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Someone identify this track for me?

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Hai guys!

Right, I've been lookin' up some strange 'myths' from GTA San Andreas.

Anyway, was watching this one video (Link) And I'm wondering if anyone can identify the track that starts at 05:35 (minutes & seconds). I'm pretty sure it's some form of dark ambient track but I have no clue which one it is.


Thanks. :thmbup1:

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I can't identify it, but I am pretty sure if it is not an original track by their studios and it's copyrighted, it is listed *somewhere* because they obviously need permission to use it. It is probably listed in the game's "instruction" book or on the map rockstar includes with every copy of the game.


If you're *really* curious, I'm sure you can extract it from PC versions of the game. Being a modder yourself, I can see, you can use tools from here and several other sites I'm sure.


I used tools for Vice city to see what treasures lurked in the depths of the ocean off the shores.

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Hm. Don't know what I can tell you then. Without more specific information, I'm afraid there is little more that can be done.


Maybe try to find out as much about the guy's interests as you can (without becoming a cyber-stalker of course) and it may appear. The guy is apparently into stuff like X-files so it's probably in the haunted, gloomy, mystery, paranormal realm of music genres.

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