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LucasArts at Pax Convention & Demo Release Date


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  JediAthos said:
I didn't hear a demo release date either...and I had the sound turned up pretty high. At any rate the game play wasn't that impressive either though I did like the ability to catch the ATST rocket and toss it back the way it came.


There is a demo though, thats for sure. Strategy informer and reps from LA have confirmed it... The first level will be playable(till vader confronts you near his tie fighter). Its on kamino... For more details check out this vid "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTFys2EqWME" Its a 21 min gameplay video at gamescom 2010. Apparently we'll be getting a "polished" version of this as a demo. There are some other so - so details like grapple move controls and not to mention a looooooong list of lightsabre combos. That caught my eye.

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  Zerimar Nyliram said:
Don't feel like watching the whole video. When is the demo's release date?


NO release date has been mentioned, they just keep saying "the demo will be out before oct 26th"... Also cameron suey reported that the game will be as long as TFU1, but claims high replay value due to challenges and char customization(hope its good).. There are rumors that lando calrissian will be making an appearance as well..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  deesnyder said:
Also cameron suey reported that the game will be as long as TFU1, but claims high replay value due to challenges and char customization(hope its good)


I am really dubious about this, and it gives me another reason not to buy the game. I found that TFU1 was far too short.

Here are some bad news : http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2010-08-23-the-force-unleashed-ii-demo-confirmed

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  Prime said:
What kind of customization? Sounds like you can't even ditch the second lightsaber silliness.


Dunno, thats what he claimed... Although i'm kinda immune to LA's crap marketing strategies... These guys keep ranting that there's a whole new slew of powers, but all that they've shown till now is mind trick... You must've have noticed that the guybrush threepwood costume will be available in the final game... Well some dude at LA tweeted that "It was fun CHOKING stormtroopers as guybrush threepwood" So there's a good possibility that we might get that power as well...


As for char customization, that might be the same old lighsaber crystal and power crystal stuff, or the fact that you'll be able to use any 2 colors might be char custom for them... loll...

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Deesnyder, I hope the rumors are just the tip of the iceberg. If TFU3 isn't going to happen--assuming TFU2 is a failure--wouldn't Lucasarts instead make an expansion pack for TFU2?


Might be a business tactic, getting us wondering and going crazy...then we jump out of our seats as we play the game. I hope that's what they're doing--but watching all those vids on TFU2, I got the impression:


1) The staff fixed TFU1's bugs as part of TFU2

2) They're enthusiastic about their 'finished product' and keeping plenty quiet

3) We don't know if they'll make an expansion pack of TFU.


Personally, I'd love to see "what-if?" levels. Wouldn't it be a pleasant surprise, for instance, if you beat the game on the second-hardest difficulty...then find a number of levels where you find starkiller is the new luke skywalker?.


I hope Lucasarts has gotten far more imaginative than they're letting on. That might be why they're being vague.


Just my thoughts. :)

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  Master-Kyle-Leeson09 said:
Deesnyder, I hope the rumors are just the tip of the iceberg. If TFU3 isn't going to happen--assuming TFU2 is a failure--wouldn't Lucasarts instead make an expansion pack for TFU2?


Might be a business tactic, getting us wondering and going crazy...then we jump out of our seats as we play the game. I hope that's what they're doing--but watching all those vids on TFU2, I got the impression:


1) The staff fixed TFU1's bugs as part of TFU2

2) They're enthusiastic about their 'finished product' and keeping plenty quiet

3) We don't know if they'll make an expansion pack of TFU.


Personally, I'd love to see "what-if?" levels. Wouldn't it be a pleasant surprise, for instance, if you beat the game on the second-hardest difficulty...then find a number of levels where you find starkiller is the new luke skywalker?.


I hope Lucasarts has gotten far more imaginative than they're letting on. That might be why they're being vague.


Just my thoughts. :)


Good analysis my friend... You've definitely got a point there... The reason they might've been exaggerating the potential of TFU 1 could've been to cover their design flaws... Things are looking pretty good and hope they have more surprises in store for us...


BTW its OCT 1'st already... where's the demo??? 26 more days to go...

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