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Dai winced once he saw that Asuka was still in pain. He would have thought that Shizune's healing hands would have had more of an effect on her.


Well, at least shes finally awake. And at least a few of the Hyugas have been discharged since this morning which means my job is a bit easier.


"So...Tategami-sensai...May I speak to you in private out in the hall for a moment? I need to ask your advice on a certain technique that I recently developed."

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"See the difference"


Kaneda kinda freaked out when he saw Takeda change his eye. "Intriguing... So you're able to switch between souls at will?"


"Hey? What's going on?!"


Kaneda thought he heard murmers, so he turned his head to find out that they escaped Asuka mouth.


"Hey Sleeping Beauty, its about time you got up." Kaneda stood from his chair. "You fainted back at Hidden Rain, so we brought you back to Konoha. You're in the hospital."


"So...Tategami-sensai...May I speak to you in private out in the hall for a moment? I need to ask your advice on a certain technique that I recently developed."


Tategami nodded, and left with Dai. He shut the door behind him, and glanced at Dai.


"What is it you wish to know?"

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"What is it you wish to know?"


Dai shuffled his feet slightly to try and ease the embarresment he was feeling over the new technique he had developed.


"I...recently was able to develope a new Lightning type technique but the problem is is that I can't seem to use it. It's known as the "Lightning destruction" technique, and when I try to use it I always end up passing out for a few minutes due to the amount of chakra it uses."


Dai stopped shuffling his feet and stood up straight as his confidence began to come back.


"I was able to use it at one point earlier in time but for some reason my chakra reserves seem to have shrank slightly and I am no longer able to use the technique. Do you know anyway to increase chakra reserves? I feel this technique could be very useful when used against the Arashi."

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"Are you well? Should I call a doctor? You are back on Konoha Village."


Asuka glanced at the woman, and nodded slowly. Tears began to roll from her normal blue eyes as she trembled a little. "I... I think I'm fine. I don't understand what happened to me..."


"Hey Sleeping Beauty, its about time you got up." Kaneda stood from his chair. "You fainted back at Hidden Rain, so we brought you back to Konoha. You're in the hospital."


Asuka glanced at Kaneda. She bit her lower lip nervously and sniffed sorrowfully. "Kaneda? Did I... hurt anyone?" She wanted to know what happened back there at the Hidden Rain. Who she hurted and what she was becoming...

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...and then Akasun fell to the ground, writhing in agony as her skin transformed back to normal. Yoroi sighed in relief; he had forgotten that his Nightmare chakra was poisonous and nullified the Jutsu of others.


He walked over to the Jashinist. "Tell me everything you know and I'll grant you a quick painless death."


Akasun giggled merrily, disconcerting Yoroi. "I'll tell you this," she whispered. "In forty days the immortal armies of Jashin will raze Konoha to the ground...."


And as she breathed her last, Yoroi felt fear more strongly than he ever had.

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"Intriguing... So you're able to switch between souls at will?"


Takeda shook his head slowly.


"Not exactly. Switching from Takeda to Takai is easy...switching back is always a struggle."


"Hey Sleeping Beauty, its about time you got up." Kaneda stood from his chair. "You fainted back at Hidden Rain, so we brought you back to Konoha. You're in the hospital."


Takeda turned around to see that Asuka had woken up. He was glad to see she was okay and smiled.


"You didn't hurt anyone Asuka...but my back does hurt a bit. I didn't realize how far you ran away from the group when you did, but I'm glad we found a stretcher. Well I'd really like to stay and chat but I need to find the rest of us a trainer, and speak with Tategami about something...unless either of you need something or would like me to stay."

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"You didn't hurt anyone Asuka...but my back does hurt a bit..."


"And I consumed so much chakra to restrain you, that I ended up fainting and been carried back by Tategami." Kaneda spoke, with his head facing the wall.


Well I'd really like to stay and chat but I need to find the rest of us a trainer, and speak with Tategami about something...unless either of you need something or would like me to stay."


"Eh, you can do whatever you please." Kaneda beamed. "I might come join later on."


He glanced back at Asuka. "Don't you remember what happened yesterday? You went completely beserk and tried to abandon us. I was lucky enough to catch up with you with below half of my strength recovered."




"I was able to use it at one point earlier in time but for some reason my chakra reserves seem to have shrank slightly and I am no longer able to use the technique. Do you know anyway to increase chakra reserves? I feel this technique could be very useful when used against the Arashi."


Tategami crossed his arms. "Normally, to increase your chakra you have to exercise both your Physical and Spiritual energy. Physical energy is collected from body cells, while spiritual energy is collected from the minds consiousness."


Tategami allowed Dai to comprehend. "Its vitally important to keep a balance between the two energies. To perform such a complex justu will require training in both areas. Given from your time with Lee Sensai, who has a disability with performing both Ninjustu and Genjustu and also relies on physical strength, its possible you lost enough balance to perform the justu."


"I suggest you train your mind, through meditation. You could also try stimulants and exercise. Those are some good methods to keep you balance, and increase your chakra reserve."

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Seeing as she wasn't needed in the room Shizuma turned to leave and opened the door. She passed Tategami and Dai without so much of a word and went on her way. She stumbled upon a doctor and called him over.


"The girl in the room back there. She's awake, she is in pain, please assist her", Shizuma said and turned away from the doctor as he nodded.


Shizuma then started to look around the hospital. It was the first time she had visited a place such as this. Her village wasn't as advanced as Konoha seemed to be, they were much more traditionalists, and the fact she was alive years ago was a contributing factor for her to feel somewhat out of place in this present world.

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"I suggest you train your mind, through meditation. You could also try stimulants and exercise. Those are some good methods to keep you balance, and increase your chakra reserve."


"Thank you sensai. I'll give the method you described a try and see how well it works."


Dai glanced uneasily down the corridor where Kokoro had gone. Something just feels off about that girl. I don't know what it is...


"Tategami sensai...did you notice anything different about Kokoro when she went past? Something feels....off about her."

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(OCC: Other than the fact that Kokoro has silver hair and eyes right now instead of red? XD)


Shizuma looked around the hospital. She couldn't help but feel that if her village had had this kind of installation, they would have probably saved a lot of lives. She turned around and saw a small girl in a bed, she looked like she was very sick.


Shizuma walked over to her. She opened her eyes slightly and saw her. Shizuma simply grinned at the little girl.


"Do you need anything, chibi-chan", Shizuma said and the girl nodded pointing at her glass of water.


"Oh, you want water", Shizuma took the glass of water in her hands and helped her drink a little. The little girl smiled.


"Thank you one-sama", the little girl said. Suddenly this triggered a memory in Shizuma's mind, her little sister. This memory caused her eyes to tear. A single tear running down her cheek.


"Are you alright one-sama?", the little girl asked.


"I am fine chibi-chan, you just reminded me of my little sister", Shizuma said.


"Really? Is she around?", the little girl asked.


"She died a long time ago", Shizuma said.


"I'm sorry one-sama", the little girl said and Shizuma stood up.


"It's fine. I must go now", Shizuma said.


"My name is Risa", the little girl said before Shizuma turned to leave.


"I am Shizuma", She answered.


"I hope to see you again when I get out of here, Shizuma one-sama", Risa said.


"I hope so too Risa-chan", Shizuma said and went on her way.

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Specter had been curious about this Kokoro girl now. He had noticed a difference in her appearence as well as her personality. Much like the others it was as if she had someone else inside of her. He watched her take care of a small little girl for a few seconds, and saw a tear on her cheek. He was then taken back when she called herself a different. He followed after her when she started walking.


"Kokoro, I mean Shizuma, hold up. So exactly what happened that now there's two beings in one body?"




"Don't you remember what happened yesterday? You went completely beserk and tried to abandon us. I was lucky enough to catch up with you with below half of my strength recovered."


Takeda gave a slight chuckle.


"Yeah, and I put my head in front of your katana and offered your evil side the chance to kill me. I knew you'd be able to overthrow your evil side, as long as I did something drastic."

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((Not sure when Asuka's gonna get kidnapped.. :( ))


"Don't you remember what happened yesterday? You went completely beserk and tried to abandon us. I was lucky enough to catch up with you with below half of my strength recovered."


Asuka looked down, squinted her eyes. She tried hard to remember... but the slight pain was too much for her. "I... um... I..." She then heard Takeda speak.


"Yeah, and I put my head in front of your katana and offered your evil side the chance to kill me. I knew you'd be able to overthrow your evil side, as long as I did something drastic."


The young girl looked at Takeda with saddened eyes. Suddenly, she began to cry, and placed her hands on Kaneda and Takeda. "Please... forgive me. I... I never meant to... hurt anyone! Never! I'm so sorry. After what I did... I deserve to die..."


Sorrowful tears streamed down her cheeks, as she desperately looked up at her two friends.

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"Kokoro, I mean Shizuma, hold up. So exactly what happened that now there's two beings in one body?"


At the mention of her name, Shizuma turned to see Specter. She looked at him from head to toe.


"You, you are the one who travels fast from one place to the other", Shizuma said and looked into his eyes. "Koko-chan is mearly my vessel, she volunteered back at the cave when she came upon my grave. I have a mission of outmost importance. But that is my business, is there a problem? Do you require something?"


Shizuma wasn't one to open up to people she had just met, for her trust needed to be gained not offered or asked for.

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"Yeah, and I put my head in front of your katana and offered your evil side the chance to kill me. I knew you'd be able to overthrow your evil side, as long as I did something drastic."


Kaneda saw Asuka shed tears. He glanced oddly at Takeda. "I was half-hoping you'd leave that part out... now look what happened." he rubbed his head. "Though it is probably best to be honest with her..."


"Please... forgive me. I... I never meant to... hurt anyone! Never! I'm so sorry. After what I did... I deserve to die..."


Kaneda breathed a heavy sigh, as soon as he heard the word "die".


"Thinking like that will take you no where. You think killing yourself will solve all your problems?" he said with a frowning, yet reassuring smile. "Because if thats what you think, then I am an idiot to think you were incredible."


He thought back to when they were fighting the Akatsuki lady in the forest. "I'm just wondering if it had something to do with that hag we encountered in the forest on our way to Hidden Rain. Whether she made you the way you behaved through some type of Genjustu, or something."


He rested his hands behind his head. "But this is all just speculation on my behalf. Whatever happened, happened for a reason. Its time we move on."

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((Speaking of Zarela, does anyone mind if she shows up soon? I'd like to reintroduce her during the training arc.))


"Please... forgive me. I... I never meant to... hurt anyone! Never! I'm so sorry. After what I did... I deserve to die..."


Dai sighed and shook his head sadly.


"You don't deserve to die Asuka. Like Kaneda said, that Akatsuki woman most likely did something to you when she fought you in the forest. Nothing that happend was your fault."


He narrowed his eyes at her.


"You need to get over this lack of confidence you seem to have. Now I offer you two choices...One: You can find a way to get over this by yourself by training or becoming stronger. Or two: You can train with my sensai and I and I can safetly say you really wouldn't like that."


Dai smiled, letting everyone know that the last option had been a bit of a joke.

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"Koko-chan is mearly my vessel, she volunteered back at the cave when she came upon my grave. I have a mission of outmost importance. But that is my business, is there a problem? Do you require something?"


Specter had to think for a second on what she had just said. He gave a little smile and was glad to see someone else like him.


"So you're a dead woman brought back from the dead, and now you have a mission to go on. Its good to know I'm not the only living dead person around here. I'm sorry about your sister...I lost my wife...and my daughter. I hope you find the people that made you suffer, like I'm still trying to do."




Takeda instanly wanted to take back what he said. He really wished he could read people better. He decided to keep his mouth shut for the rest of the conversation.


"You need to get over this lack of confidence you seem to have. Now I offer you two choices...One: You can find a way to get over this by yourself by training or becoming stronger. Or two: You can train with my sensai and I and I can safetly say you really wouldn't like that."


Takeda felt like he had just been hit in the head. Why hadn't he thought of this sooner.


"Dai's right, and I know the perfect place to take you for training. It was where I trained with my parents. I can take you there now if you'd like."

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"Dai's right, and I know the perfect place to take you for training. It was where I trained with my parents. I can take you there now if you'd like."


"As soon as she recovers, you mean?" Kaneda added. "She only just woke up from a coma-like state afterall. Better give her some time to gather enough strength to do anything serious."


Kaneda pulled himself away from the wall. "I might get going. My folks will want to know what happened to there "beloved" son."


He was about to step out the door. "If any of you feel strong enough, come seek me out and we'll do a little sparring session one-on-one. I'll be training with Tategami-sensai and hoping to spend a moment away from him."

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"If any of you feel strong enough, come seek me out and we'll do a little sparring session one-on-one. I'll be training with Tategami-sensai and hoping to spend a moment away from him."


Dai's eyes narrowed at the challenge. He knew it wasn't directed directly at him but fighting Kaneda would make for some good training.


"I might take you up on that Kaneda. Perhaps in a few days once I can use my ultimate technique again."


There's no way he'll be able to withstand the stong fist taijutsu style. Not to mention the eight gates technique.



Hill above Konoha


Karela watched the village through half-closed eyes as the various peoples of the village continued their daily routines. It was as if they hadn't even noticed the bombing.


They all deserve to die. Every single one of them.


She remembered the beatings...the yelling and the shouting that had been directed at her. No one ever doing anything to stop it. No place to hide. No place to run to.


And then they had shown up in her darkest hour...it had nearly been the hour of her death.


The Arashi...Her saviors...her only friends. Her comrades in arms.


She sighed sadly as she looked down at the village. She was upset that she had only managed to kill only one Hyuga, but she had managed to injure so many more.


It's time I leave. I still need to meet with Zarela-sensai to discuss where to go from here.


Karela made a quick series of handsigns and then vanished in a blue light as the teleportation jutsu took effect.

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Jashinists, about 100 of them.


Yoroi was observing them from a hill as they marched towards Konoha. It seems that only about 20 of their number have that curse ability, he thought, using his Rinnegan to analyze them. The rest are just warriors.


He rose to his feet. Do I attack them to delay their assault? Or do I run over to Konoha and inform everyone? I have an idea, why not both?


"Nightmare Clone Jutsu!" he muttered, then said to his new copy, "Go to Konoha and alert everyone! This is an invasion by the Jashinists!"


"Understood!" said the copy, who then teleported away.


Yoroi then leaped down the hill, landing in front of the Jashinist troops. "Turn away not or be destroyed!" he shouted.


The Jashinists slowly looked at each other and then laughed. "You and what army, atheist jerk?!" one of them jeered.


A figure appeared next to Yoroi...Akasun. However her hair was black like Yoroi's and had Rinnegan eyes. "You will be my army," said Yoroi through both his own lips and that of Akasun. "Rather than use chakra receivers and rods, I can control corpses with my Nightmare Jutsu. I will use this comrade of yours to slay you with your own Jutsu one by one, and then I will take over five more bodies until I have my Six Paths."


"Do you think we are a bunch of Genin?" one of the Jashinists roared. "We are the legions of Jashin-sama, you ****er!"


"I know," Yoroi said, "my chances here are low, even without your curse jutsu. But I will hold my ground!"




Yoroi's nightmare clone appeared at the gates of Konoha. "Alert all capable ninja! The Land of Fire has been invaded!"

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((Hunger; if you have a plot idea, then dont leave everyone in the dark about it. Run it through to me first to see if I atleast approve of it.))


"I might take you up on that Kaneda. Perhaps in a few days once I can use my ultimate technique again."


Kaneda smiled. "Great! I look forward to it." he clenched his fist in the air. "I'll be seeing you shortly."


Kaneda walked out of the room, smiling to himself. "Once I learn Werebeast Form, I'll find a way to make myself stronger without absorbing blood!" he promised himself.


There had to be an alternative to drinking blood to increase your strength - the idea just sounded completely bizarre and monstrous. Maybe there was another way to absorb or gather chakra.


But now wasnt the time to speculate on alternatives; he needed to learn Werebeast Form before he can do anything else!

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"I'll be seeing you shortly."


Dai smiled as he thought of the battle that was to come. Kaneda would be a tough opponet to beat but Dai figured that he could deal with him by using the right combination of techniques.


After all...I do have a technique he's never seen before. He's never seen Lightning Destruction in action before. That...will be my ace in the hole.


He looked down at his watch and sighed heavily as he left the room. Time to get back to work treating the wounded. He walked out of the room and headed for the nearest room.

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A few weeks have passed...


Kaneda clashed his Katana against the glowing Chakra blades held by Tategami. "Your skill with Taijustu is proficient..." Tategami grunted. "But you still need more work with that sword of yours."


During the past few weeks, Kaneda had been training with Tategami without break; due to time constraints. During that time, he had been training in three areas - chakra manipulation, taijustu and practice with Werebeast energy. The problem was, Kaneda hadn't been able to transform yet. But as stated by Tategami, it takes time to properly manifest.


Much to his dismay, Kaneda was requested to cut off his pony-tail. It proved to be a distraction whenever he engages combat. That, and the enemy may get a chance to grab onto it and put him in a bad position. So as a result, his dark hair was cut short to shoulder length.


Finally, him and Tategami halted. Taijustu and Physical Combat training was over. Tategami crossed his arms.


"Another benefit of being a Werebeast is that you are able to feel your surroundings. Nature somewhat becomes part of you. You dont entirely have to rely on your nose whenever an enemy is near-by."


"I feel different..." Kaneda opened. "Well, slightly. But... you know that feeling where you gaze at a tree, and you can feel it growing? Water travelling through its roots and trunks? Begining to sprout new leaves?"


"Save the detail..." Tategami yawned. "But this is a huge step you underwent. This is a reason why we practice Chakra Manipulation and Taijustu - it exercises the Werebeast Chakra in its pre-development. After you transform, the only thing the chakra needs to worry about is absorbing more chakra to get stronger."


Kaneda didnt like the thought. "Now... we begin Werebeast Chakra training..." Tategami announced.


Werebeast Chakra training was by far the most boring session. The user basically had to meditate while summoning the dark chakra to create an aura. Kaneda was always too restless when it came to that particular training.


After hours of sitting upright perfectly still, Tategami stood up. "Thats enough for today." he beamed. The sun was already setting. "You're dismissed, Kaneda."


The student and teacher bowed, and Kaneda headed back into town. He wanted to catch up with his friends; he hasn't seen them for a while.

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For the past few weeks, Akagi had done nothing but train and condition himself, for a struggle that was inevitable to occur.


He was currently returning to their small 'base of operations' so to say, as he had just finished his daily workout of kata, which not only worked his body, but helped his mind to get past the barriers of pain set by his own mentality. This would be even more important then physical skill and power.


The Samurai wasn't wearing his armor, chosing to train in a traditional blue kimono, his black sheathed wakizashi blade still strapped to his side.


He was just outside the camp when he saw Kaneda, who was also probably returning from training.


He stopped and smiled, saying, "Kaneda-San! How was training today?"

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"Kaneda-San! How was training today?"


Kaneda yawned from exhaustion. "Tiring, as always. He asked me to cut my hair, last week incase you havent noticed."


He pointed his index finger at his head. He smiled. "How about you? Havent seen you for a while - what have you been doing with yourself?"


They walked through the streets of Konoha at night - Kaneda felt hungry for a bowl of Sweet and Sour Pork Ramen right about now.

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Dai whistled cheerfully as he walked through the dark streets of Konoha to go and get some beef ramen.


After weeks of training I've finally got it working again. The lightning destruction technique. It took work, training, and numerous bruises from Lee-sensai's training but I can finally use it again.


He continued whistling cheerfully as he heard the voices of Kaneda and Akagi ahead.


I'm in a good mood today. I think I'll treat them to some ramen.

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