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Monkey Island Heardle - iMUSE yourself


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Update: Heardle is dead. Long live Guess That Tune!

Ok, this thing may have existed for nine months already, but I haven't heard(le) anyone talking about it so it's time for that to change. Think of it as time spent gestating this thread before I unleashed it upon the world. You're welcome.


It's Monkey Island Heardle, a loving tribute to the bought-by-Spotify-and-then-killed music guessing game Heardle, produced by our own Mintopia (formerly of #monkey-island on IRC and probably the forums, which is more than enough for us to be able to claim someone). I've played it at least three times and it's good! Good, but hard. Sure, I've heard that piece of music a thousand times, but I can I remember where? And what it might be called? No, but I can have 5 seconds of enjoyment in trying.


So, feel free to use this thread to post your Monkey Island Heardle results, as a companion and possible replacement to the Mojole thread which will surely die once Remi inevitably gets cancelled.


Today's effort from me:


Monkey Island Heardle #281




Oh no. A failure.



I can only assume that the superior AMIGA version of Monkey Island 2 doesn't have any music on Dinky Island. And why should it? Less is more, guys.


Edited by Huz
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Ohjeez, that's super difficult. In a fun way though!


Monkey Island Heardle #281





For some reason I thought this could be the music that plays when you're inside the Monkey Head on Monkey Island in Secret, either in the mushroomed hallways or looking down on LeChuck's ship. But I checked afterwards, and the Scummbar music collection this is based on doesn't have anything listed like that. So I may be imagining there even being music there. Time to replay SoMI, I guess...


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3 hours ago, anothercustard said:

Monkey Island Heardle #282




I've listened to Monkey Island 2 music far too much


What timezone are you in?


Edit: I changed my computer clock to get tomorrow's... I still didn't fare any better 🤦‍♂️

Edited by ThunderPeel2001
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Monkey Island Heardle #282




I feel like I've never heard this before in my life. Have I even played Monkey Island 2 SE? The lack of the original title sequence still burns, so I must have.


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HAHA! It's dead, and my extreme JavaScript debugging skills tell me there were only 282 Heardles programmed in. What a time to make a thread.


@Mintopia! WE WANT MODULO! WE WANT MODULO! Not the most catchy slogan, but hopefully effective.

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I've fixed it :)


Monkey Island Heardle #285



Although this is my third time through this 😛

I always planned to rewrite it to make it better, but for something I copied from somewhere else and threw together in about 2 hours, I don't want to put more time in - but as long as everyone is enjoying it, I'm happy! (and yes, I fixed in the worst way possible, but since I didn't write the Javascript, I don't care too much).

Since people are playing it, I'll need to edit some of the tracks - Pirate I was Meant To Be is not obvious enough. Something for me to do when bored at work tomorrow!

Edited by Mintopia
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I've been listening to this music since the midi days back on IRC 25 years ago, I think some of the Escape music may have been given their names by me back then - so I recognise a lot of the music first time through.

Today's however, is a classic I have always loved, a highlight of the game's soundtrack.

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