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Request for modders for my Expanded Galaxy mod


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I just found some good weapon mods that we could use for the mandalorians, sith, and bounty hunters.

I'm not saying we have to use them, but they look usable in this mod.

Here are the links:

Mandalorian Blades- http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Mandalorian_Battle_Blades_Batleths;79271


Various weapons (blasters, sabers, and swords)- http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Weapons_of_the_Old_Republic;74001


Deathcharge Pistol- http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/DeathCharge_9000;79359


Light Lightning Cannon- http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Light_Lightning_Cannon;50745


M107 Heavy Sniper- http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/M107_Heavy_Sniper_Rifle;92276


T-21 Light Repeater- http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/T21_Light_Repeating_Blaster;85231


WESTAR-34 - http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/WESTAR34_Blaster_Pistol;84467


There are also numerous interesting saber hilts we can search through to find a good one for Ulic Qel-Droma.



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I took the liberty of creating a forum for us all to talk on.

I'll get to making it better as soon as I have the time.




none223 join and I'll Admin you.


Ok then.


This could be a really big hit with the community. Everyone loves Mandalorians and having a full fledged mod revolving around them would make alot of people happy. (Me) ;) ^-^


Since there are three sections I suggest we concentrate on one section at a time. Get the first section completely done and then move on from there. If we tried to tackle this in a big lump defeat is inevitable, But in small sections it should be much easier.


As I said, my friend can do some of the non-specifically star wars characters, ie. Civilians, Fetts?, and ruffians.


That is good but NEVER pass up the offer of help. ;)


I just found some good weapon mods that we could use for the mandalorians, sith, and bounty hunters.

I'm not saying we have to use them, but they look usable in this mod.


Awesome. But make sure you talk to the original creators.

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I just found some good weapon mods that we could use for the mandalorians, sith, and bounty hunters.

I'm not saying we have to use them, but they look usable in this mod.

Here are the links:

Mandalorian Blades- http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filef...Batleths;79271


Various weapons (blasters, sabers, and swords)- http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filef...Republic;74001


Deathcharge Pistol- http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filef...rge_9000;79359


Light Lightning Cannon- http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filef...g_Cannon;50745


M107 Heavy Sniper- http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filef...er_Rifle;92276


T-21 Light Repeater- http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filef..._Blaster;85231


WESTAR-34 - http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filef...r_Pistol;84467


There are also numerous interesting saber hilts we can search through to find a good one for Ulic Qel-Droma.



Remember you need to get permission from the author to use these in your Mod.


Your Mod looks interesting but i will warn you that you will need to learn to mod since you will being doing a lot of the work yourself.


Also with the planet Concord Dawn; I would make the planet closer to 10 modules since 20 or more will take you a long time, keep it simple and focus.


Good Luck on your Mod :)



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Well, I would learn how to mod if someone taught me......


Concord Dawn, you have a hangar, 2 towns, the Fett Homestead, a vast wasteland, a Bounty Hunter's estate, and a Mandalorian camp. There is NO WAY that can only be 10 modules.


I know I need to ask permission to use those mods, but no point in asking permission if they shouldn't be used.


Ok, one step at a time

First Step: Mandalorian Foray/Hammerhead cruiser named ______________ (something in Mando'a that means win, destruction)

So far, we have a basic plot lined out: You and your party are blacked out. You awaken in a cell on a mysterious ship named _________. You find one of the 3 ways to break out (i don't know the 3 ways) and start fighting your way through the ship. You first goal: Rescue your friends. Goal #2, find the mandalorian leader (who doesn't want a good fight?). During the fight with him, he will cry for mercy, after which you can spare him (LS) or kill him (DS). Completing these will require getting past security, solving a puzzle or two, that kind of stuff. The ship will have 2-4 modules (The Hangar, The Starboard Section from Endar Spire, maybe the central of the Leviathan, and probably the rest of the Endar Spire). Thats all I got.

Oh, there is also a Mandalorian Captain, and both him and the leader drop rare items, the rest of the mandys just drop regulars. I would like the Captain to be a Rodian if we get a mandalorian Rodian armor made (like above) so then you can have that unique item.


Thats all I got, comment?


BTW, when you finish fighting on the ship, its only inhabitants are you, so you can now travel to the planets using it.

My ideas for that are that you see the Ebon Hawk leaving planet _____. Then you find yourself on the bridge of the ______, in front of the Galaxy Map and a Computer Consol. The Computer consol is for planets not on the map (Concord Dawn, Rhen Var, anywhere else). After selecting the new planet of choice, you will see a flash of light (hyperspace) and then be on the Ebon Hawk, ready to take it down to the surface (you can't land a cruiser). When it is time to go to the Unknown World, you will leave the cruiser outside the system, and go down to the planet on your own, leaving the cruiser for the Republic to pick up.

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Umm, it looks like the mod isn't going to progress unless someone does something. Remember that I can't really mod (i can, but barely). Our first goal should be putting the 3-4 ship modules together, and making them all look the same (Endar Spire vs. Leviathan), and putting the Mandalorians in it.

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If I have Time I'll try to write up a quick script. Might be a week before I can get to that though. In the meentime I suggest you contact the people who have asked to help with this mod and start them working. (Even if it's just on something very simple like a new set of armor.)

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First of all, I have Te Mirdala Manda'lore working on dialouge, and BrianWee20 working on some custom weapons.


Ok, for those who don't know, there is a wonderful mod out called "Brotherhood of the Shadow:Solomon's Revenge"; by Silveredge9? (correct me if I'm wrong). I have just finished playing through it, and it has given me some insperation.




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In Dreshdae, there is a well-thought out Czerka Base. I like how the skinning and placement of items made the Taris Swoop Gangs fit in with Korriban. These ideas may become useful when creating the Bounty Hunter's Headquarters and making the 2 towns on Concord Dawn.

#2: The Korriban wastelands were a wonderful example of how different skinners can make modules. If we can do things like that to create the Concord Dawn Wastelands, it would be awesome.

#3: The Orion and Mandalorian warship were skinned/created really well. If we can do things like that to make the Pirjir, that would create the needed atmosphere.

#4: The Custom-Made temple and outside were made REALLY well. I can see that custom module used outside the temple on Rhen Var, as well as the grass-less outside from Akirakin Sin's vision/dream/memory.

#5: I liked the addition of sub-plots inside the Czerka facility, although getting disguises got old. I can see many plots like that on Concord Dawn.

#6: Overall, I liked how Silver wouldn't use ALL of a pre-made module, like some of the sith tombs, but simply cut off parts of it. If this is possible, it RADICALLY changes my ideas.


I hope we can get this mod really going!!!



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Mandalore the Shadow, will you be able to contribute to this mod any? If so, what? Also, any comments on my/mirdala's/darthdac's/others ideas?


We need the following done:

#1: Making the leviathan hangar module and the Endar Spire modules look the same (Republic style)

#2: Joining them together via a central elevator.

#3: Taking sith fighters out of the leviathan hangar.

#4: Putting Mandys in the modules.

#5: Anything else you see that should be done, post/message me before doing.

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yay the projects still on! ^_^

So many projects like this die early on... But this idea is pretty awesome so I really don't want it to die!


keep it up, as it happens I have a movie script I have to complete by the end of the month so I doubt I'll be able to put as much into this as I had hoped, but keep my updated!


best of luck guys, best of luck. And remember, take it slow. ^-^

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I would like to offer my help once this mod actually progresses in something other than story. I am tired of joining projects that nothing ever gets done. As soon as the first file is made I will help. PM me when my services are required.

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I am NOT going to let this project die! This has potential to be the Kotorfiles MOD OF THE YEAR!! I think it is well thought out, original, and needs to be completed. In addition, DarthRiddick has volunteered to take over Mod Team Leader if I kinda dropout/disappear (although that probably won't happen). Canderis, you say you will help as soon as the first file is made? That will most likely be soon, as BrianWee is working on transporting some of his Mandalorian Mods from TSL to K1 (hopefully).


*Just a note, but I'm going on a week-long vacation next week. Do not think that I've quit.*


Edit: Woah..........

I decided (by request by some of you) to start to learn to mod......

I tried 3 different tutorials: making a custom mask (reskinning); recruiting dustil; and making a lightsaber hilt with Gmax....

I'm so confused. Someone PM me to help me.....*Iy YI yi!*

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who's doing the scripting/dialoge/triggers?

Who's skinning?

Who's modeling?

Who's doing the modules?


You need "dedicated" key-players for this mod to work.


Edit: I've seen one to many mods teams setup shop and close down within weeks, cuz nothing gets done. :(


So I would recommend you settle your team members, before I start putting out the models. Aite! :)

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Well, darthriddick is busy lately, Te Mirdala is writing story and dialouge, YOU are doing models.....payback is SUPPOSED to be doing modules, and I'm learning how to skin/writing plot. Its official: We need help.

Also, Canderis said that as soon as the first file is made (one of your models :) ), he would help.

Oh, and maybe MandaloreHunter (when hes un-banned).

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