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Did we learn anything from the LEC chat?


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The only 'noteworthy*' info from the chat, as far as I can tell, is as follows:


1. there will be a PC version of Star Fighter released after Christmas


2. the editing community will be 'happy' with upcoming news about 'improved interactivity' for 'Star Wars games.'


3. Coop play has not yet been ruled out for Jedi Outcast


4. Nothing has been decided yet for Jedi Outcast and Zone support or dedicated servers.


5. There could be another space combat sim from LEC in the future, but no specifics or commitments were made by Jeffery.


* indicates news may not in fact be noteworthy.

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Someone named Liberty asked about a SW adventure game

He said nothink

Some time later someone asked about Gamecube

Then he replied something like "I cant say much, but you can go to bed Liberty"

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Here are the quotes that seemed to convey at least a little bit of quasi-interesting info:


Swoosh: When should we hear information about upcoming Episode 2 titles?


Simon: We will be announcing our Episode II titles during the winter this year.


Bret: Mr. Jeffrey is LA planning on releasing an Space Sims in the near future.


Simon: Space sims are a big part of our legacy, and we will continue to develop them on pretty much all formats going forward - yes!


RAL_Thrawn: LucasArts seems to be trying to establish a better dialog with the fan community. Are there plans to support editng communities for new releases such as Outcast and Galaxies? And even for game such as jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith?


Simon: Thanks for noticing our new effort with regard building and supporting our community. We appreciate everyone's enthusiasm. LucasArts is dilligently working toward accomodating the desires of our fans to allow for a greater level of interaction with our Star Wars and original titles. We can provide any specific details right now, but you'll be hearing more about our plans very soon. We think you'll be happy when we roll the news out.


Simon: Starfighter will be released on PC shortly after the holidays.


inpheaux: Is it safe to assume that the zone won't be the main vehicle for setting up game sof Jedi Outcast, considering that the Quake3 engine has a built-in dedicated server system?


Simon: we're still exploring a bunch of different vehicles for setups RE: Jedi Outcast\. Nothing is really decided at this stage.


Tean: What games get played most around Lucasarts headquarters? -when you're on a break. -Also, what are the chances of seeing a cooperative mode for Jedi Outcast?


Simon: Counterstrike is still the favorite after-hours game. We are still looking into co-oop on JKII

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well, i guess coop may not be decided yet, but i figgured that if they had devloped the idea, and made a small level for E3, they would know what features were going into it... but i guess not, i havent really been around games in developement before...so 'scuze my stupidness...

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