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Star Wars: The Chronicles of Jebord Esio & Belcameron Cook (pre-ToR)


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Hey all,


Star Wars: The Tale of Jebord Esio (formerly "The Chronicles of Jebord Esio & Belcameron Cook) is a mod that takes place roughly 20 years before The Old Republic (the mmo). It tells the story of two Jedi, Jebord Esio and Belcameron Cook. The entire storyline starts somewhere around 3675BBY and ends 3645BBY which is when ToR is meant to take place. The mod is now loosely based off Episodes 3 & 5 of the fan fiction I have been writing for 5 years.


Episode/Part One will take place during the years that Jebord becomes a Jedi Knight and infiltrates the Sith. The episode will start off on the Naboo Jedi Enclave, playing as Jebord. You will do a few small quests and then become a Jedi. Now that's when the real quest starts.




Jebord Esio: A reckless Jedi and will do anything to achieve the objectives of his mission, almost always getting him into trouble.


Belcameron Cook: Jebord's most trusted and closest friend. He is a wise yet arrogant Jedi who chooses to follow his own path.


Salamandra Paladin: A Dark Jedi who is a constant evil character throughout the mod.


Phobos: An ally of Jebord and Belcameron.


Constance: A love interest for Jebord. (this character is now confirmed - she will play a vital role)


Karin: A love interest for Belcameron. (This character might be cut - TBA)




Naboo (Enclave only)

Korriban (Maybe - TBA)


Sith Capital Ship




Screenshots will be posted soon.


Thank you,



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Here's an update to confirm the mod is still in production:


I know it isn't impressive, but it's taken me hours of trial and error. First off, the recruitment scripts were failing me, then the rotation of the NPC's was back to front, then... blargh.


Here are some screenshots of the Jedi Academy:


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You first wake up in your dorm room and talk to your protocol droid:




And he introduces your character and surroundings:






And then he tells you that your Master wants to see you:




Your room mates:




A Jedi historian that tells you a lot about The Old Republic (the time era during the upcoming MMO):




This will be the Jedi you duel for your first test to get your lightsaber:




Random Jedi scattered throught the Academy:







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Don't wiry the trial and error is the only way to learn, I did plenty of times spend four times longer on something then I thought it would.


My advice is to create several notepad txt files for organizing what party member equals what number and also create a word doc where you copy and paste any scripts that you might need and came across in Lucasforums

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Impressive work thus far. Not often that one sees someone just pop up with a TC and progress. My only tip is to change the year. the BBY/ABY system didn't exist back then, so it doesn't really hold together canonically speaking. I'm sure Wookieepedia has the proper format for the era somewhere.

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i think BBC and ABC(before battle of coruscant/ after battle of coruscant) would work but I don't know look on wookiepedia.


Nice job so far looks very nice.


Kinda off topic question: What's a selkath? Haven't played Kotor much so if their in that and not tsl I wouldn't know.

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Don't wiry the trial and error is the only way to learn, I did plenty of times spend four times longer on something then I thought it would.


I had some modding experience a few years back, but when I started again, I forgot mostly all of it. Thanks for the advice.


change the year. the BBY/ABY system didn't exist back then


The dialog is still in it's rough draft stage while I do research the correct years/terms. Thanks for your support.


What's a selkath?


Easy answer is that they're a fish species. You visit their home planet, Mannan, in the original KotoR. One of my favorite planets tbh.

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Thanks Silver. Here are a few more screenshots of what I've done in the past few hours:


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Talking to your Master:




And featuring new and custom quests:





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A few changes I've made lately is that I'm changing the title to "The Tale of Jebord Esio". I realised I was too ambitious to pull off doing both Jebord and Belcameron. The mod is also now based loosely off two of their stories, basically combing them both together into one. Instead of Belcameron joining you throughout the mod, he will be making appearances here and there. I've taken the liberty of making a short video of the beginning of the mod. I hope you enjoy it:


(This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)

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Hey great job so far, looks like you're getting the hang of things! My only problem is that the "Jedi Duelist" doesn't use a lightsaber so it looks kind of silly.


But I just have one question: is this opening scene supposed to take place in the same Jedi Enclave from K1 or is it an entirely new location?

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Completely new location. The protocol droid at the start of the video told you that the Enclave/Academy is in the heart of Theed, surrounded by structures to keep it hidden. With regards to the duelist, she was supposed to have a blue lightsaber, but it didn't click with me until you pointed it out, thanks. I would like to say this mod will be completely voiced, but I can assure you that some of the characters will be voiced. My wonderful girlfriend has already agreed to do the Jedi Historian voices.

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I guess I missed the location thing :p


What I would recommend would be to reskin the module if you weren't already planning on doing so. We have all played these games so much that we associate the old modules with the old locations - often a simple reskin can take the player to a totally different place. Just how I feel about that... best of luck with the progression of this!

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I've decided that ever 24-48 hours, I will *show* progress instead of just saying "Oh yeah, I did this, this and this. It looks so epic bla bla". Around about 40-50% of the Enclave has been completed. Most quests have been written and implemented, I'm up to the part where you're introduced to Belcameron Cook for the first time. He has a message for the Master of the Academy, who in then turn will send you on a mission. I want the Enclave to be as indepth as possible, so all Jedi that you see in the level, will have something to say. And some of them will even have small side quests. Such as that Selkath Jedi, you will get to talk to his Master if you want to and try to sort things out between them.


As of now, I'm having a problem with the newly recruited Belcameron following me. He will start following for a few steps then stop, anyone have any clue on how to fix this?


Thanks for the support guys.

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As promised, here is an update with screenies. Progress slowed over the weekend due to real life comittments, which will impact every weekend, but I have made good with the time that I had. Master Hanhar will now give you your first assignment after you have received your lightsaber and robes from Hudson. Here are the screenshots:


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I'm also looking for a beta tester for the Enclave if anyone is interested.


Thanks and enjoy.

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Watched the video, and clips...great work so far. Some suggestions....like Dak said, try to reskin the enclave, even just a little - gives it a new fresh exciting look. Give his sparring partner a lightsaber - seems only fair. Also, little dialog change, maybe after Mstr. Hudson tells him he's ready to become a knight...I didn't care for the "ok. great" response. Maybe, something like " thank you master...or If you believe I am ready..." Something to show his gratitude or some doubt of his skills.....Looks real good so far.Keep it up.

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