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Community Project: Holiday Mods


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I am here to tell you a story. The story starts out something like this: There was once a Kotor modder named Supreme Kotor who was very new to the lucasforums when he discovered the Community Project: Holiday Mods. Supreme Kotor liked the idea very much so much infact that he wanted to contribute, but alas Supreme Kotor did not have the experiance to make anything for the Easter Release this made him sad:(. Then a new day dawned the announcement of the summer release :D. Supreme Kotor was excited to make something for the project. Then Supreme Kotor saw Scorges post and was afraid no one else would make anything and Supreme Kotors Beloved Prjoect would die. Yet still he made something something called Summer Narsahdaa where there are kickable beachballs (That was a major pain) and there was sand on the ground. Wow that was a lot to type -_- bassicly I got some screenshots here of what im working on the Beachballs will come soon enough I can't release all the fun in one post ;).






-Supreme Kotor:thmbup1:

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  Scorge said:
I never mentioned a "summer release" but I'll just go with the flow and add that onto the Fourth of July mod.


Oops :p I will splash in some 4th colors so you can pass it off as 4th of July.


Update: I've been working on it never realized Nar had so many lightmaps but it's not a big deal just time consuming (that's the big reason I don't have more screens) also ran into some problems with beach balls:lol:


Ps. Has anybody ever used TimBobs populate function on custom placeables? Does it work? PM me if you have.


-Supreme Kotor

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Hey guys! :)


So this is less of an update and more of a question. I actuallt finished these Beach Balls early last week but was waiting to show them to you guys untill I actually put them in the game. So then I sat down at my computer launched TSL and started getting coordinates when I realized: "what if the community dosen't like them and I put them in the game for nothing". So heres pics of 2 of them in Gmax(The rest will stay a suprise) what do you guys think? Are they Kotor worthy?


Ball 1

Ball 2


Let me know what you guys think wether it's good or bad.


-Supreme Kotor

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  Zhaboka said:
They look great. Nice and garish. :)

Thanks :)


  Scorge said:
They look awesome, could you edit the Red, white, and blue one with yellow stars? Makes a more 4th of July feel. I still need to wrap everything up, and organise all my ideas.


Ask and you shall recive. I made the stars myslef and im no artist so sorry if they suck. What do ya think?


-Supreme Kotor

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Well guys I finished the lightmaps today and come across a MAJOR problem :mad:. Unless SithSpector or Canderis (Im sure theres more I mention thoose to becuae of darker peraugus and mannan reskins) fealt like saving the day it will no longer be summer Nar it will have to be a diffrent planet. Thats all I have to say to most of you but if your intrested in the problem feel free to read on. :) Well it appers that the lightmaps dont effect every part of nar don't belive me? Have a look. So now that you know what I mean got a sulution?


PS. What should the new summer module be? (If no sulution is found because I really want to do Nar)


-Supreme Kotor

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  Fallen Guardian said:
Maybe change Dantooine's trees into palm trees?

I will check later but I believe there built into the module?

  Sith Holocron said:
Change the skybox to make it look like shore line and ocean walk perhaps?

Consider it done. Although no promises it will be exactly that ;)

  Vindikorr said:
Make the concrete path into sand as well, and give Khoonda a more sandy texture, like the buildings in Anchorhead.


Other than that and the suggestions above, it's looking nice.


I will try I would have to make the textures my self but I will still try.


-Supreme Kotor

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  Fallen Guardian said:
It probably is, actually. They may have models separate from the area, though I doubt that.

Just checked they are built into the area. I will look at the models and see if they have thier own though. :)


  Scorge said:
I'll do the buildings, don't worry about it guys, I'll handle them.


I actually already took care of the outside :oops:. Do you want to do the inside?


Ps. Anyone like the skybox? :lol: No? Ok fine i'll make a new one ;)


-Supreme Kotor

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