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does anybody know this game? i played this game since 2000


so if you didnt play it you should now ...http://www.gamespot.com/dreamcast/adventure/shenmue/index.html?tag=result;title;1


this game is just awesome .quite, amazing night Atmosphere. i cant describe this great game


dont MISS this game!

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I am a HUGE fan of this game (I'm suprised someone here even remembers).


I have the first and second game (both of my dreamcast are broken so I have been missing the first game, while the second game I have on my Xbox and play that through my Xbox 360 quite a lot).


I'm looking to replay the first again, but I don't want to buy a 3rd dreamcast for that to eventually brake.


I even have the soundtrack to these games, listen to them all the time.


I love this as much as I do monkey island, right now you are making me hyped about it lol but to be honest it's wasted energy for me and everyone because a third game is not coming and this game was planned to be more than a trilogy but with that out of the window... it's hopeless :(.


That is why I am totally hyping myself for monkey island, I never really played the first or second as of recent and I totally can't wait! A remake and totally new one! Fantastic news! :D


So, as much as we love shenmue, I think it's best to not completely let it go, but to just reminisce with it.

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It was a great game one of my favorites... I hate QTE gameplay though. But even still it was worth suffering through all that crap because the story was cool... and who doesnt love racing forklifts and collecting coin machine trinkets?

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  • 2 months later...

I loved both Shenmue and Shenmue II. I played Shenmue II on our Xbox and played Shenmue on my workmate's Dreamcast. I loved the storyline, and I really did feel like I was immersed in Ryo's world. It felt like I really was in Japan in the first game and China in the second. :) No game I've played before or after them have gotten me as immersed into the game world as the two Shenmue games did.


I really hope that one day Sega is able to overcome their financial problems so they can invest in finishing the Shenmue Saga. It's a shame to see the storyline unfinished. :(

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