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It's been a while since I last visited these forums, but I just had to post and say how amazing some screenshots look. I think hhunter and I are being vastly outclassed and outpaced by you alone, as we have no finished level and you take on several in such a short time frame. xD


In all seriousness though, I love your work and the creative touches. If I might give you one tiny suggestion, the reddish rock stairs on one of the screenshots look slightly bland, but that might just be the particular shot.

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I didn't mean it seriously, but as a compliment (to you both, then) =)


All I'm saying is I love those creative touches, and they've inspired me to plan a rework of a part of the level I'm working on atm as well. Really go back to basics and ask myself: what was this room supposed to be for? and if it's not clear (as MotS was more rushed than both DF and DF2, that might have to do with it), make up a purpose. This way, the recreation goes further than just updated semi-old half empty rooms, and hopefully comes to life more.

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Disagreed. Mara Jade really had no place in df2, and the siege on altyr v had nothing to do with df2's story, same counts for other levels. Although you could say a story was created to fit the maps, I'm not sure of the order in which that happened.


I'd be the first to admit the storyline is bad and too many things are left unexplained. E.g. where did kyle get the info on dromund kaas? why is the base getting attacked? etc. Besides, some levels are just really random, making the player wait till kyle goes to kaas and gets corrupted, but I honestly found some maps to be really enjoyable, and not ' junk' at all. Admittedly, they need a crapload of work since there are a lot of things bad and missing. Take stuff like wrong textures on walls (it happens!), that is a sign of being rushed more than being left over levels, but I really believe that some ideas were good and original (same for some new MP levels) and with some creativity, they can become really great. Especially the first four and the last three levels. Take level one for example. The idea of a imperial siege on a rebel base from an asteroid is original, but the base itself is empty-ish except for some control panels, boxes and an a-wing. That is something I only recently realized when making it, and I've currently assigned every room a function which would help give the map more purpose. Once this is done, it could really get good imho.

Especially if a solution can be found for making some kind of related story between those levels instead of some random in between adventures.


Finally, the expansion introduced stuff like saber throw and some other new powers, the player can choose powers from both light AND dark side, and it introduced capture the ysalamiri+was original in adding character play instead of just jedi with guns and force to multiplayer. It was a bit like mb2 in that direction.

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Haha, it's nice to come back to these forums and see a debate erupt. Thank you for the kind words, exonimus. Omnisu, while rather blunt, is correct. I'm not doing all the work you see. Levels 1, 4, and 5 are all mine, but Omnisu did the layout for level 3 and I did the details and scripts. He's currently orange-mapping level 2 (and has some very neat looking things going on, I might add.)


I can tell you that I'm really glad that I inspired you so much, and I agree with you about some levels in MotS. I really look forward to seeing Kappa (sp?) the hutt's levels. :)

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Don't misconstrue 'junk' to mean 'crap'. What I meant is it's a lot of things that got made during the development of JK that didn't get used, of mixed quality. Many of them were probably never meant to go into JK at all. They might represent test levels, or level designers going off and doing their own thing. If you've read the press that came out before JK was released; a lot was cut from JK. Mostly from the multiplayer.



Jedi Academy appears to be the same sort of lazy game design. Random disconnected ideas, with a game thrown around them.

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Okay, then I might have misunderstood the use of the word junk. Apologies. :p And now that you mention it, I do recall having read something alone those lines somewhere.


Also, on a completely unrelated note, I have a question: does the dfmod have a modeller currently? I recently came across Jose Carlos' throwable stuff mod (and assets) and I'm planning to try it out soon. If it works, it could be great to (if it works properly) add some new throwable objects, but one needs to do some simple max operations for that -that is, I think they're simple-, but I have no clue whatsoever how to.


edit: just tested it, the mod just has too many disadvantages since objects become npc's, allies attack objects, bounding boxes are sometimes messed up, and sometimes the objects behave like people. Maybe the mod can be used for some small easily destroyable items, but no more than that.

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Actually, I just reread another page of this topic, the dfmod team is only DSM and hhunter atm, so they don't have a modeler either.


It's so sad that so little people care about bringing these awesome games to jk3 anymore. But then, jk3 itself is also getting old, but alas. We should really talk about setting deadlines on certain things in our projects( e.g. say hhunter and I finish the first three mots levels and leave it at that for the moment) then combine all our forces (' us' being shamus, dsm, hhunter, you, omnisu, me and whoever else is still around either working on somethng df1/2/mots related) and get at least one of these suckers completely done imho.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'd be the first to admit the storyline is bad and too many things are left unexplained.

I remembered someone posting how they thought the MotS story could be improved back when a MotS mod was entirely hypothetical. I thought that I'd dig it up and share it in case it might be helpful to you.


Now that I've found it I see there wasn't much there.


The relevant part is this:


IMHO...they should have made Mara's journey simply a quest for Kyle. The whole thing would have gelled together if she'd been informed early on of Kyle's disappearance - never mind all this 'help the Republic' business. Then it would have made sense grabbing that Holocron...so she could find out the most likely place for Kyle to be.


Which you can see in context here.


And apparently I posted in that thread, I had no idea. At the time I thought integrating that thinking into an MotS mod "would make it far better" at this point it's been so long since I played MotS that I hardly remember the story and can't speak to how, if at all, it might be improved.

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