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Why does Machievelli do it?

Why does Machievelli work as our ctiric  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Why does Machievelli work as our ctiric

    • Because he loves us, every one!
    • Because he likes good writing, and is patient enough to give us advice
    • Because he's a nice guy that wants us to do better
    • Because there are some of us worth the effort
    • Because he thinks he's better than us
    • Because he's being paid for it
    • Because bad writing makes him cry
    • Because he doesn't have a life

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  machievelli said:
I put this one in more for sarcasm than anything else CL7, but I like that someone did choose it.


I see over 300 have viewed this, and still only 18 have voted. My real reason must not be that important.


Truth be told I've always wondered myself...and I did indeed vote :)


Thanks for all your input Mach...I don't know if my writing shows it but I do try to take your suggestions to heart when writing. I respect your opinions and am glad you continue to give them.

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  Litofsky said:
Perhaps: "The Machiavellian View on Pornography"

Another person who knows how it should be spelled!


Maybe, but I'm picturing the original of my name, and thinking of how he would view modern day Pornography:


Yes, how can I convince the government do this my way?

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Nah. Old Nicollo didn't believe in direct action. He was more like Henry II who merely said 'Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?' when Beckett became a problem. If he were alive now, all illegal drugs would have been legalized, taxed, and people under their influence treated like DUIs. Think of all the revenues that would generate! Enough to actually cover Obama's health plan.

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  Ashnan Corri said:
[resists clicking the final option, just because it's funny]


But if you had no life, you'd be on here 24/7 so obviously you have a life. :p


[tries to decide and then finally does, votes the third option]


Thanks AC. You've raised the ratio of votes to .45 percent.

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  • 1 month later...
  machievelli said:

Oh, BTW, 179 people have viewed this thread, yet less than 10% have voted. Am I that unappreciated?


What? Do you believe that everyone who looks at this forum is a member? I've been reading content from this site for months and only recently decided to get on the bandwagon.


BTW: I probably saw this thread four times. Can I vote four times to make up for that?

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  Shuttle Atlantis said:
What? Do you believe that everyone who looks at this forum is a member? I've been reading content from this site for months and only recently decided to get on the bandwagon.


BTW: I probably saw this thread four times. Can I vote four times to make up for that?


I wouldn't mind, though the poll probably only allows one. I figure the rating (I assume people look a minimum of five times) is closer to 2.7%. That's just me venting

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  CommanderQ said:
Heh, Mach, you put some really negative options in the poll...I mean, "Because bad writing makes him cry{well...a possibility:D}," or, "Because he doesn't have a life." Or being paid, as DY mentioned, heh, made me chuckle:D But still, I have yet to meet anyone with a very negative opinion on the excellent advice you've given us budding writers, thank you for that!:)


Check some of the commentary by the Source over the years.


Oh, I made an egregious error back a few posts. On the 23rd of this month I will have been your critic not for three years, but for four.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well the votes, what there are of them, are in:


The thing to remember is that I chose these options with malice aforethought; Except for one, all of them are equally valid:


Because there are some of us worth the effort 0

Actually if I didn't think you guys were worth the effort, I could have stopped ages ago.


Because he's being paid for it 0

Actually I am being paid for this. The reward is small, and has yet to be delivered, but I did accept the job with that in mind.


Because he thinks he's better than us 1

When it comes to writing, there are many of you I surpass, however except for one or two, I can honestly say I do not surpass most of you in the willingness to expose yourselves to ridicule by posting your work. I hope that my attention and comments have helped you brave it more than once.


Because he loves us, every one! 1

The joker in the deck; I was thinking of Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol here.


Because bad writing makes him cry 2

Bad writing doesn't make me cry as much as someone who could be good churning out yet more dreck. No names.


Because he doesn't have a life 3

Actually if I had more of a social life, I wouldn't do this; but even then part of me would itch to.


Because he's a nice guy that wants us to do better 10

Yes I want you to do better. I want a bunch of you to one day become famous and comment that I might have helped even a little bit in honing your craft.


Because he likes good writing and is patient enough to give us advice 16

The largest number of votes, but the real reason is not this one. I do like good writing the way a gourmet likes a good meal. I want to be satisfied when I put the book down because I know I can pick it up again and still enjoy the read.


Now which one is the truth? Ask me again when the votes treble...

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