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hello i wanted to know your opinon on lucas arts making kotor 3 a mmo and at the same time not making it what fans wanted a trilogy to the kotor seires which were great in my opinon. persoanlly before i ask yours ill state mine, i aboslutely hate it i know it is ethier out or coming out soon and i will not buy it not even consider that i hate the fact t is a mmo and that they were also dumb enough to make it off that storyline and not give us a answer to what happpend to revan and the exile. this is such a dissapointment to me and like me when i say i wont buy it tere is at least 100-1000 ppl who think the same way. if u love it idc then u do, and yes i spelled stuff wrong im sry, but their is my opinon and a question to you idiots who love it, how? why?it completely ruins what we have asked for for 6 years and you play this, this that they give you; this crapy excuse for a ending? instead of boycotting it we should send it back not even buy it make this game the most unbought one in history maybe then they will get the hint,




do any of you know if it would even be legal to create a freeware shareware product just out of interest is it? because if they are to dumb to figure it out we can d it for other fans hopefully.


then again maybe it is a good game but it doesnt complete the storyline, lucas arts that is why were pissed and it is a mmo (how pathetic)

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If you're not going to give TOR a chance, why even post here? That amounts to trolling.


You're operating on the assumption that TOR can't explain say happened to Revan and the Exile. TOR will be heavy on the story, so heavy that many people are wondering when we're going to see the actual MMO parts of it. Revan was a legend in this era of the GFFA, I'm sure he'll be talked about. BioWare has even said as such.


If LucasArts wasn't going to let a KotOR3 made before this, what makes you think they'd suddenly drop TOR and all the tens of millions they've poured into it just because you made an angry post on the internet? Would you pay LucasArts and BioWare and EA the millions of dollars they've already dumped into this game so they could walk away and make a KotOR3? Face it, KotOR3 wasn't going to happen even before TOR was announced. Remember how LucasArts fouled up KotOR2's release by pushing it out early for Christmas? The KotOR2 fans are STILL trying to piece together the original game, and it's been over 5 years. LucasArts doesn't care what you KotOR2 fanboys want, or they'd have released a "KotOR2: Special Edition" years ago.

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you idiots who love it, how?


Calling people idiots is hardly going to endear you to people, especially if you're asking for their opinion.


Even though it might seem obvious, I have to ask, is your hatred of TOR just because it's an MMO?

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yes alt of my hatred is due to ti being an mmo indeed but throuogh review of what i hae read revan wont be given an decent explination and how could it even happen few ppl in that era wouldn't know about him maybe some recordings but that is about it, i may try it but my other problem is what else i read is that it is going to not have much of a story line that u play yourself and not rely on others to help you. my big ooint is tat why didnt they finish it? they have left tons of fans dissapointed and i know that tons cuz iv read tons of blogs maybe millions won't even buy it, if they make money of this it wont bee much more than even the first one in my opinon maybe just around how well the second one sold, not really that much. they should have finished the series yes ppl were pissed about the early release but we were willing to wait for a fix or something and they left everyone hanging to make this one so my question is how can anyone accept this? this shows they are not instrested in anyone' opinon but only in money so in long term this one may be just as cheap as the second i doupt it but something will be wrong with it i bet it and u can bet they may ignore it to. but by saying we refuse to cuy it and want an answer to revan or a nice fix for kotor 2 they may just fix their acts up

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Where did someone say Revan won't be given an explanation? BioWare themselves have said we'll find out about him in TOR. It's been 300 years, but that's a blink of an eye in SW's long timeline. The Republic has been standing for 20,000 years before TOR, so 300 years is nothing. Yes you will have a big single player story in TOR, again I don't know where you heard otherwise. There are instances where you can play with other players on your storyline, but the other players are OPTIONAL. You can do it solo too.


Who are these millions of people who won't play TOR? Everyone I know is tickled pink about TOR. Sure there are millions of people won't play, but even if 50 million people played, that's still over 6 1/2 billion people who won't be playing.


TOR will finish the series. BioWare themselves have said this is KotOR 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. You don't need a full-fledged game to explain what happened to Revan. BioWare has already said that Revan ran off to the Unknown Regions and encountered the Sith Emperor, and was never seen again (or something like that, someone can correct me if I'm wrong on the details, which I'm sure I am).


This isn't just about money. TOR is EA's most expensive game ever. EA didn't give exact numbers, but estimations are that they're pouring $100 million into TOR. They could've easily went the cheap route and had little-to-no voice acting (like WoW), but they spared no expense on making sure EVERYONE in the game has a voice. The more money they spend on TOR, the more time it'll take to recoup their budget spent on the game. Not the wisest decision if they're just trying to make money here.


Also, big surprise, companies care about money? THAT'S PREPOSTEROUS. Why would anyone want to make money? Because you know most video games are created as charity with no intent of making money. /sarcasm


And no, no matter how much you whine about Revan and KotOR3, they aren't going to cancel a game that has already cost them tens of millions and rapidly going towards a hundred mill. Continuing to complain with no intent of ever buying it is just trolling.



Also, paragraphs, punctuation, use them. You just posted one big wall of text without dividing it up at all, with punctuation used only sparingly. It makes it nearly impossible to read it. Maybe start capitalizing your words and spelling "you" correctly while you're at it. It hurt my eyes trying to interpret what you were saying.

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Sasuna - I've been avoiding posting on this thread b/c of the inane arguments you've made and, yes, the lack of punctuation bothers me too - but I think you're just kind of looking for someone to agree with your opinion of the TOR vs. K3 issue.


Here's the deal - most people on this section of the forums are K1 and K2 fans, and yes, most K1 and K2 fans really want a well-done K3 to tie things up neatly on the Revan/Exile story line. You're not wrong about that.


However, you are absolutely wrong in all of your assumptions about LucasArts being stupid and losing millions of fans. They chose to do an MMO because despite the fact that there's a decently-sized group of niche fans who want K3, there's a significantly larger market and profit potential by choosing an MMO.


Fortunately for us KotOR fans that really enjoyed the single-player RPG and story associated with K1 and K2, BioWare and LucasArts have put a very strong focus on story development in this game, and are probably on the way to revolutionizing how MMOs incorporate story into gameplay. They even call story a pillar of the game, meaning it wouldn't stand without it. That means we will get some great story, from the same writers who came up with KotOR, and I'm sure we'll find out what happened to Revan and perhaps the Exile as well (although she wasn't a BioWare creation). As I mentioned in another thread in response to your somewhat-coherent rants, the SWTOR.com website has already dropped some tidbits about the Revan continuation that lead one to believe there's lots more to come.


If you don't plan on playing the game, fine, I don't really care. I'm curious though to why you're posting on here if you never intend to actually play. I would encourage you, if you really enjoyed KotOR, to be patient and see how things develop with TOR. You might be surprised.

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i got my assumptions from other people who apparently knew a ton about this games release and what it would be based off of. maybe i will try it but yes personally i want a kotor 3 not a swtor to finish it off, sry about my grammer and punctuation i got a bad keyboard, i will play it to see what happens most likely but like a others i have my doupts. for now it is w/e i have always been a fan of the old sith empire form revan and back not the stuff they come to today, and btw if offended anyone it wasn't my intention so im sry about that.

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I'd simply like KOTOR 2 to be playable.

I played through the original KOTOR 4 or 5 times. KOTOR2 had so many issues with crashing etc that I finished the game once only through sheer willpower. I tried to go back and tinker with it once I heard this was coming out and had switched to Vista. Gave up after an hour.


So yeah, I'm looking forward to this game because I'd like it to take the place of KOTOR2 and simply punt on ever mentioning it again. It seems like this time though we won't have to worry about it being rushed and ending up on an island with no patches which is a big plus to me.

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I think your view of TOR is pretty narrow-sighted. Sure I didn't very much like the idea of an MMO, because I was looking forward to a unique single-player game experience to bring the story to a close. But now I look at it as a way to not only have the possibility to answer those questions, but to build on them at the same time. This way the story continues, and the developers won't have to have you wait for a couple more years to render each graphic and character for another storyline. They'd just build on the one game that lets you do that all the while allowing the player a chance not to venture alone, but with friends too. With all the work they put into this game and the fact that it's BIOWARE(who have never let me down), I would not mind giving this game a go.

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Fortunately for us KotOR fans that really enjoyed the single-player RPG and story associated with K1 and K2, BioWare and LucasArts have put a very strong focus on story development in this game, and are probably on the way to revolutionizing how MMOs incorporate story into gameplay. They even call story a pillar of the game, meaning it wouldn't stand without it. That means we will get some great story, from the same writers who came up with KotOR, and I'm sure we'll find out what happened to Revan and perhaps the Exile as well (although she wasn't a BioWare creation). As I mentioned in another thread in response to your somewhat-coherent rants, the SWTOR.com website has already dropped some tidbits about the Revan continuation that lead one to believe there's lots more to come.


Well, I do think they will allude to it if in a minimal fasion.


Drew Karpyshyn has made minor references in his Bane novels to events that unfolded in K2. I.E. (Paraphrase) "Whoever had been here (Nadd's Tomb on Dxun) before had missed a passageway, presumably hidden away by sith magics." --That's where he "Acquired" (in a certain sense) the orbalesk armor and found the holocron of Freedon Nadd.


I'm sure there are possibly even more references in the novels if you look carefully enough. Point being: if Drew K has made reference to TSL events, and these books are canon...AND he is working on the storyline of TOR...there is a fair possibility K2 events will be mentioned and that it won't necessarily be retconned out of existence...but perhaps crammed down, put into a box, and shoved into some far off corner since nobody else really was in a position to know what went on at that time, really.


Nihilus also had at least one other other apprentice besides Visas. That was how the "Darth" title apparently survived after the fall of the Triumvirate. So, if "Darth" is passed on (which we know it will be) then this particular sith lineage may possibly converge upon this next game. Or it may not. (shrugs) According to the 'new essential chronology' this is how it is. It had to become prominent once again in order to die out again by the time Kaan's dark brotherhood is around. Point: This is evidence of Nihilus and therefore K2 having happened.


Anyone who has read the novels knows where Bane got his "Darth" title, and I won't spoil it here.

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Those are all really good points. I remember when I read the Bane novels (I've only read the first 2 - waiting for paperback for #3 in Sept I think) that I definitely noticed Karpyshyn's references to elements of K1 and K2. You can really tell he loves that story line and I think he's made a concerted effort to ensure it's core elements are continued throughout the rest of the rest of the SW timeline.

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