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Star Wars: Fugitives

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Chandria Par Sakhar rolled her eyes, and then closed them. She reached out through the Force, and she felt...nothing. Nothing at all. It was as if in all the hundreds of billions of light years across the galaxy, the Exile had died, or more fittingly, she had not even existed. That wasn't true. It could not be right. Tysyacha Dvyx, suspect in the murder of two Jedi Special Operatives, was still alive and well. It was no Force Ghost that had piloted the Ebon Hawk away from Telos and into hyperspace! Thus, the Exile had to be out there somewhere, whether one TSF officer/spy could sense her or not. It was a matter of--Wait. What was that emptiness, distant and subtle, so close and yet so far away? It was like a hole in the Force: a black hole.


"Just a minute," she said to Gelvik and Psycho. "There's something there...or rather, something's not there. Ord Mantell. I think that's where it is. Since when has the middle of that planet been a gigantic Force anomaly?"




Tysyacha had the gift of Force Sight. It allowed her to see through normally-opaque objects and obstacles to the goal ahead, and it also allowed her to sense the auras of those around her, whether light, neutral or dark. She gazed at herself as she snuck through the spaceport of Ord Mantell and out into the open. Soft blue light, but barely on the edge of neutrality. She looked at Juhani. Pure azure radiance came from her--the aura of a true Jedi, a true servant of the Force despite her claim she had 'been done with the law long ago'. No matter what Juhani herself said, she had a real hero's heart.


As for Niera...Niera was an entirely different story altogether. She was silver, neutral, just as Kreia had been, but without that ominous undercurrent of hidden motives and cryptic remarks. Unfortunately, Tysyacha had picked exactly the wrong moment to gaze at her through Force Sight. She saw what Niera was wearing underneath her modest smuggler's eather uniform and blushed to the roots of her hair. A silver metal bikini, barely covering the bare essentials of the female anatomy--if that. Surely the crime lord with the UMBRA device would be distracted by such a lovely Twi'lek wearing such a lovely--Gah! Concentrate! Focus, Tysyacha, you barve!


"Sorry, Niera!" she said, almost stumbling into the azure form of the figure nearest her. "These Stealth Generators--uh--they make it hard to see the people in front of you when they themselves are also cloaked in shadow."


Would Niera "buy it"? Tysyacha hoped so. Otherwise, she was in trouble.




Bastila Shan hated crime. She hated theft; she hated murder; she hated rape and robbery and prostitution. Most of all, she hated the motivation that certain people had to commit crime. Once the Order was made perfect, then the galaxy could be made perfect as well. And, how could the Order be made perfect? By making the Jedi the instruments of delivering justice, not just of mediation and contemplation. A passive role did not suit them at all. The Jedi were meant to be heroes--warriors--but warriors of righteousness.


It was why Grand Master Shan had created her finest mechanical device.


The TIK was grand. In fact, it was more than grand--it was absolutely perfect. People deserved to die for their crimes, especially if their crimes were violent. Just like the ancients said 'transgression is transgression,' Bastila knew that crime was crime was crime. There was no real difference between a thief, a killer, an embezzler, and a lady of the evening. They had all broken the law, and they would all be made to pay the price for it. Thus, Bastila's first prisoner to undergo the TIK would be a violent criminal. Then she could move toward dispatching lesser scum as examples to the people.


She smiled. TIK represented the three Jedi Sentinel's principles of tracking:


Trap. Immobilize. Kill.

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"There's something there...or rather, something's not there. Ord Mantell. I think that's where it is. Since when has the middle of that planet been a gigantic Force anomaly?"


Gelvik nodded and pounded his fist on his hand.


"Then that is where we'll start!"


He started walking up the ramp, "Right now, I am extremely thankful for the force...it just saved us an unknown amount of man-hours that could've cost the hunt...excellent work, Chandria."


He sat down in the Basalisk's pilot seat and began activating the ship.

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"These Stealth Generators--uh--they make it hard to see the people in front of you when they themselves are also cloaked in shadow."


Juhani's eyes narrowed momentarily and she felt a surge of jelousy and protectivness flare up before she managed to shove it back down into her mind.


She cast a sideways glance at the Twi'lek.




Hyperspace above Ord Mantell


Jolee no longer felt the presence following him and so he brought his ship back out of hyperspace only to be shaken violently from his seat as the hyperspace engine blew out on him.


That's not good. These things are wired so that the hyperdrive supplies power to everything including life support. Damn it.


With smoke trailing from the rear of the shuttle, he aimed the nose of the shuttle down toward the planet and threw himself back in the chair and strapped in.


Damn these old ships.


He watched as the planet grew closer and closer through the cockpit windows.

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(Niera's a smuggler, not a bounty hunter)

In response, Niera glared at the Cathar, and using only her lekku, said the Twi'leki translation of E chu ta! Sure, she was going to let a man charge jump her loading ramp for sole purpose of distracting him, but it was going to work, and that was the important thing. It's not like she needed the Jedi's approval for everything. Someone had spent a few too many nights alone with her lightsaber, by the looks of it, and needed to find herself a man, or woman. Personally, Niera was fine with either.


Noticing Tysyacha's stuttering, she said, "I know what you mean. I've had a number of awkward, though eventually fun moments in the past because of that." Though she didn't admit it, Niera could always tell when a man or woman had the hots for her, and now seemed like one of those times.

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There, right there. She's using force sight, perfect. She's on Ord Mantell, which is a few days fly away.

"Hey Carth I need a ship, one with a hyperdrive." Sam'kil said to Carth.

"Now, why would you nee-, right. Well, I've got a few ships to spare, and by that, I mean I've got a fighter or two that I could spare." Carth responded.

"Thanks Carth, your a life saver" Sam'kil said as he walked out of the living room, said goodbye to Carth, and left for the Hangar bay.

A few minutes later...

"Okay, set the auto pilot for Ord Mantell, got a few days of food lying around. I'm good." Sam'kil made the checklist mentally.

"And here we go!" Sam'kil said, punching the start up button and flying out of the atmosphere. After a minute of flying, Sam'kil hit the Hyperdrive, making the trip much shorter than he had expected.

A few hours later....

Ord mantell. Not much here has changed. Alright, onto the hunt.

Sam'kil searched throught the force, and found her quickly enough. She was the one that felt much different from anyone else he'd met, and sent a signal loud and clear to anyone searching hard enough.

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Drayden was flying low over the planet, avoiding the industrial areas, which likely held turrets. He did not want to get shot down. The entire time, his guide was the wound in the Force, and he could track it quite well, now. He knew where he had to go....


Ships began appearing on external sensors. Of course, they were still in the planet's atmosphere, but what worried him was that one of the ships had a presence aboard. Nevertheless, Drayden continued along in silent contemplation.


Ahead his sense of the wound began to get foggy. Something strange was going on. Suddenly, he couldn't even see clearly. His vision kept fluctuating, and so he lowered to the ground until he could safely dive into it.


It was quite a rocky landing, but the ship didn't move very much and appeared to be undamaged. Still, it was not quite the glamorous landing that Drayden had hoped for.


Getting out of the ship, he began to follow blindly after the wound, as focusing on it too much apparently had ill effects. Regaining his senses, he began to head for the nearest area full of people. But he did not see anything to qualify as a wound.


There was a disturbance here, however, and Drayden knew that there had to be a connection. He could not sense anything, however. Even the strange feeling was not there.


Whatever this wound was, and whether it had any connection to the Exile or not, did not matter. What mattered was that it was very good at staying hidden. And Drayden had not the slightest idea what to do about it.


As he began to walk around, he got some strange and frightened looks. However, Drayden himself probably did not look very angry, as he usually did. No, this time it was a look of utter confusion and curiosity.


He needed to find what he was looking for, and maybe then he could figure out why he was looking for it.

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Carefully, now...carefully... Tysyacha, cloaking herself in the Force with the Stealth Generator around her waist for backup, followed Niera and Juhani toward the hidden headquarters of one inconsequential Twi'lek crime lord in order to retrieve the one device upon which all other consequences depended. UMBRA would hide the Ebon Hawk in permanent shadow. UMBRA would cloak their presence in a shield of radiation that would scramble the devices of any other ship's dashboard if it got too close. UMBRA would make their steps untraceable, their ship invisible, and their movements undecipherable. UMBRA would save the Exile from eight years at hard labor.


That is--if she played her cards right and helped Niera distract the Twi'lek...


"There." The Exile pointed. "Is that it? Up ahead? That gigantic, sprawling warehouse that smells worse than a Hutt's rear end?" Indeed, the edifice in the distance did remind her of Vogga the Hutt's "palace" on Nar Shaddaa.

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"Right now, I am extremely thankful for the force...it just saved us an unknown amount of man-hours that could've cost the hunt...excellent work, Chandria."


Pyscho too was thankful, it meant he would be able to shoot things. Even if he couldn't kill or even harm the Exile he could still shoot at everyone else. He thought about how the three of them would take on however many crew members Tysyacha would have. He also remembered the cathar with the force, she would be very deadly. Chances are she would have that small little droid too and possibly the HK one. That was enough daydreaming for now, he'd get his fight soon enough.


"So now what...anybody have a good story to tell?"

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(since you didn't mention the Twi'lek crime lord's name, I decided to give him the name Adon Rha)

"If I know Adon, this is his place. And yet, he's not compensating for something, or at least not for what you'd think." Niera commenting, referring to the three things she liked long in Twi'lek men. Of course, she still had to figure out a way to walk out on him once Tysy and Juhani had acquired the UMBRA device without giving him the right idea.

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Grand Master Bastila Shan, of the Jedi Order, was positively elated. She wasn't elated in the way that you would be after a wedding or a birthday party. She wasn't even elated in the way you would be after you won a game of pazaak or shakhmaty. She was elated in the way a deity would be after a sacrifice was made. Bastila had located and apprehended her first loathsome, violent criminal to be led to the slaughter of the TIK machine.


His name was Gorrak Veel, an Exchange crime boss. He was Chiss. A few of Bastila's Jedi Knights, newly promoted, had sensed a disturbance in the Force and had known it meant trouble. They had tracked the anomaly to the ship of the sentient being who was causing it, and because of Gorrak's record, he was promptly arrested in the name of the galaxy and the Jedi Order itself. He was given a "trial" by the Order, duly convicted, and sentenced...to death.


Right now, Veel thought he was in a prison cell. A very small one, to be sure, but weren't all prison cells a little cramped? He heard a voice through a loudspeaker, a PA system, that had been installed into the ceiling:


"Back to the wall, Mr. Veel. Face forward, please." He did so. He heard a female voice, strident and yet incomprehensibly beautiful, speak to him. "By verdict of the Jedi Order and the people of this galaxy, you are to be executed for organized crime, racketeering, commanding a ring of prostitutes, illegal gambling, robbery, sexual assault, and murder. Let the sentence be carried out. May you become one with the Force, if it chooses to spare you."


Gorrak Veel closed his eyes and smiled to himself. You won't even give me a chance to say my last words, schutta? Nevertheless, he heard the door of the prison cell lock, or go into a greater state of lockdown. Fine. However, four heavy metal shackles, thick as bantha steaks, suddenly came out of the wall and encircled his four limbs. Clamp. Clamp. Clamp. Clamp. Right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg. Another shackle went around his neck. Clamp. A suction device attached itself below his waist to collect the waste he would no doubt release upon the moment of his death. Clamp.


He was completely trapped and immobilized. Now for the third stage...


A mask sprung out of the ceiling, powered by mechanical arms, and attached itself to the Chiss' face, fitting itself completely over it. He couldn't cry. He couldn't hear. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think. He couldn't move. The mask had a hose attached to it, and Gorrak thought he knew what that was for. "MMMMM! MMMM! MMMMMMMM! He struggled against the metal restraints, knowing it was absolutely useless. He knew what came next.


As he thrashed and tried to scream despite the mask that fit completely over his face, a flood of noxious gas poured through the hose and suffocated him.


Bastila opened the cell door and released the corpse that had, only two minutes ago, been a living, breathing prisoner. He fell forward to the ground, only to have the crowd watching the execution roar in triumph. One crime lord dead, one more street safer, one more family that wouldn't have to live in fear at night. That was all that mattered. Gorrak Veel was scum. He didn't deserve to live. Neither did Agent One--"Psycho"--or any other criminal.


The Chiss had been her first successful execution. She knew her next target:


Agent One, if he didn't produce the Exile in three days. She'd betray him.


Then she would put that fool bounty hunter, Sam'kil, to death for trying to pretend he was the only man that Bastila had ever loved. He was a traitor.


Last, but not least, she would finish off Tysyacha Dvyx, hard labor or no hard labor, if the Exile did not tell her of the whereabouts of Revan.


She smiled. Life was grand. She had done justice a good turn today.

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Juhani looked up sharply as she felt a slight disturbance echo throughout the force in the armosphere of the planet.


She slowly turned to the exile and pointed upward. "I think we've been detected. The skies of this planet are suddenly much busier. We should conclude our business quickly and then get out of here as fast as we can."


She narrowed her eyes in confusion as her senses picked up something confusing. "One of the ships seems to be in...distress. I think it's going to crash near our position."


She looked up at the sky again and watched a small shuttle with flames trailing out of it's engine compartment break through the sky and begin heading for the ground.


"Should we render assistance to the pilot?"




Jolee slammed his hand down on the control panel as the shuttle continued crashing and watched as the ground grew ever closer on the main screen.


"This isn't going to end well."


He watched as the ground ran at him and then he heard the begining of a massive crunching noise as the back of the shuttle slammed into a hill and then the rest of it slammed into the ground.


Damn it!


((Jolee's out cold now.))

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Tysyacha nodded. "We should. The one I sense through the Force might very well be a new ally. I sense age around him, maleness, a cantankerous nature. He seems to be not too far away, so I say we postpone looking for UMBRA for now. There's someone in trouble, and he needs our help." She and Juhani, with the Twi'lek following behind, located the mangled wreck of a ship that had once been a rather strong vessel. Through the Force, the Exile located the limp and unconscious--but still alive--body in the midst of the debris. Gently, she moved it out of the way of harm and lifted it up, gently putting it on the ground near her. Who was he? What did he want? Was he hurt?

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"He looks like a Jedi. I think Bastila sent him after us." Niera suggested. "I say we pump as much information as we can out of him, and then ditch him somewhere out of the way." If the Jedi Order was as corrupt as it seemed, and Bastila knew where they were, they were in serious trouble.

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((When is Bastila going to realize that Jolee is gone?))


Juhnai's eyes widend in suprise when she saw who it was.


"Jolee! Jolee Bindo!"


She quickly leaned down and took a closer look at him and then turned to the exile. "This is most likely the man who you heard talking to you earlier in your head."


"I say we pump as much information as we can out of him, and then ditch him somewhere out of the way."


Juhani didn't look up at the Twi'lek but her voice cooled and became very soft. "Are you suggesting that we harm an innocent old man? Are you suggesting that this old man...who was just in a shuttle crash is a threat to us in his present condition?"

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"He's a Jedi, and the head of the Order is corrupt and mad with power. With the exception of you two, are you really sure we should trust anyone with a lightsaber?" Niera asked, raising a valid point. "Although, you seem to know him, so I'm still not too sure about him."

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Detecting the disturbance, Drayden moved around the area, and suddenly he noticed a shuttle in the distance, which crashed into a nearby hill. Barely anyone else seemed to notice. Except...yes, it was the ship with the presence in it, and...something was moving towards it.


Approaching the shuttle took about ten minutes, when finally Drayden noticed what the disturbance was. Ahead of him were now three people, who all uncloaked their stealth generators, and they were attempting to render assistance to the Jedi he had been stalking earlier.


But Drayden did not notice the Jedi inside the ship. All of his attention was focused on one thing. He wasn't even aware that he was now out in the open for anyone to see.


There she was...a hole in the Force, something that would never be the same again. She was obviously a Jedi, from the fact that she held a lightsaber, and the aura that streamed from her...this was the Exile he had been looking for. She was beautiful.


Suddenly, realizing where he was, he backed into a metal debris and hid behind it, watching what was going on.


It was only then that Drayden came to the realization that the Exile was the same one he had seen before...years ago, on Coruscant, with an angry look on her face. She had the same look of darkness that Drayden could recognize in people, and her eyes...they were not the right color at all. If Drayden had known anyone besides Bastila who looked like a Sith, it was the Exile.


So...Bastila was trying to put a bounty on her, then? At the time, he had sensed something was wrong, and now he knew what it was. For a Jedi that served in the Wars, and for one that had obviously changed...what reason did Bastila have to put a bounty on her? Bastila Shan...there had always been something wrong about her in his eyes, and he was determined to do something about it.


The Force influenced him in so many ways, and now maybe he was finally going to obey it.

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Sam'kil walked towards the group, he'd left the rented Landspeeder a few kilometers back, so he could sneak up with no noise, hoping they hadn't sensed him in the Force. He recognized Tysyacha, and T3 was there, but he couldn't figure out who they were surrounding. When he searched out with the force, he found out who it was.

" Jolee?" Sam'kil said, forgoing stealth and hoping for help.

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((J_M. I highly doubt that your character knows Jolee. He was in hiding during the War and thus wouldn't have known him. At all.))


Juhani's head instantly whipped around and she captured the stranger with the force in what could be considered record time. "This one is a bounty hunter. I can feel it. Would you like to execute him or Shall I?"

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Tysyacha felt pressure building up inside her skull--insidious, dangerous, might-make-you-have-a-brain-aneurysm kind of pressure. She was so sick of this: so sick of being chased, so sick of being hounded, so sick of being pursued by bounty hunters, potential ship thieves, and otherwise. True, Juhani was not a bounty hunter or a thief. Neither had Niera been, once the Exile had stopped trying to threaten her and started trying to listen to her instead. Besides, the Twi'lek maiden was a smuggler, anyway! However, this one had a different aura about him, a different pattern of behavior that could be sensed through the Force. It was the pattern of a liar, or at least a man who was very skilled at cloaking himself in shadow. Anger roiled to the surface of the Exile's mind. It tasted like stomach acid inside her mouth.


"Please, do with him what you will, Juhani," she said softly but coldly. "This man is one who is pretending to be something he is not. Even you were more clear about your motives! You spoke the truth, but this one is skilled in lies!"


Calming down a little, she said, "I'm going to tend to the old man. He's out cold, completely unconscious, and I want to take him back to the Hawk for some diagnostic testing in the medical bay. T3 can do it, and as for HK, he will recognize him. I'm sure of it. Something in the Force is telling me that assassin droid will do absolutely nothing to harm this man." She saluted Juhani and Niera crisply. "Wait here by the wreckage for me. I won't be long. I can't do the tests myself because I sense our window of opportunity is closing in order to try and distract Adon Rha--our mission."


She hoisted Jolee onto her broad but fragile shoulders, bearing his entire weight through the Force. Carefully, she walked with his body draped across hers until they reached the Ebon Hawk. T3 beeped uncertainly. Back so soon? The Exile responded, "To the medbay, little guy. This not-so-little guy needs some diagnostic testing. He's out cold. Please make sure he is unconscious--not dead--and then give him some intravenous nutrients. If he wakes up, reassure him he is in no danger. Introduce yourself to him. Tell him who I am, and about Niera and Juhani. Tell him that we will return soon."


T3 gave his assent, and then the Exile laid him down on the medbay cot.


After a few readings of vital signs, Tysyacha said, "Good. He's not dead. I'm going to have to return to the mission at hand, but I will be back. With the UMBRA device, no doubt. Stay with him, T3. I owe you one." The utility droid made some encouraging and gentle sounds for his Master as she left the ship for the second time that day. The Exile clothed herself in the Force again.


Upon returning to the wreckage, she found Niera and Juhani still there, with Juhani holding the mysterious stranger (also still there) in a Force Choke.


"Need some help?" the Exile winked. "I could always do a Force Wave on him."

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((Permission to kill character granted? (Very hopeful.)))


"Please, do with him what you will, Juhani."


She smiled a feral smile at the man who suddered in fear.


"I've had enought of Bounty hunters...slavers...the common thug for a lifetime. It was people like you who allied with the mandalorians when they attacked Cathar...But most of all, I hate the lies. I can sense them in you...I can sense the imprint of the fear of the people you've met on you..."


Juhani pushed past his mental defenses and her feral smile quickly turned into a snarl.


"You used the force to choke innocent bystanders because they laughed at you?! And...you've met with Bastila...Even Bastila rejected you!"


The cathar laughed.


"Need some help? I could always do a Force Wave on him."


Juhani turned toward the exile and nodded her head. "This man used the force to choke innocent bystanders when Bastila threw him out of the temple...They laughed at him and he choked them."


Juhani tightend her grip slightly and the man sputtered. "If you would like to kill him do the honors. He is not worthy of speaking in his own defense if you want my opinion."

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((NOTE TO ALL: In chess, especially in the "midgame", a lot of pieces end up getting sacrificed or captured unless one or the other players is really weak and/or inexperienced. The pieces are sacrificed for position. I know some backstory about Jedi_Man's character, and if he gets killed, that will TOTALLY SCREW UP BASTILA'S PLANS AND SCREW BASTILA OVER. BIG TIME. If the character dies, the endgame for Bastila is more likely to be very unpleasant.


Thus, permission granted. If Sam'kil dies, Bastila is basically up Spit Creek...))


The Exile shook her head humbly. "No. I've--I've had enough killing. I'm on the run for two murders that I committed in fear and haste, and I'm not going to make the body count three. That will just make Bastila more suspicious if she finds out I've--removed--another one of her sickening pawns from the board. Remember, she is still blackmailing me, and I'm still paying her off with credits. I'd like you to do it, Juhani. She doesn't know you're with me, so she will never suspect you're the one that killed one of her bounty hunters. Besides...something tells me your loathing for this man runs deeper than anything I've sensed. Permission granted. Make it quick." She closed her eyes. "Let him die in peace--not like a gut-shot bantha."

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"Make it quick."


"Fine...but he doesn't deserve a quick death. He deserves a slow...painful death."


Juhani quickly ignited her lightsaber and then rammed it through his chest and watched his body fall with a sigh.


"We could have sent him back to Bastila...to warn her that her days are numbered and the numbers are quickly fading...day by day."


She deactivaed her lightsaber and turned to the exile. "What is Jolee's condition? Is he alright?"

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Tysyacha saw the body fall. He was definitely dead--what sentient being, male or female, human or alien, could withstand a lightsaber blade plunging straight into the heart? The answer was: none. Sobered by Juhani's decisive act, she said:


"You've done well. He is dead, and there is no way any amount of resuscitation, through normal means or the Force, could bring him back to life. As for Jolee, I wouldn't say he's 'fine'--he's still unconscious--but I took him back to the Ebon Hawk and had T3 do some diagnostic testing on him. Once he wakes up, he'll be okay. He's definitely in a stable condition."


The Exile glanced at her surroundings. She sensed a gravel pit nearby, a long-abandoned quarry which had been stripped of all its valuable minerals. It was into this pit that she lowered the body, covering it with the worthless slag and rubble she found there. Buried under such debris, there was no way grave robbers or scavengers would ever get to it. She turned to Niera and Juhani. "Now, then...we go for Adon Rha." She smiled. "Move out!" They did.




Bastila Shan suddenly found herself doubled over in pain as she perused the latest reports of crime activity throughout Coruscant and the worlds nearest it. Her vision went red as she squinted her eyes shut and fought the agony, summoning all of her courage and the detachment from suffering that she had learned to use as a young Jedi. The techniques were simple but effective, and yet they did not block out the waves of fire completely. She felt as if someone had thrown her into one of the incessantly-burning trash pits of Raxus Prime or even Ord Mantell. Hastily, she mashed her fist down on the button which would summon her two servants at the Temple. They ran...


"Master? Master!" they cried. "What's wrong! Are you hurt? Talk to us!"


She opened her eyes. The pain finally seemed to be subsiding at long last.


"It's Grand Master, you fools, and I felt like I was hurt through the Force."


She shook her head. "Leave me. I need to be alone and recover." They left.


Idiots. Didn't they know to offer more than words of false comfort?

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