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How old ARe you thread


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Turn 22 on 07/23/2001.


I don't have any kids yet, which is suprising enough. I should be attending U of L or IU(IUS), this fall, if I'm fortunate. Eventually I hope to head to Full Sail and join in on their game designing program.

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Hell, that was a surprise! And I thought I was getting too old for games...I'm 24! :D


By the way, there is no legal age for someone to drink alcohol here in Greece, as long as you don't drink and drive...



[ June 06, 2001: Message edited by: Aragorn ]

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Originally posted by Letalis:

<STRONG>17, almost 18...


Let the legal drinking abound! :D</STRONG>


Yeah, but you'll find it's far less fun when you can do it legally. ;)


I was at school on the day of my 18th birthday, but I was down the pub within 10 minutes of school finishing, for my first legal pint. But it just wasn't the same :(

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yeh ed, im doing AS levels at the mo. Damn Labour!


English lit\lang



Business Studies


I have french 2morrow, so i take it you are doing it as well, good luck!


what did you do in english?




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From this month's Computer Gaming World:


40--Percentage of computer gamers that are women

27--Percentage of console gamers that are women

15--Percentage chance that IDSA makes this stuff up

48--Percentage of Myst players that are women


10--Percentage of CGW who are women

50--Percentage of CGW editors who scream like girls

10--Percentage of CGW editors who throw like girls


Pretty interesting stuff, I must say.


[ June 06, 2001: Message edited by: OnlyOneCanoli ]

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Well, never thought of myself as an old geezer before...but I'll be joining that 42 per cent statistic next year. :D


Although I'm not worried at all by age, or age differences, I do think a lot about how things are going to change. After all, I'm twice the age of some of the people in this thread...so I got to thinking about what games are going to be like in another 17 years (assuming we don't have some major catastrophe with civilisation as we know it).


I really can't imagine what it will be like.


I mean, the first electronic game that I ever owned was a pint-sized version of Space Invaders (wonder what ever happened to that...hmmm...) I can't remember when exactly that was, either, but I know it was quite some time ago...well before the age of consoles, anyway...


The first game I remember playing on a PC (which I believe was an 8086), was Sopwith. Basic CGA graphics (I think there were 4 colours, but I can't be sure). It ran smooth off a 5.25 inch floppy disk (formatted for 360k of course!) The size of the prog was probably under 10k. I seem to recall it ran at something like 4Mhz. When we upgraded the comp to a 80286, Sopwith became unplayable - because it ran too damned fast. That was around 1987-88 (I think).


I remember being introduced to Eye Of The Beholder II around 1991, and compared to what I had been playing, it blew me away with it's graphics, interface, and story.


Now look where we are. Waiting for JKII, with in-game graphics that put yesteryear's CGI pre-rendered animations to shame.


With the way technology is moving at the moment, in 17 years I can imagine the PC as a gaming platform disappearing, to be replaced with a go-anywhere device that looks like some cool wraparound spectacles, giving you a full 180 degrees of virtual gaming mayhem, which allows you to vid-conf with multiple people on different parts of the planet simultaneously, and which you can turn off to become a pair of neat sunglasses.


It's certainly becoming a possibility, with cheap, ultra-high density storage, ultra-long life batteries, super-fast low voltage CPUs etc all in the pipeline for the near future, let alone nearly two decades hence.


What do you people think you'll be playing on, with, when you get to my age? Just curious... ;)

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Sorry for not posting my age sooner. You can blame the school system! (Exams).


I turned 17 in April. The first thing I announced at school on my Bday was exactly as fallows:



Okay, so what I said is not completly true. Up here in CANADA our wonderful "too strong for Americans" beer is only legal (in Ontario) at age of 19. icon13.gif However, since I do live incredibly close to the province of Québec I don't complain. icon14.gif


God bless Québec for the corner stores that sell beer for allmost nothing without bothering checking your ID! icon7.gif . *sniff* It just brings a tear to my eye.


[ June 06, 2001: Message edited by: TheJackal ]

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Hey StormHammer, can you say cyberpunk?!!!

When I remember my days with Amstrad and then think that with my new job I'm planing on buying a Sony LCD projector for my PC I get dizzy...!

I cannot even imagine what I'll be playing in 17 years from now and that's not because I don't have enough imagination...

All I can think of is that massive multiplayer games will dominate the gaming world with reallife quality graphics and incredibly realistic gameworlds. As for the way these games will be playable..., I don't know but my guess is that it won't be with keyboards or even Vagabonds craziest dream of game controllers...

And although many people are affraid of this evolution of technology that is called Virtual Reality and have good reasons to do so, I CANNOT WAIT FOR IT!!! :eek:

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Well, the geezer stat isn't too far down the road for me, either, StormHammer. :( I had to at least have some age category older than mine to classify as geezer.) I'll probably still be playing on my P3 800 when I reach your age ;)


In 17 years, assuming Moore's law holds ( simplifying it to be a doubling in clock speed every 12 months), and starting with a P3 800 MHZ PC today, I'll be playing on a 104,857,600 MHZ PC. Not too shabby!


[ June 07, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Originally posted by wardz:

<STRONG>yeh ed, im doing AS levels at the mo. Damn Labour!


English lit\lang



Business Studies


I have french 2morrow, so i take it you are doing it as well, good luck!


what did you do in english?





Yeah, I had A French Literature exam this morning (2 1/2 hours) followed by a Russian History exam in the afternoon (3 hours). Pretty tough day. Anyway, I'm going to put my feet up tonight and watch the election coverage, in the happy knowledge that my school career is entering its last week. :D

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