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Playable Demo


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Ok. E3 is done with and JKO has been into production for a few months. When do you expect a playable demo will be available? Perhaps they'll release an early build to quench our thirst for the Force!


I know it isn't likely, but I can dream.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Considering how They've dealt with demos of thier other games I'd say the demo will be out at about the same time as the actual game.

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I like to play demo's of games before I buy them, but I don't think it's going to be necessary considering all the good games Raven has released, and just how good of a gaming company they are.


But I am hoping for an early demo or some kind of leaked beta thing.

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When will games developers/publishers learn? Look at id. That's a nice piece of software they got there, the Quake III engine. So good, in fact, that it is being used to power innumerable games, from Elite Force, to Alice to SOF 2. In fact, it's even being used to power this very game, JK II.


Why is it so good? Well perhaps, dear games developers and publishers, it's because id released beta versions of the game, with code intact and a couple of playable levels for people to test. This way, any problems were reported to the developers and most of them were ironed out long before the game's release. The engine is extraordinarily reliable and stable, with few if any glitches on modern hardware. End-user satisfaction was virtually guaranteed, as many of these people buying the game had been actively contributing to its development process by testing the game, providing feedback on it and reporting any bugs they found.


What and entirely ridiculous and extraordinary way of doing things! What will those mad folks at id think up next?


So, come on guys! A beta test is beneficial to both us, the people who will be buying the game, and you, the developers/publishers. We get an early peek at the game, you get comments, feedback and reports of any bugs we find. So come on. Why not? Eh?

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raven do release demos from their games like 3-4 months before crunch mode or something... actually it depends on their mood or something too heretic II has a demo for 5 months, ST:VE i think has a demo when it was about to be released.


they have to finalize something or be happy with the build before they let a demo out.


remember Q3A was test released because of the network optimizations online and the core game renderer itself!


JK2 would be very diffrent unless they made all drastic changes to the renderer and network code. so pre-alpha build "test" release? i think no. :D

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Guest digl

I think LEC will say when the demo is released

No demo will be leaked I think, and I doubt there will be open beta testing

Well just have to wait and see

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Guest Boba Rhett

It's doesn't matter when Raven usually releases their demos. Raven can't release the demo until LucasArts tells them they can.

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LEC is very much in charge of the marketing of this game. It is their exclusive prerogative to decide on the release of screenshots, playable demos, beta tests, and whatnot. Nothing will leave Raven's offices without LEC's say-so: as we all know by now, they're pretty protective of the Star Wars license.


[ June 03, 2001: Message edited by: ed_silvergun ]

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JK was released about 2 weeks before the demo in the US. I looked throught some info about games Raven has made, and they tend to release demos a couple months before the full.


It's almost impossible to tell when the JK2 demo will be released though. LEC has Raven on leash for sure. We've never seen LEC release a game made by another company, so there is are no examples to look at.


[ July 26, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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digl- i think someone went fully off at him for making a new post about something that's official thread hasnt been used in weeks, so maybe he was just being extra cautious before starting a new post on the demo.


i think we should make a general rule that if its not in the last 30-40 topics, it can be re-topiced (word?)


anyway, i believe we'll have a demo around xmas.

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LEC has published a few games that were developed jointly with third parties. For instance, Battle for Naboo and X-Wing Alliance. Both shipped demos near the time the full products were first in stores in the US.


I'd guess we'll get an Outcast demo sometime around product release. Hopefully they won't pull a Dynamix and wait for months after the full product release to publish a demo.

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