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"I believe we had a deal. We keep you safe and in return you were going to tell us about the Arashi hideouts."


Akagi had been isolated from the group for awhile after the battle, reflecting on what had happened so far. Deep thought was always good after battle.


He stood next to Dai, helping to impose the deal and ensure that Mikita properly cooperated.


"Or, we could just kill you...life and cooperation is really good choice though. Up to you..."


Of course, Akagi was bluffing, they needed Mikita right now in order to properly stop the Arashi...and to find out what had happened to Karela. It concerned the Samurai that they had not heard from her in a very very long time....but he had his suspicions, it may not have been that long.


Getting his mind focused on the task at hand, he placed his hand on his wakizashi's hilt, further giving the impression that his bluff was very real.

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"Asuka-san! I know you must feel frustrated with yourself. I understand it because..." Yoroi trailed off, then breathed and said, "because I've been feeling the same thing myself for the entire time I've had this Nightmare Chakra.


"I've never been able to preserve or protect anything since those Otogakure jerks cursed me. All I can do is kill and destroy. I want to save my comrades, but all I can do for them is to avenge them, and even then revenge is a poor way to remember those you care about. But I can't let those feelings destroy my Will of Fire...and you shouldn't either.


"We need you. Takeda needs you. Kaneda needs you. And I need you to be there for them because a kunoichi who truly loves her comrades is much more of comfort than the evil presence of a monster like me."


Asuka stared at Yoroi sadly. She could see that he was upset as well, beacuse of the single tear. But he was right. She couldn't abandon her friends. Even if rough times come through. She sighed.


"You're, Yoroi-san. I'm... I'm really sorry. I want to be close to everyone that I care about. I want to be strong for them. But... I think the Arashi blood is rising in me... because of my father..."


The young girl closed her eyes as tears fell.

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Kaneda watched as Asuka left the room, upset. "Huh? What is she all worked up about?"


He felt for his neck, where the bite marks lay. Then running along his fingers, he found sometype of tube connected from his neck to plastic bag hanging on a stand. Kaneda squinted. Blood?


"You required a blood transfusion, Kaneda-kun." Tategami stated. "When Gosai bit you, not only had he infected you with the Werebeast Juinjustu virus, but he absorbed at least more that 3 pints of blood from your body. As such, I have donated some of my blood to aid you in the healing process."


Kaneda's face grew with slight disgust. "Uhh... thanks..." he said, looking away.


"I believe we had a deal. We keep you safe and in return you were going to tell us about the Arashi hideouts."


"Or, we could just kill you...life and cooperation is really good choice though. Up to you..."


Mikita smirked. "Heh... Here I am; humbly offering my safehouse for your recovery. And this is the treatment I get? Typical samurai warriors..."


He crossed his arms. "I'm a man of my word though. I will tell you what I know about the Arashi..."


Mikita cleared his throat. "As I have mentioned earlier; I have been transfered to six Arashi hideouts - each one scattered around the entire Land. They switch from location to location to hide there tracks. As of this moment, because the Arashi are a very secretive organisation, no one has been able to discover these hideouts."


"Throughout my imprissoned life, I have been transfered to Land of Wind, Earth, Lightning, Water and even Fire.


But there is ony base that controls there entire opperations. During my time at the Land of the Water, I discovered its secret location before I escaped (I was trying to find the key to the exit, while rummaging through an entire office)"


Mikita pulled his head up. "The Main Base of Operations is difficult to get to. Its more like an ancient temple, hidden beneath ocean. The main problem of getting there is the giant natural phenominon - the giant whirlpool, otherwise known as the Kraken's Womb. Directly beneath it is the temple. How the Arashi are able to get through it, is beyond my knowledge. I suspect you'd need some type of heavily armored submarine to get down there, or something."

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"The Main Base of Operations is difficult to get to. Its more like an ancient temple, hidden beneath ocean. The main problem of getting there is the giant natural phenominon - the giant whirlpool, otherwise known as the Kraken's Womb. Directly beneath it is the temple. How the Arashi are able to get through it, is beyond my knowledge. I suspect you'd need some type of heavily armored submarine to get down there, or something."


Dai's eyes closed as he began to think about the problem that was presented to them.


How can the Arashi get down there. Either it's some sort of submersible or they have...Hmmmm...Maybe some sort of water manipulation jutsu perhaps.


"Is it possible that they have some sort of secret water manipulation jutsu? Something known only to members of the Arashi?"

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"Heh... Here I am; humbly offering my safehouse for your recovery. And this is the treatment I get? Typical samurai warriors..."


"Hmm. Typical criminal," he retorted, taking his hand off of his sword's hilt.


"The Main Base of Operations is difficult to get to. Its more like an ancient temple, hidden beneath ocean. The main problem of getting there is the giant natural phenominon - the giant whirlpool, otherwise known as the Kraken's Womb. Directly beneath it is the temple. How the Arashi are able to get through it, is beyond my knowledge. I suspect you'd need some type of heavily armored submarine to get down there, or something."


Akagi shook his head.


"If they can manipulate water in such a way as to avoid a whirlpool, then a large force could never successfully breach their fortress. We would need to find a way that could support a small and discreet infiltration...otherwise, I can't come up with anything else."


He placed a hand on the crest of his helmet, further thinking about the possibilities.


"I'll be right back..just want to take a walk around the perimeter..."


With that, the Samurai left. He had alot on his mind.

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"Is it possible that they have some sort of secret water manipulation jutsu? Something known only to members of the Arashi?"


"Its possible..." Tategami added. "And that does sound rather interesting, because it makes you wonder whether the Arashi were the ones who created the Whirlpool using some type of advanced justu."


"If they can manipulate water in such a way as to avoid a whirlpool, then a large force could never successfully breach their fortress. We would need to find a way that could support a small and discreet infiltration...otherwise, I can't come up with anything else."


"A small team, perhaps... Though we may need more than one team of Shinobi to infiltrate the temple and compromise there plans. They do have the power of the Ten-Tailed Bijuu on their side, afterall..."


Tategami crossed his arms and rubbed his chin. He turned to Mikita.


"Due to your issues of socialising with other people, I suppose that means you wont be coming back with us to Konoha."


Mikita shook his head. "You kidding? I'm already done with this place - I'm sick of the rain. Besides, I've got a lot of bounty hunters on my trail who know I live here. Its best I take a little vacation and get away from things for a while."


Tategami beamed. "Then that settles it! As soon as Kaneda has finished recovering, we'll leave as soon as possible." He then glanced over to Kaneda. "Which by the way; need to talk about your... Condition"


"My condition?"


"When Gosai bit you, he transfered the Werebeast form to you. Soon, it will develop and you will be able to transform like me. But... there are consequences you have to consider; both positive and negative."


"So run through it with me... What are the positive side-effects?"


"They aren't side effects; they are attributes. In the form, your strength, speed and stamina will increase. As well as heightened sensory - including the ability to read peoples intentions based upon there bodily fluids."


"Negatives?" Kaneda said grimly.


"Essentially, to increase your attributes further when facing a more stronger opponent, you will have to drink blood so as to absorb the chakra and create the fusion. And also, once you enter the form for the first time, it will be difficult to control your urges. It takes very strong disciplin to master this."


Kaneda thought long and hard. He certainly didnt like the idea of drinking blood. Or becoming a monster for that matter. But it did have its advantages; he would be able to use it against the Arashi when needed, and save Karela.


"I choose to accept it..." Kaneda replied. He was waiting for a retort, but then reminded himself that Tategami could read his mind. He would have determined if Kaneda was strong enough for this.


"So be it... And when you think more about it, there's another positive to your decision." Tategami beamed. "We'll be training together!"


Kaneda hung his head down in disapointment. "I'm going to regret this..." he muttered.

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"You can call me Specter, and trust me it was no bother at all. Its good to see you're up again, that must have been so fall you had in the cave."


Kokoro stoop up and gave Specter a small smile.


"Thanks Specter", Kokoro said and then turned to Jupo and petted him on the head. "I can't remember much of what happened at the cave. I..."


The image of the ghost girl came to her mind once more but she brushed it off.


"Ah forget it, it's nothing", Kokoro said and then turned to Specter. "Maybe we should rendezvous with the others, now that the battle is over".


She spoke the last with a bit of sadness, she had missed the chance to prove her worth to the group, but it seemed she would have plenty of chances.

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"Its possible...And that does sound rather interesting, because it makes you wonder whether the Arashi were the ones who created the Whirlpool using some type of advanced justu."


"That certainly does make for an interesting theory. If they do have a jutsu like that we'll have to consider what else they might have up their sleeves."


Dai looked around and sighed.


"We're going to need more training aren't we?"

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The leaves and foliage of the surrounding wilderness crunched softly underneath Akagi's sandals.


There wasn't much a threat of attack, but the Samurai had always made it a point to be extra careful. Also, such habits helped Akagi clear his mind, which he noticed lately was quite crowded with thought. As of right now, he was thinking on a battle plan for the inevitable assault on the Arashi fortress. It would need every bit of everyone's strategic knowledge for sure...


Suddenly, he saw two figures not too far off amongst some of the thicker foliage. He recognized one man as Specter, the woman, he did not remember meeting her.


Akagi shifted his step and walked carefully over.


"Forgive my interruption...but is everything alright here?" Said Akagi, announcing his presence.

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"We're going to need more training aren't we?"


"If that is the case, yes." Tategami replied. "... But that may depend on whether Chunin like yourselves are permited to tag along for the mission."


"And depending on the time we have been given, we may need to upgrade to Jonin-level." Kaneda added. "It just so happens the Jonin exams are about a month away. Hopefully we'll be given enough time to participate in them."


"And you will all need extra time for training too." said Tategami. "Give yourselves the opportunity to learn more justu to prepare yourselves. From what you all witnessed, I just upgraded my Rasengan to defeat Gosai. Even I need time to perfect it completely."


Kaneda nodded and looked over at Mikita. "How often do the Arashi visit there main base of operations?"


"It depends upon the circumstances. But from what I've been able to gather, elite members visit the temple to discuss matters together. This occurs every three months, starting from last week."


"Gatoa, the leader, will be there." Tategami added. "And he'll be there with the Ten Tailed Bijuu, still locked away in its Urn. If from what I assume is correct, and the Whirlpool is some type of Advanced Water-based Justu, then they will need to return to the base to not only discuss business, but to replenish the power of the Whirlpool. If thats the case, then the total life cycle of the Krakens Womb must be an average of three months."


"Then its settled!" Kaneda announced. "In three months time, we will be ready."

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Yoroi quietly nodded in agreement. As a Jonin and a wielder of Rinnegan, his power was certainly decent.


But decent doesn't really cut it, he thought. I need an unparalleled Jutsu like the Hokage's Wind Release: RaseShruiken.


He remembered ow he wanted to ask Tategami about learning Rasengan. Perhaps he could combine it with his own chakra to form Nightmare Release: Rasengan. However, learning how to combine the perfect change in chakra form with a change in chakra nature would be something that would take longer than three months, especially on top of learning such a difficult jutsu as Rasengan. The Sixth Hokage was said to have learned it quickly due to his Shadow Clone Jutsu--


That's it! Yoroi realized. I've been dependent on using Blood Clones, and I have to kill in order to create them! But if I can generate Clones made from Nightmare....


Of course, the thought of Nightmare Clone Jutsu had crossed Yoroi's mind before. He had never figured the trick out: he had complete control over his Nightmare Chakra, but he couldn't get it to manifest in physical form.


Let me think this over again....


After a few minutes, comprehension came.


"Tategami-san!" Yoroi exclaimed. "I need your help for my training!"

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"Forgive my interruption...but is everything alright here?"


"Yes everything is fine, we need to rendezvous with Tategami-sensei", Kokoro said and motioned Jupo to come closer. "Do you know where he is? I fell unconcious during the battle".


Kokoro's eyes shined for a moment to grey without her knowledge. Shizuma would take over soon, it would seem.

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Specter nodded to both Akagi and Kokoro for both questions. He looked to Kokoro, than Jupo, and finally to Akagi. He had never tried a multi person teleport before, but it sure beat walking.


"I can get us all back to Tategami's location, but you all need to grab onto me. I can teleport and have us there within seconds."

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"Tategami-san!" Yoroi exclaimed. "I need your help for my training!"


"So I figure." Tategami read his mind. "You wish to learn Rasengan. If I have some spare time, I'll give you a lesson. But be warned - Rasengan is a very powerful technique, and will take time to master."


"Tategami-sensai, how difficult are the Jonin exams? Lee-Sensai never told me."


"Its very tough! Though you require no written examination, you will be; assessed on performing a justu of the examiners choice, assigned a mission that will put your abilities to the test, and conclude the exams with a tournament."


Tategami smiled. "But very few shinobi are selected to be jounin after the exams; regardless if they have completed the tasks. You will be assessed on your performance overall, whether you have proven yourself for the rank."

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After her talk with Yoroi, Asuka sat by a tree, a little far from the group. She crossed her legs, and closed her eyes. She began to meditate, once again. She hadn't had a good meditation for a while. Only battling and protecting. She had no problems with those... but she felt the need to be... away from the group... for some reason...


"You fool. These so-called friends of yours are nothing. Ego-maniacs are what they are. I keep telling you... they don't need you. You don't need them. Admit it. They're only using you as a weapon. A tool. a slave!"


Asuka narrowed her eyebrows, her eyes still closed.


"You don't get it, do you? I'm in control here. You aren't. It's my mind, it's my soul, and it's my life. I don't care anymore! I don't care about you nor anyone else! From now on... you're going to be listening to my whispers. And if I die... you die as well. Just remember that..."

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"So I figure." Tategami read his mind. "You wish to learn Rasengan. If I have some spare time, I'll give you a lesson. But be warned - Rasengan is a very powerful technique, and will take time to master."


"Well I do want to learn Rasengan," Yoroi began, "but there is something a bit more important that I need to learn. I want to learn Nightmare Clone Jutsu, so I need your help. I need someone to scare me.


"You see, I haven't been afraid once since I got cursed, but I just realized that the only way I can physically manifest my Nightmare Chakra is to channel my fear. That's why I need you...or your werebeast form to be precise...."

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"You see, I haven't been afraid once since I got cursed, but I just realized that the only way I can physically manifest my Nightmare Chakra is to channel my fear. That's why I need you...or your werebeast form to be precise...."


"You want me to scare you?" Tategami beamed, in a creepy way. "Well thats certainly an interesting proposition."


He walked up to him, that creepy beaming smile still spread across Tategami's face. "Do you find me intimidating?" he then began to laugh. "You should meet my friend Tenzo, though he prefers to be called Yamato. He's not a bad guy... sometimes..."


Kaneda was begining to feel a little better.


"As soon as Spectre and Kokoro return, we'll get ready for the trip back to Konoha."

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"As soon as Spectre and Kokoro return, we'll get ready for the trip back to Konoha."


It's about time we start heading back. They may need my help at the hospital now that Karela bombed the Hyuga and Nara clans. Knowing how many Hyuga members were caught in the explosion I'm probably going to be busy for quite awhile.


Dai took a quick look at Kaneda and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.


Glad I'm not training with Tategami. Lee is bad enough. I almost feel sorry for him.

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Asuka stood up, and paced back and forth, wondering how to get rid of the voice inside her head. Whatever--whoever--this voice was... she would get rid of it. Even if it took her years...


"You know, Asuka? You may be right about what you said. But... are you right about controlling yourself? HAHAHAHAHA!!!"


Asuka closed her eyes tightly, tears running from them. She clenched her hands in her hair. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut Up!!!!" Suddenly, she shot her eyes open, revealing red iris. She was clearly angry at the voice... and herself.


The young girl ran around the forest, hitting everything in her sight. Punching trees with all her strength, tearing the grass, cutting down branches with her Katana...


"Face it, child. They don't need you. And you don't need them..."


Asuka glared hard ahead, at the direction of the group's camp. "I don't need them. And they don't need me..." And with that, Asuka began to walk slowly towards the camp, Katana held tightly in her hand...


((If I were you guys, I'd watch out!))

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"You want me to scare you?" Tategami beamed, in a creepy way. "Well thats certainly an interesting proposition."


He walked up to him, that creepy beaming smile still spread across Tategami's face. "Do you find me intimidating?" he then began to laugh. "You should meet my friend Tenzo, though he prefers to be called Yamato. He's not a bad guy... sometimes..."


Yoroi closed his eyes for a moment, then shook his head. "Nope, nothing yet."


"As soon as Spectre and Kokoro return, we'll get ready for the trip back to Konoha."


Yoroi sighed. Great, Konoha. Filled with people staring at me--


He remembered back to a debriefing he had with the Sixth Hokage. They were alone, and Yoroi was summarizing his latest assassination.


"--and he ended up becoming another Blood Clone," Yoroi finished. "Piece of cake. So what's my next mission?"


"Mission?" the Hokage said with a laugh. "That was your fifth this week. Take a break, Yoroi-san. Surely you have friends you could go share a ramen with?"


Yoroi's eyes fell to the floor. "I...don't have friends, Hokage-sama."


"Huh? So you are saying that you don't have comrades that would not lay down their lives for you and visa versa?"


"That's not the same thing," Yoroi muttered. "I have comrades, but I don't have friends. As long as I have this curse, I'm just going to be stared at like--"


"--you're a demon?"


Yoroi looked up. "Y-yes, Hokage-sama."


The Hokage sighed and laid down the papers in his hands. "Yoroi-san, you will find friends among your comrades. You just need to look harder."


Maybe, Yoroi thought. After all, I have thought alongside these men and women. Tategami, Takeda, Kaneda, Akagi, Dai, Specter, Asuka--


Where's Asuka?!


Yoroi looked outside, and right on cue he saw Asuka slowly walking towards the apartment. She held a Katana in her hand, and in her eyes were red as if to scream rage.


"Rinnegan!" Yoroi said. What evil chakra! he thought as his sight pierced her chakra network. And that mind inside her...it's almost like Takai...no, it's worse, far more terrible....


Am I afraid? "Am I afraid?!" Yoroi repeated outloud, then made a hand sign and shouted, "Nightmare Clone Jutsu!"


Beside him a blob of purple chakra formed into an exact copy of Yoroi. "Yatta! Sorry, Tategami-sempai, but it looks like I figured it out!"


I'll have to thank Asuka...after we figure out what is wrong with her....

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((Camp? We're in an Apartment :p ))


Tategami looked out the window. He could sniff her Pheromone levels from a distance, and can feel her chakra levels rising. "Its happened again..." Tategami sighed. "We may need to put her asleep untill we can find out whats wrong with her."


Tategami was about to leave when he heard the movement of sheets. Kaneda followed. "I'm coming too!" he wrapped a bandage around his neck.


"I guess theres no point in stopping..." Tategami sighed again. "You have regained half your strength afterall. I suppose you could go out for abit of exercise."


Kaneda slipped on his toe-less boots, and headed out with Tategami.


They ran downstairs and out into the open rain. Kaneda had to dodge the charging Asuka. "Let me guess... You're not Asuka?"

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((Sorry, PK. :) ))


"Let me guess... You're not Asuka?"


Asuka stopped a few feet away from Kaneda and the others. She glared at them coldly. "Do not speak to them, child. They are not your friends. Just pathetic, weak-minded fools! Finish them!!"


"Yes..." Asuka said. "FINISH THEM!!!"


The young girl raised her Katana and charged at her group. Angered tears fell from her eyes. Deep inside her heart, the real Asuka tried to control her body. "Leave my body alone!!!"


"Never! Never!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

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Takeda had returned after quite some time seeing that he couldn't find anyone. To his surprise upon his return however, he saw Yoroi speaking with Tategami. Takeda turned to see Asuka out the window...coming right at them with her katana at hand. He quickly followed after Kaneda and Tategami after they left the room to go confront her. He watched the brief skirmish between Kaneda and Asuka but more importantly he watched the skirmish he could see in Asuka's eyes. As she went for another attack, he charged at her. Takeda grabbed the katana's handle with both hands to stop the blade from cutting him in half.


"Come on Asuka, I know the real you is in there somewhere. You need to fight this, don't listen to that voice inside your head."


He looked into the angry souless eyes of Asuka and felt the image of Takai looking back at him. He would have hit himself on the head if his hands weren't holding the katana handle. He had forgotten about the joint mind technique he had used to stop Takai from taking control of him, maybe that link hadn't broken off yet. He concentrated as hard as he could.


I don't know who you are, or what you've done to Asuka. What I do know is that if I have to come in their, I'm going to make sure you pay for this.




Specter nodded to Kokoro before teleporting the group back to the hideout. He fell down to the ground from teleporting multiple people to one spot. He rose to his feet slowly and felt his vison slowyl coming back to him.


"Well were here, I need to go rest for a bit."

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