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I wanted to decompile a few scripts from the scene in Javyar's cantina when Calo Nerd mops up those Vulkars. Specifically these ones: k_ptar_calobar, K_ptar_flash, k_ptar_gren, and k_ptar_gren2. However every time I try using DeNCS it says the script was partial and it could not recompile. What am I doing wrong?

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The source for most of the k1 scripts are in scripts.bif, and those not there are mostlikely packaged with "#include" files. Those include files cannot be decompiled by DeNCS as they are not actually "there".


The only person in my experience here that might help you with such a task would be stoffe who has decompiled script from the byte code.

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btw, here is very useful info if you have some familiarity with nwscript: http://web.archive.org/web/20050320194731/http://www.torlack.com/nwndata/ncs.html (the real website is gone since a long while but luckily we can still access the content). With this and nwscript.nss , it is not too difficult to figure out the byte code you get when decompiling a script with nwnnsscomp.exe.

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