, as he watched Tategami appear infront of him with two heavily modified Rasengan balls.


"Were Technique: Rasenrengan!!!" The beast Tategami smacked the two spheres together and made impact against Gosai.


Gosai's stomach suddenly drop, and his heart missed a beat... quite a few now, actually. Gosai couldnt find the strength to look down at his stomach - where a large hole was gaping and quaterized. Gosai's eyes rolled to the back of his head.


Tategami glared down at his old fallen teamate - ensuring he would not rise back up again. "Its alrite everyone... He is dead..." he finally spoke.

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((I'm going to be gone till October 1st or possibly but I might be able to get on every once and a while.))


"Its alright everyone... He is dead..."


Dai looked up and sighed in relief.


"That...is good to hear. I was starting to think that I was going to have to end up fighting him."


He looked down at Kaneda.


"This should be able to fix up anything that's been broken"


Dai knelt down next to him and made a series of handsigns.


"Mystical healing palm jutsu."


Dai's hand began to glow green as he passed it over Kaneda's body repeatedly before pulling it back.


"That should heal some of the damage."


((Last post for awhile.))

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Tategami reverted back to his human form. Just as he did, the body of Gosai morphed back to his original curly red-headed self.


Tategami watched as Dai knealt down to heal Kaneda's wounds. "That should heal some of the damage."


"But it wont cure the venom, I'm afraid." said Tategami. "Once you have been bitten by a Werebeast, you become one of us. Thats why Gosai kills his victims before the venom manifests; leaving no rivals. And yet, he spared Kaneda."


Sounds of thunder could be heard from the distance, as the rain continued to pour. "It was thought to be originally created by Orochimaru, and that he tested on one of his human guinea pigs. But the Juinjustu was discontinued, after revealing that it could be transfered from one victim to the next, and so on. But the human guinea pig, Gosai, somehow managed to escape and fled to the Land of the Crescent Moon. Thus, one of the corrupted officials formed the Blood Moon Force as a special Military Squad consisting of Gosai as the leader, and several others infected with the Were virus; including myself."


Tategami began to shiver from the cold rain. "But enough talk; we must get Kaneda too shelter so he can make a recovery."


Mikita landed on the catwalk, and stood up. His expression was sympathetic. "Come with me. I have an apartment not far from here that I use as a safe house. Its no Five Star Luxury, but it should suit your standard needs."


"Sudden change of heart?" Tategami raised his eyebrows.


"From what I have been seeing, you guys dont mean any harm to me. You saved me from those Bounty Hunters, and I too must return the favour."

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"You're gonna pay for that, you little frozen popsicle!"


"Oh I don't think so." Takeda shot back as he saw Tategami.


He watched as Tategami finished Gosai off for good. He looked down at the body of Gosai.


"I told you I wanted to watch you die with my own eyes."


He looked over to Tategami and patted him on the shoulder.


"You did what you had to do sensai."


Takeda gave Mikita a rather curious look. He too was surprised by his kindness. He saw Specter pick up Kokoro as he too heard the news. Takeda walked over to Kaneda and picked him up.


"We need to move twice as fast, the last thing I want is another attack."

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Yoroi looked at Kaneda. Yes, they had killed off Gosai, but the price was so--


"WAIT!" Yoroi exclaimed. "I have...I may have a cure."


Yoroi turned towards Tategami. "If this infection is a Jinjutsu, then when Nightmare Chakra meets it they will be canceled out. So if I flood his body with my own Chakra then it may break the Jinjutsu and cure him.


"But I'm not sure it will work. It will hurt more than anything he will ever experience, mentally and physically, so he could die of shock. Hell, I may not have enough Chakra either. It's your call whether I proceed, Tategami."

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Tategami listened to Yoroi's proposal. It did make sense, and it was theoretically possible. But...


"Thank you. But the choice isnt mine to make; its Kaneda's. This burden he now carried holds both positive and negatve consequences. Its his choice whether he is prepared to live with them."


He turned to Mikita. "Take us to your safehouse. Kaneda needs to make a recovery before we set off back to Konoha..."




Kaneda groaned. He grasped his blanket even tighter in his warm bed.... Atleast, he thought it was his OWN bed. He could smell something musky in the air, or from the blanket he was wrapped around in.


He pulled his eyes open, to see he was not in his room. It was very dimly lit, yet somewhat well furnished. There was a veranda up ahead, which overlooked the rainy industrialised village. Kaneda tried to pull himself out of bed, until he was suddenly pulled back with heavy force. "What the--"


"No! You're still injured! You need rest!"


Kaneda wasnt at all suprised to hear Tategami's voice. "The sooner I get away from you, the better..." he muttered. Tategami beamed.


"He's awake."

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((Got lucky and got access to a computer for the weekend.))


"The sooner I get away from you, the better..."


Dai chuckled slightly at Kaneda's response before a sudden thought came to mind.


He turned to Tategami.


"Sensai...if you will allow it I would like to talk with you about something outside. It has to do with the Arashi bombing the village earlier."

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Asuka walked away from the group, feeling upset for Kaneda. If only she was there to protect them all. If she could've been stronger and better...


"I'm leaving. I can't stand what's happening. And now... Kaneda may turn into a Werebeast. And it's all my fault. I should've protected him. Takeda. Tategami. Karela. Everyone. I'm not fit to protect anyone. I'm done..." she thought to herself as she walked by herself.


As she walked away, the voice was heard inside her mind again. "Glad you made the choice to leave, Asuka. No one ever needed you. You never needed anyone. you were meant to be alone. You were meant to be nobody but an ordinary girl..."


Asuka closed her eyes, as angered tears welled up in her eyes.

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Takeda's mood had changed when they arrived at the safehouse. He went from angry and determined to calm and much more joyful. Even though a series of bad things seemed to happen to them along the way to their mission, Takeda had always shown his abilites and come out on top. He felt he had done so much that he wouldn't need to take the jonin exams and would be given the rank. It had felt good to smile, as he hadn't in quite some time. He finally was getting the rest he needed as he closed his eyes and let his mind wander.




Specter was in another room, looking down at Kokoro, She had not yet woken up and he wanted to make sure she was alright. There was something about the girl that reminded him of his joyful self. Kokoro looked very much like an older version of his daughter...had she survived. She had the same red hair and was never much of a talker, but that didn't stop her from being the best that she could be. A small smile formed on his face as a single tear rolled down his eye. It was always nice to pretend, even if it only lasted a short while.

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Kokoro slowly woke up to find herself somewhere else. She was not in the cave anymorem the grave was nowhere in sight. She looked around only to find a man kneeling down next to her, she recognized him as someone from the group that left with Tategami-sensei.


"Where is this? Have we reached the village? Is the battle over?", she asked not waiting for any answer. "I'm sorry, I let curiosity get the best of me".


If you need me, I'm here, she heard the voice once again in her head, the voice of the girl she met in the cave.


"Shizuma...", she muttered and then looked at Specter. "I don't believe we've actually met. My name is Kokoro, sorry for being such a bother".


She found herself speaking much more calmly around this person, normally she wouldn't speak much.

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Yoroi saw Asuka walking away. He saw the look in her eyes, the frustration, the self-loathing...he knew it like he knew his own hands.


He followed Asuka. "Asuka-san! I know you must feel frustrated with yourself. I understand it because..." Yoroi trailed off, then breathed and said, "because I've been feeling the same thing myself for the entire time I've had this Nightmare Chakra.


"I've never been able to preserve or protect anything since those Otogakure jerks cursed me. All I can do is kill and destroy. I want to save my comrades, but all I can do for them is to avenge them, and even then revenge is a poor way to remember those you care about. But I can't let those feelings destroy my Will of Fire...and you shouldn't either.


"We need you. Takeda needs you. Kaneda needs you. And I need you to be there for them because a kunoichi who truly loves her comrades is much more of comfort than the evil presence of a monster like me."


He finished his words almost choking on his words, a single tear tainted with purple-colored poisonous Nightmare Chakra sliding down his right cheek in quite reverence.

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"Where is this? Have we reached the village? Is the battle over?", she asked not waiting for any answer. "I'm sorry, I let curiosity get the best of me".


Specter let out a little laugh before waiting a few seconds to speak.


"Yes the battle is over, and we'll be at the village as soon as everyone's rested up."


"I don't believe we've actually met. My name is Kokoro, sorry for being such a bother".


"You can call me Specter, and trust me it was no bother at all. Its good to see you're up again, that must have been so fall you had in the cave."


Takeda's relaxation lasted for about a few minutes. He opened his eyes and heard Kokoro's voice. He hadn't seen her during the battle and was worried she was lost...the battle! He looked around and noticed both Asuka and Yoroi weren't with them. He wanted to run to Tategami and tell him that they were missing but that wouldn't be right to do. Tategami was dealing with enough as is and he didn't want to upset Kaneda either. He stood up and called out to everyone before leaving.


"I'm going for a quick walk through the city to find the safest path for us. I'll be back shortly."


He left the safehouse and ran back to the construction site. He looked around for any sign of Asuka or Yoroi. He hit himself in the head in frustration for not remembering seeing either on the way to the safehouse. He began to walk in a direction and hoped it was the right way.


Are they trying to give me a heart attack? I've got enough on my mind as is.


"Yoroi, Asuka! Are you both out here?!"


Yeah, they are. Great now I'm answering myself.

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