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What new hardware interests you most?


Which new hardware are you interested in most?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which new hardware are you interested in most?

    • Microsoft Kinect (Natal)
    • Sony Move
    • Nintendo 3DS
    • I'm not interested in any

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Each of the console makers is going to have new hardware to show off in some form, and and it should all be released by the end of the year. Microsoft and Sony have their respective motion control devices, Natal and Move, and Nintendo has the 3DS, successor to the DS. Each of these should be a major thing to show at their press conferences. Which are you looking forward to learning about most?

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Let's see...


Natal and Move have a lot of proving to do. At this point both are at a stage where they really have to prove themselves. So far Microsoft and Sony have been saying it's all superior to Wii, but everything I've seen about the two has just reinforced the fact that the two technologies are being used to do exactly what Wii has been doing for awhile now.


They really need to show off the games that use the devices in a much more sophisticated manner. For example, I want to see examples that counter games such as Metroid Prime 3 Corruption or Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition.


So far, Sony has shown off their Wii Sports (Resort) clone, and Microsoft has shown off a lot of flailing, something a lot of people hated with Wii but are fine with Natal....... i dunno. Natal has a lot more potential than just flailing...


I'm hoping Microsoft has something up their sleeves once they finish showing off all of their casual games. A first or third person shooter with head-tracking would be all they need to wow me.


As for Sony, it depends more on the games and developers themselves... will they just do more Wii clones or will they actually take advantage of Move's special features that no other device can do? So far they've only showed that in tests and not in actual games.


Despite that, Sony has shown that its device is more practical than Natal at the moment. Natal has potential but I'm not seeing any of that shining through just yet.




As for the 3DS. From what I hear the 3D effect is "amazing" and it's a powerhouse of a handheld that's possibly more powerful than the Wii itself. All I need to do to get myself excited about the platform is to think that Nintendo may make a 2D (3D) Metroid game for it.



EDIT: Natal = Kinect






the battle lines have been drawn.

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I fear for the future of gaming. I'm the kind of person who gets plenty of exercise (even though I admit I'm a lil overweight) outside of the family/living room. I feel like video games that don't let me just sit back and work out nothing but my thumbs are the end of gaming for me in general. Natal, the Wii, Sony Move, etc. are all gimmicks in my book. I'm glad they are trying to extend the lifecycle of the consoles...but I hope this doesn't turn into one of those things that changes the way we play every game on these consoles (which I highly doubt), but I hope that the 360 platform is still focused on hardcore gaming that it was created for. I may not be a hardcore gamer...but I enjoy myself a traditional controller and interface.


I'm not excited for any of this stuff...it's just like 3-D movies...I don't see the attraction.

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I don't understand how people see any of this as a threat to traditional gaming considering the amount of traditional games being made. The inclusion of these new types of gameplay mechanics just let's a different audience enjoy video games too.


I mean, people accept Guitar Hero and Rock Band... and those kinds of games are very similar to what motion control games are... using a non-standard input device to allow a new audience to enjoy video games in a new way.


Better to be inclusive than exclusive IMO. The more people that enjoy video games, the better.

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  Lynk Former said:
I don't understand how people see any of this as a threat to traditional gaming considering the amount of traditional games being made. The inclusion of these new types of gameplay mechanics just let's a different audience enjoy video games too.


I mean, people accept Guitar Hero and Rock Band... and those kinds of games are very similar to what motion control games are... using a non-standard input device to allow a new audience to enjoy video games in a new way.


Better to be inclusive than exclusive IMO. The more people that enjoy video games, the better.


It's the fact that people, at least I, fear that the companies will lose direction and dedication to what they do best and try to appeal to this new audience...that's all that I worry about. I just can't imagine some of the best franchises trying to include a Natal interface.

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What evidence do you have that suggests that? There's plenty of evidence to disprove that notion completely with all of the traditional based games coming out and being developed. A handful of motion based games isn't going to change that and the direction these companies are taking is to expand their audience the way Wii proved can be expanded.


As for incorporating Natal/Kinect... ever heard of head-tracking? That's one way of making traditional based games more interesting using Kinect.

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  Lynk Former said:
What evidence do you have that suggests that? There's plenty of evidence to disprove that notion completely with all of the traditional based games coming out and being developed. A handful of motion based games isn't going to change that and the direction these companies are taking is to expand their audience the way Wii proved can be expanded.


As for incorporating Natal/Kinect... ever heard of head-tracking? That's one way of making traditional based games more interesting using Kinect.


Maybe I'm just stubborn...but I really don't want anything adding to my traditional games through motion sensing and alike...I don't know...lol.

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If anything is added it would only be optional, just like how there are plenty of optional things in traditional games right now that can be turned off. Plus, even if motion controls or any other type of input are added to traditional games, the examples I've seen from Nintendo and their efforts so far have been pretty positive considering how well received a game like Super Mario Galaxy has been.


Plus think about it. If we were to subscribe to your level of traditionalism we'd still be playing games with a D-Pad and 2 to 4 buttons...

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Kinect looks the most promising so far. IIRC, Hideo Kojima is making a game with it, and there's a teaser site out there that basically features blades cutting things, like vegetables and cartoon scenes and stuff.


If Kinect ends up being successful, and with Microsoft I have little doubt it will, I might consider investing in one... unless somebody invents one for the PC that is compatible with all games, which is unlikely, but still.

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Eww, on-rails gaming.


Anyway I'm most interested in the 3DS, not really for the 3D aspect, but because it is the next hardware superior Nintendo handheld, not just another DS rehash. Move and Kinect don't really do anything for me, but I don't see them as a threat to gaming either XD.

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Destructoid's take on the hardware being shown at E3 2010: http://www.destructoid.com/e310-sterling-hardware-predictions-176255.phtml (bad language in the vid)


Oh here's another vid from Destructoid concerining Natal, Move and 3DS: http://www.destructoid.com/e3-10-dale-north-talks-natal-move-and-3ds-176273.phtml (again, bad language)


Eep, more 3DS talk (and Zelda)... http://www.destructoid.com/e3-10-chad-concelmo-is-all-about-the-3ds-and-zelda-176275.phtml

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This isn't the 3DS and it's not a demo of what the 3DS can do, this is actually a DSWare game that uses head tracking through the DSi camera... just showing you guys what an asset it could be for... well, move, kinect and the 3ds itself if games utilised it.



Also, some positive words about the big reveal: http://www.thebitbag.com/2010/06/14/project-natal-experience-debriefing/

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Does the revamped 360 count as new hardware? Motion control and 3D gaming are fun for those that are into that stuff, but not everyone is into such gimmicks additions.


Being a DIY gaming PC type, I haven't had a console since the PS2 many years ago. I was amazed to hear that 360 users have been living with a hot and noisy machine for years. This seems to be the focus of changes made in the new machine, something cooler and quieter and with less power draw to boot(compared to the older models) The new mainboard is smaller too, and presumably there has been a die shrink in the processors to account for this.


802.11n built in is simply great. Those who use the media center extender functionality in xbox will really appreciate that. I cant wait to stream live satellite TV from my windows 7 htpc in the lounge to my study - as this bypasses the need for a second satellite dish/set top box and sub card.


The HD integration being internal is great, though the drives are still proprietary, so those of us planning to use a spare 1TB drive in there will need to sort out if there are any changes to the existing DIY HD upgrade process ;)


The only thing truly missing in Bluray support but I dont see that coming any time soon. It will bump prices up, as integrating it into the existing system will require BD+HD-DVD.


Such hybrid drives exist, but are costly. I think MS will just ride it out on HD-DVD until the next gen platform and then re-examine BD integration. BluRay hasn't even made it into the pc gaming market yet - so in this respect the PS3 is somewhat future proofed.


I heard FFXIII is on 3 discs on the 360 version, indicating the chief reason why Toshiba's HD-DVD lost the 'format war' with BD(Sony, JVC etc)


Because of games that aren't on PC like Alan Wake, RDR and FFXII, I plan on adding the new 360 to my setup in a couple of weeks when they land in Oz. If it means I get to play The assassins creed2 follow up earlier too even better. (had to wait 6 months for the pc version last time :( )



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