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Tell You I Will 3.01


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What AotC soundtrack ;) Well to be absolutely truthful, I haven't heard it yet...


O ya and Leon I realized that just after I posted that, but didn't feel like editing it.


The Jensons have a 4 foot by 4 foot square window, and want to paint half of it. How can they do that but still have a 4 foot square?


(this will be quite hard to show, so have fun)

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Like I said it's hard to show but I'll try...





|\/| ok now I know it's not square but try to imagine it being square. If you picture it correctly, there should be a square in the middle. Well if the window is 4 ft x 4 ft that square in the middle will be 4 ft ACROSS. That's the key I never said you still had to have a 4 ft by 4 ft square...:D Ok so that was a trick question. Here's an easier one.


Why is milk white?

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Originally posted by DashRendar


HEY! Table-Tops are WAY better than Non-GMeds! EVERYTHING is the same, except for the fact that you don't decide the things like, whether you hit or miss, how many credits you have, or your Ability Scores. ( o ya and the answer is there were but they all failed so HA!)


A:Whenever you Bore the admins to the point that theygo crazy (I think)


Q:How come none of the Forum errors (the Post counts, and the rank mix ups) never effect me?


I beg to differ. Non-Table-Tops work great so long as you have a decent person/persons in charge (the thread starter) You want proof? Here's your proof---RSRP


Aresen's role playing forum. Seven active RPGs (Wraith Squadron, Messeges Episode 4, three Star Wars: Starkiller RPGs (The Hutt Gamble, The Alternate Universe, and RPG for all---same universe, connected by time travel, something which could not happen in a tabletop RPG), Mrear (a fantasy RPG) and Duel of the Duals). And not a table-top RPG in sight. Failed? I think not! :p


([advertisement] BTW: Anyone who wants to join some of the RPGs at RSRP are welcome to join :D (It's not another site, it's just the RPG section for Rogue Squadron.net like the one here. ;))[/advertisement])



I've never played a table top RPG, for the reason that most of the characters I role play don't really fit the rules. For example, on of my charas is a gargoyle from another universe, who got here by malfunctioning teleporter. I couldn't use him in a TBT RPG. Yes, I realize I could just use the PACOOMA method (Pull A Character Out Of My A$$ Method) but that simply amounts to playing yourself, which is pretty pointless to my breed of RPGers. :D


A: I don't know.


Q: Why did the non table top RPGs here fail?

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Originally posted by Redwing

Non-Table-Tops work great so long as you have a decent person/persons in charge (the thread starter)


That's where your argument ends. Reread my post and you'll notice I said Non-GMed games. Right there is a GM. Now those are not that bad. The only problem I see is, besides out of the blue, is how you tell whether it's a hit or miss, or if you were able or unable to do something.


O and a good GM *cough* Wraith 5*cough* could easily whip up a Gargoyle.


A: Well, unless you count Silly RPG as one of them, well they failed just cuz no one participated anymore. I guess it lost it's apeal.


Q: Will Redwing have an argument against my current one?

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I remember that day Eets opened the original and that day you closed it LOL... and the second... and the third... and now this... hehe yes Im back... lol..

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Originally posted by DashRendar


That's where your argument ends. Reread my post and you'll notice I said Non-GMed games. Right there is a GM. Now those are not that bad. The only problem I see is, besides out of the blue, is how you tell whether it's a hit or miss, or if you were able or unable to do something.


O and a good GM *cough* Wraith 5*cough* could easily whip up a Gargoyle.


A: Well, unless you count Silly RPG as one of them, well they failed just cuz no one participated anymore. I guess it lost it's apeal.


Q: Will Redwing have an argument against my current one?


A: Yes :D

Gamesmaster in tabletop rpg: Controls all results of actions

Gamesmaster(s) in non tabletop rpg: Controls, essentially, adherence to the rules of the rpg


I read Silly RPG...and by your definition, Homer is the GM. At least the kind I was talking about.


How you tell whether it's a hit or miss? You decide for yourself. That's the point. ;)


Could a GM really whip up a gargoyle? What if you already had a character? What would you do then? What if your character's traits don't fit the mold of whatever generator you might use? I admit that the "tabletop RPGs" I've seen here look pretty cool, and joining one does look attractive. But if I can't use my own character (when I create a character, I know that character, his/her strengths and weaknesses, abilites and disabilites, good or bad personality...), instead of some faceless character generated to fit the mold of the game...




Okay, back in thread:


A: Isn't that the same choice? j/k :D


Q: Why??????????

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[soapbox]and to pour a little gas on the fire, I don't consider myself the GM of the Silly RPG...I'm just kind of a moderator of it. I don't drive the storyline or come up with scenarios for anyone. People can pop in & out as they please and the weirder it gets, the better![/soapbox] :D


Are gargolyes really worth it?

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Originally posted by Darth Homer



[soapbox]and to pour a little gas on the fire, I don't consider myself the GM of the Silly RPG...I'm just kind of a moderator of it. I don't drive the storyline or come up with scenarios for anyone. People can pop in & out as they please and the weirder it gets, the better![/soapbox] :D


Are gargolyes really worth it?


Yes, I know. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Except for the weird part, but then again it's a Silly RPG, isn't it? ;)




A: I told you over IM. ;)


Q: What DO I mean? :D

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