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4 classes per side


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  Web Rider said:
You know what would be cool, since Jedi/sith are clearly thought of as a prestige class and naturally better or at least more powerful than other classes


That's quite an unfounded statement. Besides, there are lots of examples of non-force wielders being very capable of dispatching force users.

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Yeah, I imagine just like any proper MMO there will be expansions with new classes, etc...But that's a long way down the road.


Since the Smuggler does seem to be like a rogue kind of character, some kind of spy or assassin would make sense, but I can't think of an iconic role like the currently announced classes are.

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  Jeff said:

Since the Smuggler does seem to be like a rogue kind of character, some kind of spy or assassin would make sense, but I can't think of an iconic role like the currently announced classes are.


Mara Jade was the Emperors right hand, its quite a popular character.

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  WraithPrince said:
The reason I said Assassin was because the Assassins Sion and Nihilus used were trained at Trayus academy on Malachor which was put there by the True sith if i remember. So it only makes sense that they would have something close to them.
That is a good point. The only thing is if they want to make a true counterpart to the Smuggler class, well the Smuggler is ranged and the Sith Assassins from TSL were melee. Then again, BioWare seems to not acknowledge the existence of TSL, so we probably won't see anything close to that game anyways. :)
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But counterparts doesn't have to be complete mirrors of each other. Imagine WoW before Shaman and Paladin became shared.


If they could make a game that has two sides with each their own completely unique classes. Now that would be a game worth playing. That would add some meaning to choosing side.

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  WraithPrince said:
right so sith can't heal themselves? unless a assassin can somehow heal which makes no sense either does a commando healing....


In SW lore the Sith are always about the offence. It makes sence that Bioware don't give the Sith side a healing class. Besides, both Jedi and Sith lords have force healing, a basic force power that can be used by both light side and dark side, same as force run and force jump.

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My prediction:



-Jedi Guardian

-Jedi Consular

-Republic Trooper




-Sith Marauder

-Sith Lord

-Sith Legionnaire

-Bounty Hunter


The Jedi and Sith Classes will be similar to what they were in KOTOR and TSL, but probably more extreme. A Guardian/Marauder will be even more lightsaber and brute power focused, however. Consular/Lord will be the usual mage class. Also, this time we will no longer have the Sentinel/Assassin class (both pointless middle ground classes who do very little thing differently from non-Force users).


Republic Troopers and Sith Legionnaires will essentially just be the same class (ranged front lines soldiers) but different allegiances. Smuggler and Bounty Hunter classes are essentially the Freelancer classes, but aligned respectively: one makes money by selling goods illegally, the other makes money by killing or capturing people.

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... why are you making them 2 different classes? they could easily be done into Talent tree's or w/e they are going to call them. Their is no need for 2 classes that are the same thing only they are better at 1 aspect of them self. The last space has to be a healing class because so far all we have heard of is trooper being able to do a bit of healing which will be probably a small self heal.

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I certainly hope they don't do it that way Lord. As it is we will already have plenty of Jedi and Sith. Lets not make half the classes Jedi/Sith as well.


Actually I could kinda see the Sith not having a medic class... Maybe a Chemist class? Bit on poisons and painful but effective remedies.

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  Tommycat said:
I certainly hope they don't do it that way Lord. As it is we will already have plenty of Jedi and Sith. Lets not make half the classes Jedi/Sith as well.


Actually I could kinda see the Sith not having a medic class... Maybe a Chemist class? Bit on poisons and painful but effective remedies.


Makes good sense. I could see it working.

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Sith Stealth Class? -- Forums of the Old Republic


There's a screenshot of what appears to be a new character, who you might think was just a female Smuggler, were it not for the caption:

It takes skill to avoid detection by the Jedi.

It could just be saying that Smugglers aren't liked by the Jedi, but I don't think so... I'd say it seems more likely that this is an Empire aligned spy/infiltrator class, especially as the character in this screenshot looks exactly like the Twi'lek from the Deceived cinematic, only human.

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I very much agree with that line of thought, MyNameDidntFit.


But the idea of some class along those lines had also been brewing in my mind. It seems indeed very thinkable that Sith would have some deceving, hidden, sneaky class. It would fit very well in the logic of them being generally evil and deceiving.


Also, it accomodates the idea of Trooper vs. Bounty Hunter, and in the light of this, Smuggler vs. "Spy" (or what you choose to call this class).

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Yeah, I think that from the beginning there was always going to be an Empire aligned class that focussed upon stealth, trickery and deceit as they're some of the Sith's most well known traits.


The only issue know is trying to figure out the last pair of classes and, to be honest, I'd really rather if they weren't healers.

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