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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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Sounds awfull, I'm in the luxe position of being a student living at home...


We did have an annoying neighbour dog aswell... it can drive you crazy. Lets hope that gets dealt with fast for you.


I hope things go better for you in the near future :)

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Hi Guys,

Need some help. I am attempting to create arches that hold up the ceiling over the air traffic area in my taris middle city model. I am wanting to have a few, maybe 3 duplicates of a metal arch over te area where ships fly. In my mind I see the legs of the arch way, and in the middle is an arch over the ship area below the ceiling. I guess it would closely resemble a bridge support?


The width of the traffic area is about 400cm


Can anyone help?

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Can make a little droodle, sketch of what you mean :p


Bit confused. o_Q


Here is what I have been building last few weeks:


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Its a new small project me and GloveMaster have started, its really in just starting phase.

Kids shoes so to say.


Don't know if we'll ever finish this.


Looking forward to the sketch, doesn't need to be "Da Vinci", I know from personal

expierence that it goes easier to model, when I have some sort map and bit of

sketches about of certain details.


Find it difficult to model something coherent out of the blue. :p

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Here are my original sketches I am modeling after. My scanner at work is broke, so I took them with my cell phone and cleaned them up in photoshop.






I will try to explain it all. There is a huge sky box. Inside this skybox will be 2 platforms. The one that the "manbox" is on, that will have shops, and alleys. To the right of the manbox is a gap, that will be for ships flying through, traffic and such.


If you look up, you will see the underside of the uppercity that you previously walked across. You will see the uppercity bridge you walked on, but you will see the underside of it now. Holding the uppercity bridge up will be 2 or 3 of (what you see in the sketch) bridge supports. I want them to be arched like in the photo, a metal looking support. These supports will connect to the upper city bridge above you.


There is a bridge for the PC to walk over to get to more shops and apartments and an elevator to the lower city.


I believe that is it. Thoughts?

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Ah, I see what you're after.


Well I'll try to explain how I would do that.


First I only model the half of that.


Depending on what you use G-Max or 3D Max, the approach is a bit differant.


3ds : Just make a box, convert to poly and use the Connect button to create the starting point for the lowest arch.


Then extrude a couple of steps, then manually move those parts to shape up you're arch.


For the top part the same, a couple of extrudes and manually move those parts to create the arch.


This can be difficult if you got no guide. So perhaps you better make a bit of neat sketch and scan it in. Then place this Scan on a plane 3ds.


You'll have to configure each viewport to show the texture on the plane, though.



In G-Max, you'll have to start with a box, make it the size/height; to where the first arch comes. Then extrude to a new height, this extrude determines how "fat" the arch will be.


Then reapeat for the top arch.


Once there extrude out the parts you need for the arches.


Better get some pictures to show what I mean :lol:


Ow and a handy tip, use ["hidden"]["/hidden"] around your photos/pictures.

Without those quote marks ofcourse.

It makes that spoiler thing ;)


Just handy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

But this group is suppose to be super secret hush hush cool stuff =) I enjoy reading you guys talking about modeling. Where has SS been?


I am getting very excited about the middle city. Once I finish the model I think I will simply ask for volunteers from the third dimension to taxture and put in game lol


Any tips on creating bridges, a tunner bridge similar to the upper city when you go through to the sith base, and railings for around the platforms?

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Seen it ! Looks promising !


Its good you follow some of those comic drawings, if you need more I could give you more of those scans. I found a whole swatch of Kotor comics on some site.


Not very legal I think... but hey...


Ow, sorry to be so late on the tip for the bridges, but here's what I do to get a ruff shape.


1) Make a long flat box. Consider that to be your walkable space of the bridge.


2) Using select poly select the sides of your Box. Extrude, choose to go for thick fat borders, or perhaps more slender ones.


3) Now select the top polys of that previous extrude. Again you can extrude or use bevel to make a sort sloped border.


4) Add some more details, perhaps use Chamfer to round of the hard edges.

YOu can also use connect to cut your bridge in sections, then use inset to create borders on for the floor plates.. etc...


Its short I know ;)


But I got no idea what you're after :p


And I also got some extra shots of my projects ^_^ ; yes a secret ;)


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Hey Doc, welcome back ! :p


I'm not sure what happened in these six months, not much in our little group I think.


Well Disbeliever joined, trying to get his hands dirty with modelling.

SithSpecter is not much on, though he did release a small demo for Sleheyron and said the floating moving Revan cape for K1 was coming along nicely.


I'm still working on various crazy things; recently an area to remember SithRevan by.

Sad news, his twin sister ( LadyRevan) informed us that SR has taken his own life about 2 years back from now. :(


Its why we never heard of him anymore on Team Jawa and here on the bords... real sad news. I would say that this is the biggest thing that happened.


Else there's the usual ton of little mods and newbies joining the Holowan Labs.

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Allright DS, I'll see what I can dig up :)


I'll send you a PM later on.


And here's what I've been doing to day. Texturing my puzzle parts :p

After this batch I need to do my 4 room models.


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Wow very nice, I am impressed. You are very good at kotor modeling. I can only hope my middle city turns out as good.


I am still trying to figure out how to make arches. I am using the connect tool to make a box in a wall, but when I try to edit the vertexs, nothing happens. I know you said "drag" but nothing works. :(


So what is the name of the secret project your working on anyway?


Thanks, I look forward to seeing the scans!

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In addition to the scans Q, how do you move the camera around while in the kotor game and take screen shots?


I am trying to get photos to use on the skybox, and I need a screenshot of the taris buildings from the upper city. Can you somehow fly around as the camera using a certain key command? And how do you take screenies?


thanks man

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Well, I think there is a way you can program cameras into your area, but it involves the .git file. But they would be cameras like you see from a computer terminal when you view other places in the area. If where you want to take your screenshot from is inaccessible, then you can always do a render in Max after importing all the model files and positioning them.

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