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I need help with 2da editing!

Kyr'am Galaar

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Hey. I'm trying to make something that uses a TXI file but it doesn't work so I think I may need to add it into a 2da file. But I don't know which one and how! If someone can help please tell me.


If you add it to the 2da file, every single thing that your character wears will have that shine, no matter what. If he/she wears the armor that glows (I can't remember what its called, all I remember is that it has glowing blue bits), it won't glow anymore.


Now, make sure your txi reads this:

envmaptexture CM_Baremetal

Or another effect texture (CM_SpecMap, CM_Bright, etc) in place of CM_Baremetal.


And also, make sure that when you save it, you have "All files" selected instead of *.txt files, and that you are saving as your texture's name (ie. if your texture's name is blahblah.tga, your txi file is named blahblah.txi)

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Now, make sure your txi reads this:

envmaptexture CM_Baremetal

Or another effect texture (CM_SpecMap, CM_Bright, etc) in place of CM_Baremetal.


And also, make sure that when you save it, you have "All files" selected instead of *.txt files, and that you are saving as your texture's name (ie. if your texture's name is blahblah.tga, your txi file is named blahblah.txi)


That's what I did. But where the shine is supposed to be it's transparent...

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If you want your texture to have a shiny effect, make sure your txi file is EXACTLY like this:


envmaptexture CM_Baremetal


Make sure the name of the txi file is EXACTLY the same as the name of the texture.


Make sure your textures Alpha Channel has been made properly.

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