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Do you ever look at stats?


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I'm the complete opposite. In most RPGs, I spend ages looking through my inventory to get the perfect combination of stats for each character. However, if there's one thing that is only a little bit better than another, but looks far uglier, then I will use the cooler-looking item. If the difference is large, I'll stick with the ugly.

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In my first play-through, I really payed no attention to stats of anything. I just used what armor looked coolest and what weapons had the coolest names or something. Now, I go by stats, although I just know what armors are better than others by now. However, I still don't really pay attention to "max dexterity bonus" and I have no clue what a "balanced" melee item is or the critical threat range of some items. I just go by defense bonus with armors and max damage with weapons.

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Not usually, I'm all about the armors and robes and cool stuff, ie added or expanded content, reskins, etc. Replay value is huge. RPGs are of course usually statistically oriented games anyway so those who have a more stats-based RPG inkling will most likely look at the stats more, whereas someone (using myself as an example) more used to action adventure games will be less inclined in that direction and more inclined towards aesthetics and basic combat.

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When I played through KotOR the first time I didn't really look at the stats on much of anything. In fact, I had much of my team equipped with quarterstaffs and other random but somewhat cool things. Of my many times playing through it since then I have tailored my character's equipment to his stats and the situation he's in.


The second game was interesting because of all the different combinations you could make and the increased level of customization.

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