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Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part VI: Death to the Sith

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"We were on our way to find out when we spotted the two of you." Iyav replied, helping Tavaryn up. Once everyone was onboard, Iyav closed the loading ramp, and took off in the direction of Reyvan, Matton, and Jun-la.


"No need, it looks like the ship is coming to us." Reyvan pointed out as the Ebon Hawk came into view. As it landed, Reyvan went aboard. "As soon as Jun-la has dealt with the Blood King, we're getting her aboard and leaving." Kalla explained to him. "Good, the sooner we get off this planet the better." Reyvan replied.


"Sorry, but I took your ship for a bit of a spin. Hope you don't mind." Iyav casually said to Matton as he boarded the ship.

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"I do mind if you've messed with the settings but other than that, I'm fine with it. It is Jun-la's ship, that I fly," Matton replied. He indicated that he would like to be in the pilot's seat and was willing to keep Iyav there as a co-pilot.


Tonatius had been watching the battle and suggested that they leave the door shut but the ramp down. "Somehow I think we will need to get out and in quickly."




Jun-la centered herself and prepared to release all of the sentou she had. She concentrated on her sword which was quivering as she summoned the will to summon the Force.


The Blood King looked amused as he looked down on her. He repeated, "And what is this lesson you think that I have not learned."


Jun-la looked at him in the eye and said, "You haven't learned..."


The attack came quick and was like a huge flash of blinding light. The remaining fighters were knocked on the ground as the energy pulsed through. It was enough to rock the ship. Matton called, "Hang on to something!"


Then there was a cloud of dust and it began to settle. It revealed the Blood King standing there with a strange expression on his face. At first it was triumphant but then it turned to shock as he noticed the spray of blood on the ground. Standing behind him, glancing back with her sword in a downward pose stood Jun-la. She said, "That there is a time for every kind of being. When one rises, it eventually falls. That is the fate of all."


The Blood King's eyes were wide in shock as he fell forward, dead. A calm seemed to exist on the battlefield as the remain hordesmen retreated back to their darkened realms. Jun-la stood there and watched before falling over from her spent energy.


Matton saw it and was out of the ship quicker than anyone as he ran up to where she was. Her eyes were open as he approached her. He said, "You are crazy even for a Jedi."


Jun-la laughed. "Maybe so."


"Now I can put you over my knee to teach you a lesson." Matton uttered the words halfheartedly. "At least you are safe."


"Hmm and you're never going to tell what's on the tip of your tongue now are you?" Jun-la smiled to show that she was teasing him. She never expected him to fully reveal his feelings. It was his nature just as it was hers to be unconventional in her methods.


"Now that we have no prying eyes I will. You are the song of my heart."


Jun-la took a moment to make sure that she heard him right. Then she said, "Stupid nerfherder," and brought him down for a kiss.


Andros had been watching his daughter and mentioned to Komad, "I guess this would be a happy ending?"

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"For once." Komad commented, approaching Iyav. "You're very bold, very noble, and very clever. All things I like in a man. First you empty the detention block on Velerc's flagship of all its prisoners, and then you steal every ship left in the hangar? That's pretty inspiring." He said, then proceeding to give Iyav the most passionate kiss since they met. "That inspiring?" Iyav asked, to which Komad replied with a playful "Why not?"


"I'm glad it's all over. Now the healing can start." Kalla quietly said to Tonatius, happier than she'd ever been since Bastion. She then gave him another quick kiss on the lips show how she felt.


"Come on, you two. It's time we left." Reyvan called out to Matton and Jun-la, prompting them to get back on board.


Some time later...


Andorra felt like she was waking up from the longest nightmare in her life. She also felt groggier than when she brief woke before, and this time, the waking was slower, but surer. The bed she was in also felt different. It was softer, larger and cleaner than the one on the Ebon Hawk. As she began to open her eyes, she could faintly hear Kalla's voice saying,


"Tonatius, I think she's waking up. Doctor Prahdes!"

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"Kalla?" Andorra's voice came out a squeak, a mewl, a quiver. Weak, said a certain part of her, but it was growing fainter by the second. Through the blurry haze of mucus and unshed tears that had glued her eyelids shut while she was comatose, she made out the pale green features of her former lover's face. "Where am I?" Andorra asked. "What am I doing here? What happened?" Then, suddenly, a painful flood of memories overtook her.


"I was Sith, wasn't I? I almost killed you..." Her face began to burn red with shame. "I was possessed by that--thing--but that's really no excuse. I enjoyed my power, dear Kalla, because I had none before, and then--I don't know." The sheets of the bed on which she lay were drenched in sweat. "Am I safe here?"

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"You're in a hospital, on Coruscant. We brought you here immediately after we left Setna. That was about three days ago. Tonatius and I have been here the whole time. He's my boyfriend now, but I still care deeply for you, and he's family. You still mean a lot to both of us. And yes, you're safe here. This is one of the safest places in the galaxy." Kalla explained, nudging Tonatius, asleep and resting his head on her shoulder. "Like I said before, I've forgiven you. You've seen first hand what happens when you let power consume you, and I know that you're too gentle, too kind to let it happen again."

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Andorra nodded humbly. "Indeed. I am most grateful for your help, as well as your pardon, in my darkest hour. It takes a true Jedi to forgive one such as I, and not merely one who uses the Force to their own advantage, as I did. Your hearts are more than pure, friends."

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Lenatha had made her way through the hospital back into the intensive care unit. She walked over to the nurse's station and started typing on the monitors. One of the nurses, a Bothan woman approached her.


"Doctor Pradhes, your sleeping beauty has finally woken, her family and friends are with her now".


Lenatha gave her a small smile and nodded, tending to the monitor once again and picked up a scanner and some other medical devices. Walking towards the room, she stopped for a moment, she composed herself and walked in.


"Hello everyone, my name is Doctor Lenatha Pradhes, I'm Andorra's physician", Lenatha said as she made her way to the bed and onto Andorra's side. "Glad to see you're awake miss Andorra, you had us all worried here".


She said that to all her patients but for Andorra it was a special case. She had her eye on her ever since she came into the trauma room and she practically fought the other doctors to take care of her herself. She realized Andorra was far more beautiful than she had anticipated and her eyes seemed to have a sorrow that she could perfectly connect with.


Lenatha used her scanners on Andorra as gently as she could, just to not freak her out. People tended to get scared or nervous around the devices.


"You seem to be doing very well Andorra, you're very strong. Other people in your circumstances would have been beaten in a snap. I guess I should thank you though, your strength made my efforts easier", Lenatha said with a smile on her face as she took Andorra's hand to check her pulse.

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Andorra felt the doctor's gentle touch, and a warmth stirred in her heart that she thought she had long forgotten, buried beneath the icy hatred of her Sith persona. "I--thank you," she said slowly, feeling like a complete nerf-herder in a room full of geniuses. Frankly, she felt like a child again, and this caused her cheeks to flush crimson. She wasn't used to this. As the daughter of the governor of Avalon, yes, she'd been pampered, but never rendered utterly helpless and at the mercy of someone else's care. Until she met Kalla, that is.


As the scanners finished their work, the maiden asked, "Doctor? I know I was probably lying comatose the entire time I was here in this medical facility, but did you have those--droids--take care of my more delicate personal care needs?" She shivered visibly. "I never liked those machines. Mother said they could never betray you if they served as your security guards, but I pointed out that anyone with enough slicing skill could hack them. They're cold and impersonal." Clearing the unwelcome thought from her head, Andorra snorted.

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Lenatha smiled at her and held her hand after checking her pulse.


"Actually no, I hope you can forgive me but I personally took care of you while you were in coma. I do not trust droids with these kinds of things, other doctors seem to think I have no grounds for distrusting machines with the care of a patient. But I like to help others so in a way it helps me keep my sensibility which most doctors seem to lose early on", Lenatha said with a grin and she leaned over a bit to her side. "I think they're cold and impersonal too. Treat others the way you'd like to be treated yourself I say".


She said the last bit a bit too brightly, she was beginning to feel like she was embarrassing herself.

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"You're in good hands, Andorra." Kalla said before turning to Lenatha. "I suppose we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Kalla, Kalla Kaltas; Andorra's ex-girlfriend, and this is Tonatius Iazoki, my boyfriend and her cousin. We've been worried since we got her off Setna; you have our thanks as well." She said, gesturing for a handshake.

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Lenatha couldn't help but feel jelous at her words, but was also relieved in a way to know that Andorra was not attached to anyone at the moment. It also seemed like the situation was fairly recent, so she would have to give Andorra time, she didn't want to be the rebound girl because that mostly never escalated. And Lenatha was interested in Andorra for something more serious. Lenatha held out her hand and shook Kalla's without hesitation.


"Pleasure to meet you both, and don't worry, I'll continue to look after Andorra until she feels able. I'm not leaving her side", Lenatha said looking over to Andorra and giving her her warmest smile.

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A smile and a wink from Andorra. "I owe you a debt I can never repay," she said primarily to Lenatha, "but that goes for all of you. You see, the reason I was--injured so severely--was that I'd fought in a great battle against..." Feeling a bit heavy-headed and melancholy all of a sudden, she said, "Against myself and others, so to speak. When it comes to the Sith, one can never feel truly safe. The price of peace is eternal vigilance, after all." After a very pregnant pause, she said, "Well! Enough sadness and worry for one day. Let's celebrate the fact that we're all alive, and I'm finally awake! Comas are absolutely no fun at all."

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"There's something else I should have mentioned, something I'e been putting off until I knew you were alright: at least partially due to what I did to save you, the Jedi Council have decided I'm to be knighted. They agreed that the ceremony could wait." Kalla explained, pausing for a moment. "But you're right, we should be celebrating. It can wait a little longer."


(And that's my last post in Part VI. Anyone else feel free make any last remarks before moving on to Part VII)

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