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Drunken Time Travelers of StarWarsKNights.com

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*Time portal flashes open, and I stumble back from the past*


God! It's too horrific for words. Michael Jackson's father was Janet Jackson.


*Jumps in a shower with clothes on, stares into the drain, falls into the fetal position, and starts to shiver with fright*


Its all to horrific. I can't shake the replay of events. Must find a keg to kill off the brain cell connected to such memories. No one should have to live with them. Its just not natural.

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*Pulls out a very large keg and starts pouring beer into various bottle for Yar-El*

*As he's handing Yar-El beer bottles* It's ok...It's ok...just keep drinking from the bottle and you'll forget...it's ok...it's ok...don't worry...this is one instance we, the Drunken Time Travelers Of StarWarsKNights cannot Stand for!

*looks at fellow drunkerds*

CQ, Triggergod! Form up! Into the portal! we have a duty! to stop Yar-El from seeing that horrible image!

Grab your guns!

We need to go back and intercept her before she sees that horrible image! Even I, a crazy blaster-happy nutcase, would not wish that fate on my worst enemy!

Drunken Time Travelers...Move out!

*Chev jumps in the portal with Blaster rife in hand*

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*Jumps out of the portal, covered in blood and has wounds all over*

It was...difficult...but the deed is done. *Looks at Yar-El* you don't remeber? well...at least I stopped Yar-El from seeing that horrible image but i'm gonna see it for the rest of my life...but...it was worth it.

*Staggers to the shower and washes the blood off*

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*gets drunk on juma and jumps three days into the future*

Hey*Hic* look at all the gizka running around...*Hic!*

*Gizka suddenly turn at stare at chev*


*Thousands of gizka swarm the time portal and run through it*

*As he's being trampeled by the gizka* Where do you things keep coming from?!

*The last of the gizka run through the portal with chev hot in pursuit*

Give me back my Handmaiden and Juhani novel! It's the only romance novel I have!

*Starts blasting gizka*

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