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Tysyacha's Dating Criteria


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Want to know what criteria I use for matches, mates, & future dates?




This video also highlights some of my most prevalent "Internet grammar" pet peeves! I always try to avoid them, though I don't always succede--er, succeed! ;)


EDIT/WARNING: VIDEO IS STRICTLY RATED PG-13. There's definitely a reason that the URL has "collegehumor" in it...

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Ehehehe, Nice video and a fairly well rounded criteria!



I knew my wife was the one for me when one of the first times I talked to her she said she liked discussing weird history myths, "Like how Catherine the Great had sex with a horse". I swear I saw stars. This story was of course left out of any speeches at our wedding.

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If you win MY spelling bee, you'll definItely get more than just a good-night kiss. ;) Good communication and clear expression attract me more than 6-pack abs and nice...eyes. (I'm far more drawn to brains than brawn. If that makes me weird, then move right on!)




What about "looser/loosers"? How many times have you seen THOSE monstrosities?

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Dozer has a sad.


Girl give Dozer "the look". Dozer pick up girl. Dozer gets "home run". Dozer smoke cigar in bed afterwards.


Girl gets call on cell phone. Call is boyfriend she gave no hint to Dozer about cheating on. Girl give boyfriend a runaround story that is complete BS. Girl have no remorse when hang up.


This happen 3 more times. Dozer cynical and feel like soul empty, and whore at same time. :(


"Like how Catherine the Great had sex with a horse".



Damn you Rhett! You know perfectly well this kind of stuff tempts me! :swear:

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If you win MY spelling bee, you'll definitely get more than just a good-night kiss. ;) Good communication and clear expression attract me more than 6-pack abs and nice...eyes. (I'm far more drawn to brains than brawn. If that makes me weird, then move right on!)



Not at all :), Its just my Grammar is terrible, so I have to use other... erm, methods to achieve.

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As a non-native English speaker I ask you native speakers... no, I beg you! Please use proper words and proper spelling!

There is nothing more frustrating than (or 'then'? ;) ) reading something with grammar errors and misspellings. I then have to check the word in dictionary, check if it makes any sense in the sentence and if not check again if the whole sentence is maybe phrasal verb or something like it. And after all this it appears that it was written by some 'looser' who doesn't know his own language ;)

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@tsy: Reference to myself in the 3rd person. I should have known the bar scene was full of cheaters. Though the ones I've had relationships with weren't all that much better. I try not to let it affect me too much, though.


I will say this: Disappearing down the proverbial rabbit hole ain't all it's cracked up to be, even if you do climb back out.

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Want to know what criteria I use for matches, mates, & future dates?




This video also highlights some of my most prevalent "Internet grammar" pet peeves! I always try to avoid them, though I don't always succede--er, succeed! ;)


EDIT/WARNING: VIDEO IS STRICTLY RATED PG-13. There's definitely a reason that the URL has "collegehumor" in it...


Sooooo are you sayin' that you aren't looking for "The Situation" as your man?


I use a lot of slang, and intentional misspellings when typing on more personal forums(ie HERE and Facebook). BUT the thing that drives me batty is when people use "2" and "U" or other IM/text shorthand on non-IM/text messaging sites. I mean, Facebook is full of people who set their status to something along the lines of "Off 2 skl 2 b teached"


@Boba: Um... What?

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Manservant, eh? ;) I might be able to use one, and would most certainly enjoy one! If you're really in Tokyo, that might not work, though, because I'm in the U.S. By the way, you have humbled my haughty grammarian's heart by putting Japanese in your avatar. Even I don't know what it says, or how to draw the characters. Would you please enlighten me? :)




What an incomparable travesty! Were I in your shoes, I would feel the same way. If the Buddhist views on karma are true, I hope the REAL whore got what she deserved!!! And, on my last trip down the proverbial "rabbit hole", I didn't score a "home run", no, but I had my reservations that the guy I was interested in was a charlatan. Dig me? :(



I wrote a story in the CEC that makes fun of this whole (mostly American) cultural phenomenon of "nt cring hw 2 spel R rite nemore." When I wrote it, I had to work very hard to IGNORE the rules of grammar and spelling that had been drummed into my head since childhood. My parents were both teachers, and there was no way that they'd EVER let my sister or me use incorrect grammar. My sister received the worst of it, though, because she more commonly used "me" as a sentence subject than I did:


"Me and Julie went to the store." I cringed and felt sorry for her because she couldn't continue the story until she had corrected her mistake. Sometimes I said that, too.


By the way, does anyone know anyone who says, "It is I"? OH, HELL NO!!!!! ;)

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"It is I" who stand corrected. :) Does anyone remember the 1980's Sesame Street sketch about a pushy, singing purple rabbit named Captain Vegetable? He was trying to get the Muppet kids to chomp on carrots and celery instead of whatever they fancied (candy and spaghetti), like so:


(This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)


I hated Captain Vegetable deep down inside, though I laughed at him. He ruined the Muppet kids' fun, and I liked it when they insulted him. :D

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What an incomparable travesty! Were I in your shoes, I would feel the same way. If the Buddhist views on karma are true, I hope the REAL whore got what she deserved!!! And, on my last trip down the proverbial "rabbit hole", I didn't score a "home run", no, but I had my reservations that the guy I was interested in was a charlatan. Dig me? :(


The jerk store called for more of me, yes. So in a way I kinda got what I deserved as well. I knew that if I didn't stop, though, something worse was surely waiting.


Yeah I dig. Unfortunately, that's a common thing. It takes risk and that's the (beginning) price you might have to pay.

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