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Im from the UK and for the past year have been trying to get a hold of a copy of a very old game called Loom. I know its not a MKI game but it is mentioned in MKI 1,2 & 3. I have looked all over, i can find barely no mention of it on any websites and it is the only LucasArts (or Lucas Film as they were back then) that I havent had chance to play and complete. Can anyone help me out?


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Yeah, Lucas Arts should re-release that game, or bundle it in a set or something. I had the talkie version of that game on CD-ROM like in '94 or so. I guess that version is pretty rare. I sold it when I sold my computer. I know the guy I sold it to, I should get it back from him smile.gif LOOM was a great game, too bad more people didn't experience the voice acting on the talkie version, cuz it was pretty darn good voice over work. But alas, I've never seen it for sale anywhere for years.





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  • 2 weeks later...

yes, a LOOM fan!!


loom is my favorite LEC game, and i too have the talkie verson. i also have the mac version on diskett.


let me do some looking around and see if i can find something more about it...



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  • 2 weeks later...

theunderdogs.org doesn't work... at least not for me.


I think that Lucas should have like an Ultra-Archive consisting of:


Maniac Mansion

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

The Secret of Monkey Island

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

Day of the Tentacle

Sam and Max Hit the Road

and any other CLASSIC game I didn't mention.


I mean, Lucasarts isn't making any more money off these games anyways, so they my as well try...


I know I'd buy it, without a doubt, for a minimum of $20.

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In my opinion Loom is GREAT. It's one of my favorite adventure games. So many people say that it sucks because they haven't even played it. I saw a lucasarts archive vol. something in the store and remake of loom was in it. I'm not 100% sure about that but i'm pretty sure.

Loom dares to be differend. :)

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Originally posted by Schmatz

theunderdogs.org doesn't work... at least not for me.

I think this is a good thing.

I mean, Lucasarts isn't making any more money off these games anyways, so they my as well try...

I'm not sure this is the point. Since LucasArts is still selling the game, any site that gives it away is illegal in the eyes of uncle George--(no matter what they call it ...it's warez) and shouldn't be posted here...should it?


If theunderdogs.org is distributing it for lucasarts ...then disregard this post

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You are completely right. They wouldn't be distributing the game for LEC for free if LEC is selling it for money... now would they? Abandonware and such are games that aren't for sale anymore and of which the author has given up all the rights. That means that the only games that can be considered abandonware are games nobody plays anymore... :p

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theunderdogs.org is an established site and has all their games cleared for free distribution. many of the games are not the FULL version and are missing voice or sound, but because of their form they are accepted as abandon ware.


you can read about all of the legality of the site ON the site, any information you would be looking for is on there.


i would not have mentioned the site if it were a 'warez' site, and i do not condone 'warez' in any way. this site is just a resource for games that are no longer distributed by their respective companies.

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Actually, copyright laws are very specific:

"Publishers retain copyright even after a program is removed from the market, which effectively makes that title unavailable"

found from this one source:



There are many sources that might dispute the legality of abandonware that is still for sale or not for sale. LOOM is, obviously, still on the market. All I get is a blank page when I visit the afformentioned site, so I don't know what they have been cleared to distribute.


It is up to the moderators of this forum, of course, but there could be legal reprisals.

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Places to get Loom


Pay 19.99 at Lucasarts.com for Classic Adventures Archives

but the game isn't the 256 color version and isn't talkie


Download 256 color version at underdogs but no sound and no voice.


Can find the CD-ROM version on eBay with prices ranging from 2.00 - 35.00

There is one on there now for 6.50 but I'm buying it so don't even think about it.

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i have that game called LOOM. it is really good. and i have completed it several times. but it took me ages to complete it the 1st time. i cant remember when i got it. i think i probably got it with my computer.

but there is a website.


and it has loads of games like that. it should be in there somewhere. try it out.



P.S why do they keep changing the forum?

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